Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import errno
import time
import os
import struct
import weakref
import math
import shutil
    import fcntl
except ImportError:
    fcntl = None
import copy
import logging
import re
import hashlib

import numpy as num
from scipy import signal

from . import meta
from .error import StoreError
    from . import store_ext
except ImportError:
    store_ext = None
from pyrocko import util, spit

logger = logging.getLogger('')
op = os.path

# gf store endianness
E = '<'

gf_dtype = num.dtype(num.float32)
gf_dtype_store = num.dtype(E + 'f4')

gf_dtype_nbytes_per_sample = 4

gf_store_header_dtype = [
    ('nrecords', E + 'u8'),
    ('deltat', E + 'f4'),

gf_store_header_fmt = E + 'Qf'
gf_store_header_fmt_size = struct.calcsize(gf_store_header_fmt)

gf_record_dtype = num.dtype([
    ('data_offset', E + 'u8'),
    ('itmin', E + 'i4'),
    ('nsamples', E + 'u4'),
    ('begin_value', E + 'f4'),
    ('end_value', E + 'f4'),

class SeismosizerErrorEnum:
    SUCCESS = 0
    BAD_RECORD = 3
    BAD_STORE = 11

def valid_string_id(s):
    return re.match(meta.StringID.pattern, s)

def check_string_id(s):
    if not valid_string_id(s):
        raise ValueError('invalid name %s' % s)

# - data_offset
# Data file offset of first sample in bytes (the seek value).
# Special values:
#  0x00 - missing trace
#  0x01 - zero trace (GF trace is physically zero)
#  0x02 - short trace of 1 or 2 samples (no need for data allocation)
# - itmin
# Time of first sample of the trace as a multiple of the sampling interval. All
# GF samples must be evaluated at multiples of the sampling interval with
# respect to a global reference time zero. Must be set also for zero traces.
# - nsamples
# Number of samples in the GF trace. Should be set to zero for zero traces.
# - begin_value, end_value
# Values of first and last sample. These values are included in data[]
# redunantly.

[docs]class NotMultipleOfSamplingInterval(Exception): pass
sampling_check_eps = 1e-5
[docs]class GFTrace(object): ''' Green's Function trace class for handling traces from the GF store. ''' @classmethod def from_trace(cls, tr): return cls(data=tr.ydata.copy(), tmin=tr.tmin, deltat=tr.deltat) def __init__(self, data=None, itmin=None, deltat=1.0, is_zero=False, begin_value=None, end_value=None, tmin=None): assert sum((x is None) for x in (tmin, itmin)) == 1, \ 'GFTrace: either tmin or itmin must be given'\ if tmin is not None: itmin = int(round(tmin / deltat)) if abs(itmin*deltat - tmin) > sampling_check_eps*deltat: raise NotMultipleOfSamplingInterval( 'GFTrace: tmin (%g) is not a multiple of sampling ' 'interval (%g)' % (tmin, deltat)) if data is not None: data = num.asarray(data, dtype=gf_dtype) else: data = num.array([], dtype=gf_dtype) begin_value = 0.0 end_value = 0.0 = weakref.ref(data)() self.itmin = itmin self.deltat = deltat self.is_zero = is_zero self.n_records_stacked = 0. self.t_stack = 0. self.t_optimize = 0. self.err = SeismosizerErrorEnum.SUCCESS if data is not None and data.size > 0: if begin_value is None: begin_value = data[0] if end_value is None: end_value = data[-1] self.begin_value = begin_value self.end_value = end_value @property def t(self): ''' Time vector of the GF trace. :returns: Time vector :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` ''' return num.linspace( self.itmin*self.deltat, (*self.deltat, def __str__(self, itmin=0): if self.is_zero: return 'ZERO' s = [] for i in range(itmin, self.itmin + if i >= self.itmin and i < self.itmin + s.append('%7.4g' %[i-self.itmin]) else: s.append(' '*7) return '|'.join(s) def to_trace(self, net, sta, loc, cha): from pyrocko import trace return trace.Trace( net, sta, loc, cha,, deltat=self.deltat, tmin=self.itmin*self.deltat)
class GFValue(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.n_records_stacked = 0. self.t_stack = 0. self.t_optimize = 0. Zero = GFTrace(is_zero=True, itmin=0) def make_same_span(tracesdict): traces = tracesdict.values() nonzero = [tr for tr in traces if not tr.is_zero] if not nonzero: return {k: Zero for k in tracesdict.keys()} deltat = nonzero[0].deltat itmin = min(tr.itmin for tr in nonzero) itmax = max( for tr in nonzero) - 1 out = {} for k, tr in tracesdict.items(): n = itmax - itmin + 1 if tr.itmin != itmin or != n: data = num.zeros(n, dtype=gf_dtype) if not tr.is_zero: lo = tr.itmin-itmin hi = lo + data[:lo] =[0] data[lo:hi] = data[hi:] =[-1] tr = GFTrace(data, itmin, deltat) out[k] = tr return out
[docs]class CannotCreate(StoreError): pass
[docs]class CannotOpen(StoreError): pass
[docs]class DuplicateInsert(StoreError): pass
class ShortRead(StoreError): def __str__(self): return 'unexpected end of data (truncated traces file?)'
