Source code for pyrocko.has_paths

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------

Support for relative paths in :py:mod:`~pyrocko.guts`-based configuration

from .guts import Object, String
import os.path as op

guts_prefix = 'pf'

def xjoin(basepath, path):
    if path is None and basepath is not None:
        return basepath
    elif op.isabs(path) or basepath is None:
        return path
        return op.join(basepath, path)

def xrelpath(path, start):
    if op.isabs(path):
        return path
        return op.relpath(path, start)

[docs]class Path(String): pass
[docs]class HasPaths(Object): path_prefix = Path.T(optional=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Object.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._basepath = None self._parent_path_prefix = None def ichildren(self): for (prop, val) in self.T.ipropvals(self): if isinstance(val, HasPaths): yield val elif prop.multivalued and val is not None: for ele in val: if isinstance(ele, HasPaths): yield ele def effective_path_prefix(self): return self.path_prefix or self._parent_path_prefix def set_basepath(self, basepath, parent_path_prefix=None): self._basepath = basepath self._parent_path_prefix = parent_path_prefix for val in self.ichildren(): val.set_basepath( basepath, self.effective_path_prefix()) def set_basepath_from(self, other): self.set_basepath(other.get_basepath(), other.effective_path_prefix()) def get_basepath(self): assert self._basepath is not None return self._basepath def change_basepath(self, new_basepath, parent_path_prefix=None): assert self._basepath is not None self._parent_path_prefix = parent_path_prefix if self.path_prefix or not self._parent_path_prefix: self.path_prefix = op.normpath(xjoin(xrelpath( self._basepath, new_basepath), self.path_prefix)) for val in self.ichildren(): val.change_basepath(new_basepath, self.effective_path_prefix()) self._basepath = new_basepath def expand_path(self, path, extra=None): assert self._basepath is not None if extra is None: def extra(path): return path path_prefix = self.effective_path_prefix() if path is None: return None elif isinstance(path, str): return extra( op.normpath(xjoin(self._basepath, xjoin(path_prefix, path)))) else: return [ extra( op.normpath(xjoin(self._basepath, xjoin(path_prefix, p)))) for p in path] def rel_path(self, path): return xrelpath(path, self.get_basepath())