Source code for pyrocko.squirrel.dataset

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

Portable dataset description.

The :py:class:`Dataset` class defines sets of local and remote data-sources to
be used in combination in Squirrel-based programs. By convention,
Squirrel-based programs accept the ``--dataset`` option to read such dataset
descriptions from file. To add a dataset programmatically, to a
:py:class:`~pyrocko.squirrel.base.Squirrel` instance, use

import os.path as op
import logging

from pyrocko.guts import List, load, StringPattern, String

from ..has_paths import HasPaths
from .client.base import Source
from .client.catalog import CatalogSource
from .client.fdsn import FDSNSource
from .error import SquirrelError
from .selection import re_persistent_name
from .operators.base import Operator

guts_prefix = 'squirrel'

logger = logging.getLogger('psq.dataset')

[docs]class PersistentID(StringPattern): pattern = re_persistent_name
def make_builtin_datasets(): datasets = {} for site in ['isc', 'geofon', 'gcmt']: for magnitude_min in [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]: name = 'events-%s-m%g' % (site, magnitude_min) datasets[name] = Dataset( sources=[ CatalogSource( catalog=site, query_args=dict(magmin=magnitude_min))], comment='Event catalog: %s, minimum magnitude: %g' % ( site, magnitude_min)) for site, network, cha in [ ('bgr', 'gr', 'lh'), ('up', None, None)]: name = 'fdsn-' + '-'.join( x for x in (site, network, cha) if x is not None) query_args = {} comments = ['FDSN: %s' % site] if network is not None: query_args['network'] = network.upper() comments.append('network: %s' % query_args['network']) if cha is not None: query_args['channel'] = cha.upper() + '?' comments.append('channels: %s' % query_args['channel']) datasets[name] = Dataset( sources=[FDSNSource(site=site, query_args=query_args)], comment=', '.join(comments)) from pyrocko import gato datasets['gato-named-arrays'] = gato.get_named_arrays_dataset() arrays = gato.get_named_arrays() for aname in sorted(arrays.keys()): datasets['gato-%s' % aname] = gato.get_named_arrays_dataset(aname) return datasets g_builtin_datasets = None def get_builtin_datasets(): global g_builtin_datasets g_builtin_datasets = make_builtin_datasets() return g_builtin_datasets
[docs]class Dataset(HasPaths): ''' Dataset description. ''' sources = List.T(Source.T()) operators = List.T(Operator.T()) comment = String.T(optional=True) def setup(self, squirrel, check=True): for source in self.sources: squirrel.add_source( source, check=check) for operator in self.operators: squirrel.add_operator(operator) squirrel.update_operator_mappings()
[docs]def read_dataset(path): ''' Read dataset description file. ''' if path.startswith(':'): name = path[1:] datasets = get_builtin_datasets() try: return datasets[name] except KeyError: raise SquirrelError( ('No dataset name given. ' if not name else 'Named dataset not found: %s' % name) + '\n Use `squirrel dataset` to get information about ' 'available datasets. Available:\n' ' %s' % '\n '.join( sorted(datasets.keys()))) try: dataset = load(filename=path) except OSError: raise SquirrelError( 'Cannot read dataset file: %s' % path) if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise SquirrelError('Invalid dataset file "%s".' % path) dataset.set_basepath(op.dirname(path) or '.') return dataset
__all__ = [ 'PersistentID', 'Dataset', 'read_dataset', ]