[docs]class NotAllowedToInterpolate(StoreError): def __str__(self): return 'not allowed to interpolate'
[docs]class NoSuchExtra(StoreError): def __init__(self, s): StoreError.__init__(self) self.value = s def __str__(self): return 'extra information for key "%s" not found.' % self.value
[docs]class NoSuchPhase(StoreError): def __init__(self, s): StoreError.__init__(self) self.value = s def __str__(self): return 'phase for key "%s" not found. ' \ 'Running "fomosto ttt" may be needed.' % self.value
def remove_if_exists(fn, force=False): if os.path.exists(fn): if force: os.remove(fn) else: raise CannotCreate('file %s already exists' % fn) def get_extra_path(store_dir, key): check_string_id(key) return os.path.join(store_dir, 'extra', key) class BaseStore(object): @staticmethod def lock_fn_(store_dir): return os.path.join(store_dir, 'lock') @staticmethod def index_fn_(store_dir): return os.path.join(store_dir, 'index') @staticmethod def data_fn_(store_dir): return os.path.join(store_dir, 'traces') @staticmethod def config_fn_(store_dir): return os.path.join(store_dir, 'config') @staticmethod def create(store_dir, deltat, nrecords, force=False): try: util.ensuredir(store_dir) except Exception: raise CannotCreate('cannot create directory %s' % store_dir) index_fn = BaseStore.index_fn_(store_dir) data_fn = BaseStore.data_fn_(store_dir) for fn in (index_fn, data_fn): remove_if_exists(fn, force) with open(index_fn, 'wb') as f: f.write(struct.pack(gf_store_header_fmt, nrecords, deltat)) records = num.zeros(nrecords, dtype=gf_record_dtype) records.tofile(f) with open(data_fn, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'\0' * 32) def __init__(self, store_dir, mode='r', use_memmap=True): assert mode in 'rw' self.store_dir = store_dir self.mode = mode self._use_memmap = use_memmap self._nrecords = None self._deltat = None self._f_index = None self._f_data = None self._records = None self.cstore = None def open(self): assert self._f_index is None index_fn = self.index_fn() data_fn = self.data_fn() if self.mode == 'r': fmode = 'rb' elif self.mode == 'w': fmode = 'r+b' else: assert False, 'invalid mode: %s' % self.mode try: self._f_index = open(index_fn, fmode) self._f_data = open(data_fn, fmode) except Exception: self.mode = '' raise CannotOpen('cannot open gf store: %s' % self.store_dir) try: # replace single precision deltat value in store with the double # precision value from the config, if available self.cstore = store_ext.store_init( self._f_index.fileno(), self._f_data.fileno(), self.get_deltat() or 0.0) except store_ext.StoreExtError as e: raise StoreError(str(e)) while True: try: dataheader = break except IOError as e: # occasionally got this one on an NFS volume if e.errno == errno.EBUSY: time.sleep(0.01) else: raise nrecords, deltat = struct.unpack(gf_store_header_fmt, dataheader) self._nrecords = nrecords self._deltat = deltat self._load_index() def __del__(self): if self.mode != '': self.close() def lock(self): if not fcntl: lock_fn = self.lock_fn() util.create_lockfile(lock_fn) else: if not self._f_index: while True: try: fcntl.lockf(self._f_index, fcntl.LOCK_EX) break except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOLCK: time.sleep(0.01) else: raise def unlock(self): if not fcntl: lock_fn = self.lock_fn() util.delete_lockfile(lock_fn) else: self._f_data.flush() self._f_index.flush() fcntl.lockf(self._f_index, fcntl.LOCK_UN) def put(self, irecord, trace): self._put(irecord, trace) def get_record(self, irecord): return self._get_record(irecord) def get_span(self, irecord, decimate=1): return self._get_span(irecord, decimate=decimate) def get(self, irecord, itmin=None, nsamples=None, decimate=1, implementation='c'): return self._get(irecord, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation) def sum(self, irecords, delays, weights, itmin=None, nsamples=None, decimate=1, implementation='c', optimization='enable'): return self._sum(irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation, optimization) def irecord_format(self): return util.zfmt(self._nrecords) def str_irecord(self, irecord): return self.irecord_format() % irecord def close(self): if self.mode == 'w': if not self._f_index: self._save_index() if self._f_data: self._f_data.close() self._f_data = None if self._f_index: self._f_index.close() self._f_index = None del self._records self._records = None self.mode = '' def _get_record(self, irecord): if not self._f_index: return self._records[irecord] def _get(self, irecord, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation): ''' Retrieve complete GF trace from storage. ''' if not self._f_index: if not self.mode == 'r': raise StoreError('store not open in read mode') if implementation == 'c' and decimate == 1: if nsamples is None: nsamples = -1 if itmin is None: itmin = 0 try: return GFTrace(*store_ext.store_get( self.cstore, int(irecord), int(itmin), int(nsamples))) except store_ext.StoreExtError as e: raise StoreError(str(e)) else: return self._get_impl_reference(irecord, itmin, nsamples, decimate) def get_deltat(self): return self._deltat def _get_impl_reference(self, irecord, itmin, nsamples, decimate): deltat = self.get_deltat() if not (0 <= irecord < self._nrecords): raise StoreError('invalid record number requested ' '(irecord = %i, nrecords = %i)' % (irecord, self._nrecords)) ipos, itmin_data, nsamples_data, begin_value, end_value = \ self._records[irecord] if None in (itmin, nsamples): itmin = itmin_data itmax = itmin_data + nsamples_data - 1 nsamples = nsamples_data else: itmin = itmin * decimate nsamples = nsamples * decimate itmax = itmin + nsamples - decimate