

Create result report.


grond report <rundir> ... [options]
grond report <configfile> <eventnames> ...


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


create index only

-s, --serve

start http service

-S, --serve-external

shortcut for –serve –host=default –fixed-port


<ip> to start the http server on. Special values for <ip>: “*” binds to all available interfaces, “default” to default external interface, “localhost” to “”.


set default http server port. Will count up if port is already in use unless –fixed-port is given.


fail if port is already in use

-o, --open

open report in browser


report configuration file to use


write configuration (or default configuration) to FILE


quick-and-dirty update parameter files without plotting


create archive file, even if make_archive in the report configuration file is set to false. The config file default creates no archive.


do not create archive file, even if make_archive in the report configuration file is set to true. The config file default creates no archive.


set logger level to “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, or “debug”. Default is “info”.


status output selection (choices: state, quiet, default: state)


set number of events to process in parallel, if set to more than one, –status=quiet is implied.


set number of threads per process (default: 1). Set to 0 to use all available cores.