
C-extension supporting


get_traces(filename, dataflag)

Get all traces stored in an mseed file.

mseed_bytes(traces, nbytes[, record_length])

store_traces(traces, filename[, record_length])

get_traces(filename, dataflag)

Get all traces stored in an mseed file.

Returns a list of tuples, one tuple for each trace in the file. Each tuple has 9 elements:

(dataquality, network, station, location, channel,

startime, endtime, samprate, data)

These come straight from the MSTrace data structure, defined and described in libmseed. If dataflag is True, data is a numpy array containing the data. If dataflag is False, the data is not unpacked and data is None.

mseed_bytes(traces, nbytes, record_length=4096)
store_traces(traces, filename, record_length=4096)