if ipos == 0: return None elif ipos == 1: itmin_ext = (max(itmin, itmin_data)//decimate) * decimate return GFTrace(is_zero=True, itmin=itmin_ext//decimate) if decimate == 1: ilo = max(itmin, itmin_data) - itmin_data ihi = min(itmin+nsamples, itmin_data+nsamples_data) - itmin_data data = self._get_data(ipos, begin_value, end_value, ilo, ihi) return GFTrace(data, itmin=itmin_data+ilo, deltat=deltat, begin_value=begin_value, end_value=end_value) else: itmax_data = itmin_data + nsamples_data - 1 # put begin and end to multiples of new sampling rate itmin_ext = (max(itmin, itmin_data)//decimate) * decimate itmax_ext = -((-min(itmax, itmax_data))//decimate) * decimate nsamples_ext = itmax_ext - itmin_ext + 1 # add some padding for the aa filter order = 30 itmin_ext_pad = itmin_ext - order//2 itmax_ext_pad = itmax_ext + order//2 nsamples_ext_pad = itmax_ext_pad - itmin_ext_pad + 1 itmin_overlap = max(itmin_data, itmin_ext_pad) itmax_overlap = min(itmax_data, itmax_ext_pad) ilo = itmin_overlap - itmin_ext_pad ihi = max(ilo, itmax_overlap - itmin_ext_pad + 1) ilo_data = itmin_overlap - itmin_data ihi_data = max(ilo_data, itmax_overlap - itmin_data + 1) data_ext_pad = num.empty(nsamples_ext_pad, dtype=gf_dtype) data_ext_pad[ilo:ihi] = self._get_data( ipos, begin_value, end_value, ilo_data, ihi_data) data_ext_pad[:ilo] = begin_value data_ext_pad[ihi:] = end_value b = signal.firwin(order + 1, 1. / decimate, window='hamming') a = 1. data_filt_pad = signal.lfilter(b, a, data_ext_pad) data_deci = data_filt_pad[order:order+nsamples_ext:decimate] if data_deci.size >= 1: if itmin_ext <= itmin_data: data_deci[0] = begin_value if itmax_ext >= itmax_data: data_deci[-1] = end_value return GFTrace(data_deci, itmin_ext//decimate, deltat*decimate, begin_value=begin_value, end_value=end_value) def _get_span(self, irecord, decimate=1): ''' Get temporal extent of GF trace at given index. ''' if not self._f_index: assert 0 <= irecord < self._nrecords, \ 'irecord = %i, nrecords = %i' % (irecord, self._nrecords) (_, itmin, nsamples, _, _) = self._records[irecord] itmax = itmin + nsamples - 1 if decimate == 1: return itmin, itmax else: if nsamples == 0: return itmin//decimate, itmin//decimate - 1 else: return itmin//decimate, -((-itmax)//decimate) def _put(self, irecord, trace): ''' Save GF trace to storage. ''' if not self._f_index: deltat = self.get_deltat() assert self.mode == 'w' assert trace.is_zero or \ abs(trace.deltat - deltat) < 1e-7 * deltat assert 0 <= irecord < self._nrecords, \ 'irecord = %i, nrecords = %i' % (irecord, self._nrecords) if self._records[irecord][0] != 0: raise DuplicateInsert('record %i already in store' % irecord) if trace.is_zero or num.all( == 0.0): self._records[irecord] = (1, trace.itmin, 0, 0., 0.) return ndata = if ndata > 2:, 2) ipos = self._f_data.tell() else: ipos = 2 self._records[irecord] = (ipos, trace.itmin, ndata,[0],[-1]) def _sum_impl_alternative(self, irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate): ''' Sum delayed and weighted GF traces. ''' if not self._f_index: assert self.mode == 'r' deltat = self.get_deltat() * decimate if len(irecords) == 0: if None in (itmin, nsamples): return Zero else: return GFTrace( num.zeros(nsamples, dtype=gf_dtype), itmin, deltat, is_zero=True) assert len(irecords) == len(delays) assert len(irecords) == len(weights) if None in (itmin, nsamples): itmin_delayed, itmax_delayed = [], [] for irecord, delay in zip(irecords, delays): itmin, itmax = self._get_span(irecord, decimate=decimate) itmin_delayed.append(itmin + delay/deltat) itmax_delayed.append(itmax + delay/deltat) itmin = int(math.floor(min(itmin_delayed))) nsamples = int(math.ceil(max(itmax_delayed))) - itmin + 1 out = num.zeros(nsamples, dtype=gf_dtype) if nsamples == 0: return GFTrace(out, itmin, deltat) for ii in range(len(irecords)): irecord = irecords[ii] delay = delays[ii] weight = weights[ii] if weight == 0.0: continue idelay_floor = int(math.floor(delay/deltat)) idelay_ceil = int(math.ceil(delay/deltat)) gf_trace = self._get( irecord, itmin - idelay_ceil, nsamples + idelay_ceil - idelay_floor, decimate, 'reference') assert gf_trace.itmin >= itmin - idelay_ceil assert <= nsamples + idelay_ceil - idelay_floor if gf_trace.is_zero: continue ilo = gf_trace.itmin - itmin + idelay_floor ihi = ilo + + (idelay_ceil-idelay_floor) data = if idelay_floor == idelay_ceil: out[ilo:ihi] += data * weight else: if data.size: k = 1 if ihi <= nsamples: out[ihi-1] += gf_trace.end_value * \ ((idelay_ceil-delay/deltat) * weight) k = 0 out[ilo+1:ihi-k] += data[:data.size-k] * \ ((delay/deltat-idelay_floor) * weight) k = 1 if ilo >= 0: out[ilo] += gf_trace.begin_value * \ ((delay/deltat-idelay_floor) * weight) k = 0 out[ilo+k:ihi-1] += data[k:] * \ ((idelay_ceil-delay/deltat) * weight) if ilo > 0 and gf_trace.begin_value != 0.0: out[:ilo] += gf_trace.begin_value * weight if ihi < nsamples and gf_trace.end_value != 0.0: out[ihi:] += gf_trace.end_value * weight return GFTrace(out, itmin, deltat) def _sum_impl_reference(self, irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate): if not self._f_index: deltat = self.get_deltat() * decimate if len(irecords) == 0: if None in (itmin, nsamples): return Zero else: return GFTrace( num.zeros(nsamples, dtype=gf_dtype), itmin, deltat, is_zero=True) datas = [] itmins = [] for i, delay, weight in zip(irecords, delays, weights): tr = self._get(i, None, None, decimate, 'reference') idelay_floor = int(math.floor(delay/deltat)) idelay_ceil = int(math.ceil(delay/deltat)) if idelay_floor == idelay_ceil: itmins.append(tr.itmin + idelay_floor) datas.append(*weight) else: itmins.append(tr.itmin + idelay_floor) datas.append(*weight*(idelay_ceil-delay/deltat)) itmins.append(tr.itmin + idelay_ceil) datas.append(*weight*(delay/deltat-idelay_floor)) itmin_all = min(itmins) itmax_all = max(itmin_ + data.size for (itmin_, data) in zip(itmins, datas)) if itmin is not None: itmin_all = min(itmin_all, itmin) if nsamples is not None: itmax_all = max(itmax_all, itmin+nsamples) nsamples_all = itmax_all - itmin_all arr = num.zeros((len(datas), nsamples_all), dtype=gf_dtype) for i, itmin_, data in zip(num.arange(len(datas)), itmins, datas): if data.size > 0: ilo = itmin_-itmin_all ihi = ilo + data.size arr[i, :ilo] = data[0] arr[i, ilo:ihi] = data arr[i, ihi:] = data[-1] sum_arr = arr.sum(axis=0) if itmin is not None and nsamples is not None: ilo = itmin-itmin_all ihi = ilo + nsamples sum_arr = sum_arr[ilo:ihi] else: itmin = itmin_all return GFTrace(sum_arr, itmin, deltat) def _optimize(self, irecords, delays, weights): if num.unique(irecords).size == irecords.size: return irecords, delays, weights deltat = self.get_deltat() delays = delays / deltat irecords2 = num.repeat(irecords, 2) delays2 = num.empty(irecords2.size, dtype=float) delays2[0::2] = num.floor(delays) delays2[1::2] = num.ceil(delays) weights2 = num.repeat(weights, 2) weights2[0::2] *= 1.0 - (delays - delays2[0::2]) weights2[1::2] *= (1.0 - (delays2[1::2] - delays)) * \ (delays2[1::2] - delays2[0::2]) delays2 *= deltat iorder = num.lexsort((delays2, irecords2)) irecords2 = irecords2[iorder] delays2 = delays2[iorder] weights2 = weights2[iorder] ui = num.empty(irecords2.size, dtype=num.bool) ui[1:] = num.logical_or(num.diff(irecords2) != 0, num.diff(delays2) != 0.) ui[0] = 0 ind2 = num.cumsum(ui) ui[0] = 1 ind1 = num.where(ui)[0] irecords3 = irecords2[ind1] delays3 = delays2[ind1] weights3 = num.bincount(ind2, weights2) return irecords3, delays3, weights3 def _sum(self, irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation, optimization): if not self._f_index: t0 = time.time() if optimization == 'enable': irecords, delays, weights = self._optimize( irecords, delays, weights) else: assert optimization == 'disable' t1 = time.time() deltat = self.get_deltat() if implementation == 'c' and decimate == 1: if delays.size != 0: itoffset = int(num.floor(num.min(delays)/deltat)) else: itoffset = 0 if nsamples is None: nsamples = -1 if itmin is None: itmin = 0 else: itmin -= itoffset try: tr = GFTrace(*store_ext.store_sum( self.cstore, irecords.astype(num.uint64), delays - itoffset*deltat, weights.astype(num.float32), int(itmin), int(nsamples))) tr.itmin += itoffset except store_ext.StoreExtError as e: raise StoreError(str(e) + ' in store %s' % self.store_dir) elif implementation == 'alternative': tr = self._sum_impl_alternative(irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate) else: tr = self._sum_impl_reference(irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate) t2 = time.time() tr.n_records_stacked = irecords.size tr.t_optimize = t1 - t0 tr.t_stack = t2 - t1 return tr def _sum_statics(self, irecords, delays, weights, it, ntargets, nthreads): if not self._f_index: return store_ext.store_sum_static( self.cstore, irecords, delays, weights, it, ntargets, nthreads) def _load_index(self): if self._use_memmap: records = num.memmap( self._f_index, dtype=gf_record_dtype, offset=gf_store_header_fmt_size, mode=('r', 'r+')[self.mode == 'w']) else: records = num.fromfile(self._f_index, dtype=gf_record_dtype) assert len(records) == self._nrecords self._records = records def _save_index(self): self._f_index.write(struct.pack(gf_store_header_fmt, self._nrecords, self.get_deltat())) if self._use_memmap: self._records.flush() else: self._records.tofile(self._f_index) self._f_index.flush() def _get_data(self, ipos, begin_value, end_value, ilo, ihi): if ihi - ilo > 0: if ipos == 2: data_orig = num.empty(2, dtype=gf_dtype) data_orig[0] = begin_value data_orig[1] = end_value return data_orig[ilo:ihi] else: int(ipos + ilo*gf_dtype_nbytes_per_sample)) arr = num.fromfile( self._f_data, gf_dtype_store, ihi-ilo).astype(gf_dtype) if arr.size != ihi-ilo: raise ShortRead() return arr else: return num.empty((0,), dtype=gf_dtype) def lock_fn(self): return BaseStore.lock_fn_(self.store_dir) def index_fn(self): return BaseStore.index_fn_(self.store_dir) def data_fn(self): return BaseStore.data_fn_(self.store_dir) def config_fn(self): return BaseStore.config_fn_(self.store_dir) def count_special_records(self): if not self._f_index: return num.histogram(self._records['data_offset'], bins=[0, 1, 2, 3, num.uint64(-1)])[0] @property def size_index(self): return os.stat(self.index_fn()).st_size @property def size_data(self): return os.stat(self.data_fn()).st_size @property def size_index_and_data(self): return self.size_index + self.size_data @property def size_index_and_data_human(self): return util.human_bytesize(self.size_index_and_data) def stats(self): counter = self.count_special_records() stats = dict( total=self._nrecords, inserted=(counter[1] + counter[2] + counter[3]), empty=counter[0], short=counter[2], zero=counter[1], size_data=self.size_data, size_index=self.size_index, ) return stats stats_keys = 'total inserted empty short zero size_data size_index'.split() def remake_dir(dpath, force): if os.path.exists(dpath): if force: shutil.rmtree(dpath) else: raise CannotCreate('Directory "%s" already exists.' % dpath) os.mkdir(dpath) class MakeTimingParamsFailed(StoreError): pass
