Source code for pyrocko.dataset.topo.tile

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

Topography tile data model.

import math
import numpy as num
import scipy.signal

from pyrocko.orthodrome import positive_region

km = 1e3

class OutOfBounds(Exception):

[docs]class Tile(object): ''' 2D array of data values which are regularly gridded in lon/lat. ''' def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, dx, dy, data): self.xmin = float(xmin) self.ymin = float(ymin) self.dx = float(dx) self.dy = float(dy) = data self._set_maxes() def _set_maxes(self): self.ny, self.nx = self.xmax = self.xmin + (self.nx-1) * self.dx self.ymax = self.ymin + (self.ny-1) * self.dy def x(self): return self.xmin + num.arange(self.nx) * self.dx def y(self): return self.ymin + num.arange(self.ny) * self.dy def decimate(self, ndeci): assert ndeci % 2 == 0 kernel = num.ones((ndeci+1, ndeci+1)) kernel /= num.sum(kernel) data = scipy.signal.convolve2d(, kernel, mode='valid') = data[::ndeci, ::ndeci].astype( self.xmin += ndeci/2 self.ymin += ndeci/2 self.dx *= ndeci self.dy *= ndeci self._set_maxes() def yextend_with_repeat(self, ymin, ymax): assert ymax >= self.ymax assert ymin <= self.ymin nlo = int(round((self.ymin - ymin) / self.dy)) nhi = int(round((ymax - self.ymax) / self.dy)) nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny data = num.zeros((ny+nlo+nhi, nx), data[:nlo, :] =[nlo, :] data[nlo:nlo+ny, :] = data[nlo+ny:, :] =[-1, :] self.ymin = ymin = data self._set_maxes() def get(self, x, y): ix = int(round((x - self.xmin) / self.dx)) iy = int(round((y - self.ymin) / self.dy)) if 0 <= ix < self.nx and 0 <= iy < self.ny: return[iy, ix] else: raise OutOfBounds()
[docs] @classmethod def from_grd(cls, path): '''Load from GMT .grd''' from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy lon, lat, z = gmtpy.loadgrd(path) return cls(lon[0], lat[0], lon[1] - lon[0], lat[1] - lat[0], z)
def multiple_of(x, dx, eps=1e-5): return abs(int(round(x / dx))*dx - x) < dx * eps def combine(tiles, region=None): if not tiles: return None dx = tiles[0].dx dy = tiles[0].dy dtype = tiles[0].data.dtype assert all(t.dx == dx for t in tiles) assert all(t.dy == dy for t in tiles) assert all( == dtype for t in tiles) assert all(multiple_of(t.xmin, dx) for t in tiles) assert all(multiple_of(t.ymin, dy) for t in tiles) if region is None: xmin = min(t.xmin for t in tiles) xmax = max(t.xmax for t in tiles) ymin = min(t.ymin for t in tiles) ymax = max(t.ymax for t in tiles) else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = positive_region(region) if not multiple_of(xmin, dx): xmin = math.floor(xmin / dx) * dx if not multiple_of(xmax, dx): xmax = math.ceil(xmax / dx) * dx if not multiple_of(ymin, dy): ymin = math.floor(ymin / dy) * dy if not multiple_of(ymax, dy): ymax = math.ceil(ymax / dy) * dy nx = int(round((xmax - xmin) / dx)) + 1 ny = int(round((ymax - ymin) / dy)) + 1 data = num.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=dtype) data[:, :] = 0 for t in tiles: for txmin in (t.xmin, t.xmin + 360.): ix = int(round((txmin - xmin) / dx)) iy = int(round((t.ymin - ymin) / dy)) ixlo = max(ix, 0) ixhi = min(ix+t.nx, nx) iylo = max(iy, 0) iyhi = min(iy+t.ny, ny) jxlo = ixlo-ix jxhi = jxlo + max(0, ixhi - ixlo) jylo = iylo-iy jyhi = jylo + max(0, iyhi - iylo) if iyhi > iylo and ixhi > ixlo: data[iylo:iyhi, ixlo:ixhi] =[jylo:jyhi, jxlo:jxhi] if not num.any(num.isfinite(data)): return None return Tile(xmin, ymin, dx, dy, data)
[docs]def tile_export(tle, path, format='stl', exaggeration=3., socket_scale=1., scale=100): '''Export DEM to 3D printable formats''' import trimesh from pyrocko import geometry from pyrocko.cake import earthradius x = tle.x() x = x - x.min() y = tle.y() y = y - y.min() data = * exaggeration vertices, faces = geometry.topo_to_mesh( y, x, data, earthradius) vertices[:, 0] -= vertices[:, 0].min() nlat = y.size nlon = x.size socket_level = -vertices[:, 0].max() * socket_scale nvertices = vertices.shape[0] south_indices = num.arange(0, nlon) north_indices = num.arange(nvertices - nlon, nvertices) east_indices = num.arange(0, nlat) * nlon west_indices = num.arange(0, nlat) * nlon + nlon - 1 north_indices = north_indices[::-1] east_indices = east_indices[::-1] socket_bottom_faces = [] for border_indices in [north_indices, east_indices, south_indices, west_indices]: nvertices = vertices.shape[0] nfaces = border_indices.size - 1 socket_vertices = vertices[border_indices.astype(int)].copy() socket_vertices[:, 0] = socket_level socket_faces = num.empty((nfaces, 4), dtype=int) for iface in range(nfaces): socket_faces[iface, 0] = iface + nvertices socket_faces[iface, 1] = iface + nvertices + 1 socket_faces[iface, 2] = border_indices[iface+1] socket_faces[iface, 3] = border_indices[iface] vertices = num.vstack((vertices, socket_vertices)) faces = num.vstack((faces, socket_faces)) socket_bottom_faces.append(vertices.shape[0] - nfaces) faces = num.vstack((faces, socket_bottom_faces[::-1])) mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( vertices, faces) mesh.fix_normals() mesh.fill_holes() mesh.apply_scale(scale) with open(path, 'wb') as f: mesh.export(f, file_type=format) return mesh