# http://pyrocko.org - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
Squirrel online earthquake catalog client.
import os.path as op
import logging
import time
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
from pyrocko import util, progress
from pyrocko.guts import String, Dict, Duration, dump_all
from .base import Source
from ..model import ehash
from ..lock import LockDir
guts_prefix = 'squirrel'
logger = logging.getLogger('psq.client.catalog')
class Link(object):
def __init__(self, tmin, tmax, tmodified, nevents=-1, content_id=None):
self.tmin = tmin
self.tmax = tmax
self.tmodified = tmodified
self.nevents = nevents
self.content_id = content_id
def __str__(self):
return 'span %s - %s, access %s, nevents %i' % (
class NoSuchCatalog(Exception):
def get_catalog(name):
if name == 'geofon':
from pyrocko.client.geofon import Geofon
return Geofon()
elif name == 'gcmt':
from pyrocko.client.globalcmt import GlobalCMT
return GlobalCMT()
elif name == 'isc':
from pyrocko.client.isc import ISC
return ISC()
raise NoSuchCatalog(name)
[docs]class CatalogSource(Source):
Squirrel data-source to transparently access online earthquake catalogs.
The catalog source maintains and synchronizes a partial copy of the online
catalog, e.g. of all events above a certain magnitude. The time span for
which the local copy of the catalog should be up-to date is maintained
automatically be Squirrel. Data is loaded and updated in chunks as
needed in a just-in-time fashion. Data validity can optionally expire after
a given period of time and new data can be treated to be preliminary.
In both cases information will be refreshed as needed.
catalog = String.T(
help='Catalog name.')
query_args = Dict.T(
String.T(), String.T(),
help='Common arguments, which are appended to all queries, e.g. to '
'constrain location, depth or magnitude ranges.')
expires = Duration.T(
help='Expiration time [s]. Information older than this will be '
'refreshed, i.e. queried again.')
anxious = Duration.T(
help='Anxiety period [s]. Information will be treated as preliminary '
'if it was younger than this at the time of its retrieval. '
'Preliminary information is refreshed on each query relevant '
'to it.')
cache_path = String.T(
help='Directory path where the partial local copy of the catalog is '
"kept. By default the Squirrel environment's cache directory is "
def __init__(self, catalog, query_args=None, **kwargs):
Source.__init__(self, catalog=catalog, query_args=query_args, **kwargs)
self._hash = self.make_hash()
self._nevents_query_hint = 1000
self._nevents_chunk_hint = 5000
self._tquery = 3600.*24.
self._tquery_limits = (3600., 3600.*24.*365.)
def describe(self):
return 'catalog:%s:%s' % (self.catalog, self.get_hash())
def setup(self, squirrel, check=True):
self._force_query_age_max = self.anxious
self._catalog = get_catalog(self.catalog)
self._cache_path = op.join(
self.cache_path or squirrel._cache_path,
with LockDir(self._cache_path):
def make_hash(self):
s = self.catalog
if self.query_args is not None:
s += ','.join(
'%s:%s' % (k, self.query_args[k])
for k in sorted(self.query_args.keys()))
s += 'noqueryargs'
return ehash(s)
def get_hash(self):
return self._hash
def update_event_inventory(self, squirrel, constraint=None):
with LockDir(self._cache_path):
assert constraint is not None
if constraint is not None:
tmin, tmax = constraint.tmin, constraint.tmax
tmin_sq, tmax_sq = squirrel.get_time_span(dummy_limits=False)
if tmin is None:
tmin = tmin_sq
if tmax is None:
tmax = tmax_sq
if tmin is None or tmax is None:
'Cannot query catalog source "%s" without time '
'constraint. Could not determine appropriate time '
'constraint from current data holdings (no data?).'