[docs]class Store(BaseStore): ''' Green's function disk storage and summation machine. The `Store` can be used to efficiently store, retrieve, and sum Green's function traces. A `Store` contains many 1D time traces sampled at even multiples of a global sampling rate, where each time trace has an individual start and end time. The traces are treated as having repeating end points, so the functions they represent can be non-constant only between begin and end time. It provides capabilities to retrieve decimated traces and to extract parts of the traces. The main purpose of this class is to provide a fast, easy to use, and flexible machanism to compute weighted delay-and-sum stacks with many Green's function traces involved. Individual Green's functions are accessed through a single integer index at low level. On top of that, various indexing schemes can be implemented by providing a mapping from physical coordinates to the low level index `i`. E.g. for a problem with cylindrical symmetry, one might define a mapping from the coordinates (`receiver_depth`, `source_depth`, `distance`) to the low level index. Index translation is done in the :py:class:`` subclass object associated with the Store. It is accessible through the store's :py:attr:`config` attribute, and contains all meta information about the store, including physical extent, geometry, sampling rate, and information about the type of the stored Green's functions. Information about the underlying earth model can also be found there. A GF store can also contain tabulated phase arrivals. In basic cases, these can be created with the :py:meth:`make_ttt` and evaluated with the :py:func:`t` methods. .. attribute:: config The :py:class:`` derived object associated with the store which contains all meta information about the store and provides the high-level to low-level index mapping. .. attribute:: store_dir Path to the store's data directory. .. attribute:: mode The mode in which the store is opened: ``'r'``: read-only, ``'w'``: writeable. '''
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, store_dir, config, force=False, extra=None): ''' Create new GF store. Creates a new GF store at path ``store_dir``. The layout of the GF is defined with the parameters given in ``config``, which should be an object of a subclass of :py:class:``. This function will refuse to overwrite an existing GF store, unless ``force`` is set to ``True``. If more information, e.g. parameters used for the modelling code, earth models or other, should be saved along with the GF store, these may be provided though a dict given to ``extra``. The keys of this dict must be names and the values must be *guts* type objects. :param store_dir: GF store path :type store_dir: str :param config: GF store Config :type config: :py:class:`` :param force: Force overwrite, defaults to ``False`` :type force: bool :param extra: Extra information :type extra: dict or None ''' cls.create_editables(store_dir, config, force=force, extra=extra) cls.create_dependants(store_dir, force=force) return cls(store_dir)
@staticmethod def create_editables(store_dir, config, force=False, extra=None): try: util.ensuredir(store_dir) except Exception: raise CannotCreate('cannot create directory %s' % store_dir) fns = [] config_fn = os.path.join(store_dir, 'config') remove_if_exists(config_fn, force) meta.dump(config, filename=config_fn) fns.append(config_fn) for sub_dir in ['extra']: dpath = os.path.join(store_dir, sub_dir) remake_dir(dpath, force) if extra: for k, v in extra.items(): fn = get_extra_path(store_dir, k) remove_if_exists(fn, force) meta.dump(v, filename=fn) fns.append(fn) return fns @staticmethod def create_dependants(store_dir, force=False): config_fn = os.path.join(store_dir, 'config') config = meta.load(filename=config_fn) BaseStore.create(store_dir, config.deltat, config.nrecords, force=force) for sub_dir in ['decimated']: dpath = os.path.join(store_dir, sub_dir) remake_dir(dpath, force) def __init__(self, store_dir, mode='r', use_memmap=True): BaseStore.__init__(self, store_dir, mode=mode, use_memmap=use_memmap) config_fn = self.config_fn() if not os.path.isfile(config_fn): raise StoreError( 'directory "%s" does not seem to contain a GF store ' '("config" file not found)' % store_dir) self.load_config() self._decimated = {} self._extra = {} self._phases = {} for decimate in range(2, 9): if os.path.isdir(self._decimated_store_dir(decimate)): self._decimated[decimate] = None def open(self): if not self._f_index: c = self.config mscheme = 'type_' + c.short_type.lower() store_ext.store_mapping_init( self.cstore, mscheme, c.mins, c.maxs, c.deltas, c.ns.astype(num.uint64), c.ncomponents) def save_config(self, make_backup=False): config_fn = self.config_fn() if make_backup: os.rename(config_fn, config_fn + '~') meta.dump(self.config, filename=config_fn) def get_deltat(self): return self.config.deltat def load_config(self): self.config = meta.load(filename=self.config_fn()) def ensure_reference(self, force=False): if self.config.reference is not None and not force: return self.ensure_uuid() reference = '%s-%s' % (, self.config.uuid[0:6]) if self.config.reference is not None: self.config.reference = reference self.save_config() else: with open(self.config_fn(), 'a') as config: config.write('reference: %s\n' % reference) self.load_config() def ensure_uuid(self, force=False): if self.config.uuid is not None and not force: return uuid = self.create_store_hash() if self.config.uuid is not None: self.config.uuid = uuid self.save_config() else: with open(self.config_fn(), 'a') as config: config.write('\nuuid: %s\n' % uuid) self.load_config() def create_store_hash(self):'creating hash for store ...') m = hashlib.sha1() traces_size = op.getsize(self.data_fn()) with open(self.data_fn(), 'rb') as traces: while traces.tell() < traces_size: m.update( * 1024 * 10, 1) with open(self.config_fn(), 'rb') as config: m.update( return m.hexdigest() def get_extra_path(self, key): return get_extra_path(self.store_dir, key)
[docs] def get_extra(self, key): ''' Get extra information stored under given key. ''' x = self._extra if key not in x: fn = self.get_extra_path(key) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise NoSuchExtra(key) x[key] = meta.load(filename=fn) return x[key]
[docs] def upgrade(self): ''' Upgrade store config and files to latest Pyrocko version. ''' fns = [os.path.join(self.store_dir, 'config')] for key in self.extra_keys(): fns.append(self.get_extra_path(key)) i = 0 for fn in fns: i += util.pf_upgrade(fn) return i
def extra_keys(self): return [x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.store_dir, 'extra')) if valid_string_id(x)]
[docs] def put(self, args, trace): ''' Insert trace into GF store. Store a single GF trace at (high-level) index ``args``. :param args: :py:class:`` index tuple, e.g. ``(source_depth, distance, component)`` as in :py:class:``. :type args: tuple :returns: GF trace at ``args`` :rtype: :py:class:`` ''' irecord = self.config.irecord(*args) self._put(irecord, trace)
def get_record(self, args): irecord = self.config.irecord(*args) return self._get_record(irecord) def str_irecord(self, args): return BaseStore.str_irecord(self, self.config.irecord(*args))
[docs] def get(self, args, itmin=None, nsamples=None, decimate=1, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', implementation='c'): ''' Retrieve GF trace from store. Retrieve a single GF trace from the store at (high-level) index ``args``. By default, the full trace is retrieved. Given ``itmin`` and ``nsamples``, only the selected portion of the trace is extracted. If ``decimate`` is an integer in the range [2,8], the trace is decimated on the fly or, if available, the trace is read from a decimated version of the GF store. :param args: :py:class:`` index tuple, e.g. ``(source_depth, distance, component)`` as in :py:class:``. :type args: tuple :param itmin: Start time index (start time is ``itmin * dt``), defaults to None :type itmin: int or None :param nsamples: Number of samples, defaults to None :type nsamples: int or None :param decimate: Decimatation factor, defaults to 1 :type decimate: int :param interpolation: Interpolation method ``['nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear', 'off']``, defaults to ``'nearest_neighbor'`` :type interpolation: str :param implementation: Implementation to use ``['c', 'reference']``, defaults to ``'c'``. :type implementation: str :returns: GF trace at ``args`` :rtype: :py:class:`` ''' store, decimate = self._decimated_store(decimate) if interpolation == 'nearest_neighbor': irecord = store.config.irecord(*args) tr = store._get(irecord, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation) elif interpolation == 'off': irecords, weights = store.config.vicinity(*args) if len(irecords) != 1: raise NotAllowedToInterpolate() else: tr = store._get(irecords[0], itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation) elif interpolation == 'multilinear': tr = store._sum(irecords, num.zeros(len(irecords)), weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate, implementation, 'disable') # to prevent problems with rounding errors (BaseStore saves deltat # as a 4-byte floating point value, value from YAML config is more # accurate) tr.deltat = self.config.deltat * decimate return tr
[docs] def sum(self, args, delays, weights, itmin=None, nsamples=None, decimate=1, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', implementation='c', optimization='enable'): ''' Sum delayed and weighted GF traces. Calculate sum of delayed and weighted GF traces. ``args`` is a tuple of arrays forming the (high-level) indices of the GF traces to be selected. Delays and weights for the summation are given in the arrays ``delays`` and ``weights``. ``itmin`` and ``nsamples`` can be given to restrict to computation to a given time interval. If ``decimate`` is an integer in the range [2,8], decimated traces are used in the summation. :param args: :py:class:`` index tuple, e.g. ``(source_depth, distance, component)`` as in :py:class:``. :type args: tuple(numpy.ndarray) :param delays: Delay times :type delays: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :param weights: Trace weights :type weights: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` :param itmin: Start time index (start time is ``itmin * dt``), defaults to None :type itmin: int or None :param nsamples: Number of samples, defaults to None :type nsamples: int or None :param decimate: Decimatation factor, defaults to 1 :type decimate: int :param interpolation: Interpolation method ``['nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear', 'off']``, defaults to ``'nearest_neighbor'`` :type interpolation: str :param implementation: Implementation to use, ``['c', 'alternative', 'reference']``, where ``'alternative'`` and ``'reference'`` use a Python implementation, defaults to `'c'` :type implementation: str :param optimization: Optimization mode ``['enable', 'disable']``, defaults to ``'enable'`` :type optimization: str :returns: Stacked GF trace. :rtype: :py:class:`` ''' store, decimate_ = self._decimated_store(decimate) if interpolation == 'nearest_neighbor': irecords = store.config.irecords(*args) else: assert interpolation == 'multilinear' irecords, ip_weights = store.config.vicinities(*args) neach = irecords.size // args[0].size weights = num.repeat(weights, neach) * ip_weights delays = num.repeat(delays, neach) tr = store._sum(irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate_, implementation, optimization) # to prevent problems with rounding errors (BaseStore saves deltat # as a 4-byte floating point value, value from YAML config is more # accurate) tr.deltat = self.config.deltat * decimate return tr