% self.catalog)
if tmin >= tmax:
tmax = tmin
tnow = time.time()
modified = False
if tmax > tnow:
tmax = tnow
chain = []
this_tmin = tmin
for link in self._chain:
if this_tmin < link.tmin and tmax > this_tmin:
chain.append(Link(this_tmin, min(tmax, link.tmin), tnow))
modified = True
this_tmin = link.tmax
if this_tmin < tmax:
chain.append(Link(this_tmin, tmax, tnow))
modified = True
if modified:
self._chain = chain
chain = []
remove = []
for link in self._chain:
if tmin < link.tmax and link.tmin < tmax \
and self._outdated(link, tnow):
if link.content_id:
tmin_query = max(link.tmin, tmin)
tmax_query = min(link.tmax, tmax)
if link.tmin < tmin_query:
chain.append(Link(link.tmin, tmin_query, tnow))
if tmin_query < tmax_query:
for link in self._iquery(tmin_query, tmax_query, tnow):
if tmax_query < link.tmax:
chain.append(Link(tmax_query, link.tmax, tnow))
modified = True
if modified:
self._chain = chain
def _add_events_to_squirrel(self, squirrel):
add = []
for link in self._chain:
if link.content_id:
squirrel.add(add, kinds=['event'], format='yaml')
def _iquery(self, tmin, tmax, tmodified):
nwant = self._nevents_query_hint
tlim = self._tquery_limits
t = tmin
tpack_min = tmin
events = []
with progress.task(
'Querying %s' % self.catalog, 100, logger=logger) as task:
while t < tmax:
tmin_query = t
tmax_query = min(t + self._tquery, tmax)
events_new = self._query(tmin_query, tmax_query)
nevents_new = len(events_new)
while len(events) > int(self._nevents_chunk_hint * 1.5):
tpack_max = events[self._nevents_chunk_hint].time
yield self._pack(
tpack_min, tpack_max, tmodified)
tpack_min = tpack_max
events[:self._nevents_query_hint] = []
t += self._tquery
if tmax_query != tmax:
if nevents_new < 5:
self._tquery *= 10.0
elif not (nwant // 2 < nevents_new < nwant * 2):
self._tquery /= float(nevents_new) / float(nwant)
self._tquery = max(tlim[0], min(self._tquery, tlim[1]))
task.update(int(round(100. * (t-tmin)/(tmax-tmin))))
if self._force_query_age_max is not None:
tsplit = tmodified - self._force_query_age_max
if tpack_min < tsplit < tmax:
events_older = []
events_newer = []
for ev in events:
if ev.time < tsplit:
yield self._pack(
events_older, tpack_min, tsplit, tmodified)
yield self._pack(
events_newer, tsplit, tmax, tmodified)
yield self._pack(events, tpack_min, tmax, tmodified)
def _pack(self, events, tmin, tmax, tmodified):
if events:
content_id = ehash(
self.get_hash() + ' %r %r %r' % (tmin, tmax, tmodified))
path = self._get_events_file_path(content_id)
dump_all(events, filename=path)
content_id = None
return Link(tmin, tmax, tmodified, len(events), content_id)
def query_args_typed(self):
if self.query_args is None:
return {}
type_map = {
'magmin': float,
'magmax': float,
'latmin': float,
'latmax': float,
'lonmin': float,
'lonmax': float,
'depthmin': float,
'depthmax': float}
return dict(
(k, type_map.get(k, str)(v))
for (k, v) in self.query_args.items())
def _query(self, tmin, tmax):
logger.info('Querying catalog "%s" for time span %s - %s.' % (
self.catalog, util.tts(tmin), util.tts(tmax)))
return self._catalog.get_events(
(tmin, tmax),
def _outdated(self, link, tnow):
if link.nevents == -1:
return True
if self._force_query_age_max \
and link.tmax + self._force_query_age_max > link.tmodified:
return True
if self.expires is not None \
and link.tmodified < tnow - self.expires:
return True
return False
def _get_events_file_path(self, fhash):
return op.join(self._cache_path, fhash + '.pf')
def _get_chain_file_path(self):
return op.join(self._cache_path, 'chain.pickle')
def _load_chain(self):
path = self._get_chain_file_path()
if op.exists(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
self._chain = pickle.load(f)
self._chain = []
def _dump_chain(self):
with open(self._get_chain_file_path(), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self._chain, f, protocol=2)
__all__ = [