[docs] def make_decimated(self, decimate, config=None, force=False, show_progress=False): ''' Create decimated version of GF store. Create a downsampled version of the GF store. Downsampling is done for the integer factor ``decimate`` which should be in the range [2,8]. If ``config`` is ``None``, all traces of the GF store are decimated and held available (i.e. the index mapping of the original store is used), otherwise, a different spacial stepping can be specified by giving a modified GF store configuration in ``config`` (see :py:meth:`create`). Decimated GF sub-stores are created under the ``decimated`` subdirectory within the GF store directory. Holding available decimated versions of the GF store can save computation time, IO bandwidth, or decrease memory footprint at the cost of increased disk space usage, when computation are done for lower frequency signals. :param decimate: Decimate factor :type decimate: int :param config: GF store config object, defaults to None :type config: :py:class:`` or None :param force: Force overwrite, defaults to ``False`` :type force: bool :param show_progress: Show progress, defaults to ``False`` :type show_progress: bool ''' if not self._f_index: if not (2 <= decimate <= 8): raise StoreError('decimate argument must be in the range [2,8]') assert self.mode == 'r' if config is None: config = self.config config = copy.deepcopy(config) config.sample_rate = self.config.sample_rate / decimate if decimate in self._decimated: del self._decimated[decimate] store_dir = self._decimated_store_dir(decimate) if os.path.exists(store_dir): if force: shutil.rmtree(store_dir) else: raise CannotCreate('store already exists at %s' % store_dir) store_dir_incomplete = store_dir + '-incomplete' Store.create(store_dir_incomplete, config, force=force) decimated = Store(store_dir_incomplete, 'w') if show_progress: pbar = util.progressbar('decimating store', self.config.nrecords) for i, args in enumerate(decimated.config.iter_nodes()): tr = self.get(args, decimate=decimate) decimated.put(args, tr) if show_progress: pbar.update(i+1) if show_progress: pbar.finish() decimated.close() shutil.move(store_dir_incomplete, store_dir) self._decimated[decimate] = None
def stats(self): stats = BaseStore.stats(self) stats['decimated'] = sorted(self._decimated.keys()) return stats stats_keys = BaseStore.stats_keys + ['decimated'] def check(self, show_progress=False): have_holes = [] for pdef in self.config.tabulated_phases: phase_id = ph = self.get_stored_phase(phase_id) if ph.check_holes(): have_holes.append(phase_id) if have_holes: for phase_id in have_holes: logger.warning( 'Travel time table of phase "{}" contains holes. You can ' ' use `fomosto tttlsd` to fix holes.'.format( phase_id)) else:'No holes in travel time tables') if show_progress: pbar = util.progressbar('checking store', self.config.nrecords) problems = 0 for i, args in enumerate(self.config.iter_nodes()): tr = self.get(args) if tr and not tr.is_zero: if not tr.begin_value ==[0]: logger.warning('wrong begin value for trace at %s ' '(data corruption?)' % str(args)) problems += 1 if not tr.end_value ==[-1]: logger.warning('wrong end value for trace at %s ' '(data corruption?)' % str(args)) problems += 1 if not num.all(num.isfinite( logger.warning('nans or infs in trace at %s' % str(args)) problems += 1 if show_progress: pbar.update(i+1) if show_progress: pbar.finish() return problems def check_earthmodels(self, config): if config.earthmodel_receiver_1d.profile('z')[-1] not in\ config.earthmodel_1d.profile('z'): logger.warning('deepest layer of earthmodel_receiver_1d not ' 'found in earthmodel_1d') def _decimated_store_dir(self, decimate): return os.path.join(self.store_dir, 'decimated', str(decimate)) def _decimated_store(self, decimate): if decimate == 1 or decimate not in self._decimated: return self, decimate else: store = self._decimated[decimate] if store is None: store = Store(self._decimated_store_dir(decimate), 'r') self._decimated[decimate] = store return store, 1 def phase_filename(self, phase_id): check_string_id(phase_id) return os.path.join(self.store_dir, 'phases', phase_id + '.phase')
[docs] def get_stored_phase(self, phase_id): ''' Get stored phase from GF store. :returns: Phase information :rtype: :py:class:`pyrocko.spit.SPTree` ''' if phase_id not in self._phases: fn = self.phase_filename(phase_id) if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise NoSuchPhase(phase_id) spt = spit.SPTree(filename=fn) self._phases[phase_id] = spt return self._phases[phase_id]
def get_phase(self, phase_def): toks = phase_def.split(':', 1) if len(toks) == 2: provider, phase_def = toks else: provider, phase_def = 'stored', toks[0] if provider == 'stored': return self.get_stored_phase(phase_def) elif provider == 'vel': vel = float(phase_def) * 1000. def evaluate(args): return self.config.get_distance(args) / vel return evaluate elif provider == 'vel_surface': vel = float(phase_def) * 1000. def evaluate(args): return self.config.get_surface_distance(args) / vel return evaluate elif provider in ('cake', 'iaspei'): from pyrocko import cake mod = self.config.earthmodel_1d if provider == 'cake': phases = [cake.PhaseDef(phase_def)] else: phases = cake.PhaseDef.classic(phase_def) def evaluate(args): if len(args) == 2: zr, zs, x = (self.config.receiver_depth,) + args elif len(args) == 3: zr, zs, x = args else: assert False t = [] if phases: rays = mod.arrivals( phases=phases, distances=[x*cake.m2d], zstart=zs, zstop=zr) for ray in rays: t.append(ray.t) if t: return min(t) else: return None return evaluate raise StoreError('unsupported phase provider: %s' % provider)
[docs] def t(self, timing, *args): ''' Compute interpolated phase arrivals. **Examples:** If ``test_store`` is of :py:class:``:: test_store.t('p', (1000, 10000)) test_store.t('last{P|Pdiff}', (1000, 10000)) # The latter arrival # of P or diffracted # P phase If ``test_store`` is of :py:class:``:: test_store.t('S', (1000, 1000, 10000)) test_store.t('first{P|p|Pdiff|sP}', (1000, 1000, 10000)) # The ` # first arrival of # the given phases is # selected :param timing: Timing string as described above :type timing: str or :py:class:`` :param \\*args: :py:class:`` index tuple, e.g. ``(source_depth, distance, component)`` as in :py:class:``. :type \\*args: tuple :returns: Phase arrival according to ``timing`` :rtype: float or None ''' if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] else: args = self.config.make_indexing_args1(*args) if not isinstance(timing, meta.Timing): timing = meta.Timing(timing) return timing.evaluate(self.get_phase, args)
[docs] def make_timing_params(self, begin, end, snap_vred=True, force=False): ''' Compute tight parameterized time ranges to include given timings. Calculates appropriate time ranges to cover given begin and end timings over all GF points in the store. A dict with the following keys is returned: * ``'tmin'``: time [s], minimum of begin timing over all GF points * ``'tmax'``: time [s], maximum of end timing over all GF points * ``'vred'``, ``'tmin_vred'``: slope [m/s] and offset [s] of reduction velocity [m/s] appropriate to catch begin timing over all GF points * ``'tlenmax_vred'``: maximum time length needed to cover all end timings, when using linear slope given with (``vred``, ``tmin_vred``) as start ''' data = [] warned = set() for args in self.config.iter_nodes(level=-1): tmin = self.t(begin, args) tmax = self.t(end, args) if tmin is None: warned.add(str(begin)) if tmax is None: warned.add(str(end)) x = self.config.get_surface_distance(args) data.append((x, tmin, tmax)) if len(warned): w = ' | '.join(list(warned)) msg = '''determination of time window failed using phase definitions: %s.\n Travel time table contains holes in probed ranges. You can use `fomosto tttlsd` to fix holes.''' % w if force: logger.warning(msg) else: raise MakeTimingParamsFailed(msg) xs, tmins, tmaxs = num.array(data, dtype=float).T tlens = tmaxs - tmins i = num.nanargmin(tmins) if not num.isfinite(i): raise MakeTimingParamsFailed('determination of time window failed') tminmin = tmins[i] x_tminmin = xs[i] dx = (xs - x_tminmin) dx = num.where(dx != 0.0, dx, num.nan) s = (tmins - tminmin) / dx sred = num.min(num.abs(s[num.isfinite(s)])) deltax = self.config.distance_delta if snap_vred: tdif = sred*deltax tdif2 = self.config.deltat * math.floor(tdif / self.config.deltat) sred = tdif2/self.config.distance_delta tmin_vred = tminmin - sred*x_tminmin if snap_vred: xe = x_tminmin - int(x_tminmin / deltax) * deltax tmin_vred = float( self.config.deltat * math.floor(tmin_vred / self.config.deltat) - xe * sred) tlenmax_vred = num.nanmax(tmax - (tmin_vred + sred*x)) if sred != 0.0: vred = 1.0/sred else: vred = 0.0 return dict( tmin=tminmin, tmax=num.nanmax(tmaxs), tlenmax=num.nanmax(tlens), tmin_vred=tmin_vred, tlenmax_vred=tlenmax_vred, vred=vred)
[docs] def make_ttt(self, force=False): ''' Compute travel time tables. Travel time tables are computed using the 1D earth model defined in :py:attr:`` for each defined phase in :py:attr:``. The accuracy of the tablulated times is adjusted to the sampling rate of the store. ''' from pyrocko import cake config = self.config if not config.tabulated_phases: return mod = config.earthmodel_1d if config.earthmodel_receiver_1d: self.check_earthmodels(config) if not mod: raise StoreError('no earth model found') for pdef in config.tabulated_phases: phase_id = phases = pdef.phases horvels = pdef.horizontal_velocities fn = self.phase_filename(phase_id) if os.path.exists(fn) and not force:'file already exists: %s' % fn) continue def evaluate(args): if len(args) == 2: zr, zs, x = (config.receiver_depth,) + args elif len(args) == 3: zr, zs, x = args else: assert False t = [] if phases: rays = mod.arrivals( phases=phases, distances=[x*cake.m2d], zstart=zs, zstop=zr) for ray in rays: t.append(ray.t) for v in horvels: t.append(x/(v*1000.)) if t: return min(t) else: return None'making travel time table for phasegroup "%s"' % phase_id) ip = spit.SPTree( f=evaluate, ftol=config.deltat*0.5, xbounds=num.transpose((config.mins, config.maxs)), xtols=config.deltas) util.ensuredirs(fn) ip.dump(fn)
def get_provided_components(self): scheme_desc = meta.component_scheme_to_description[ self.config.component_scheme] quantity = self.config.stored_quantity \ or scheme_desc.default_stored_quantity if not quantity: return scheme_desc.provided_components else: return [ quantity + '.' + comp for comp in scheme_desc.provided_components] def fix_ttt_holes(self, phase_id): pdef = self.config.get_tabulated_phase(phase_id) mode = None for phase in pdef.phases: for leg in phase.legs(): if mode is None: mode = leg.mode else: if mode != leg.mode: raise StoreError( 'Can only fix holes in pure P or pure S phases.') sptree = self.get_stored_phase(phase_id) sptree_lsd = self.config.fix_ttt_holes(sptree, mode) phase_lsd = phase_id + '.lsd' fn = self.phase_filename(phase_lsd) sptree_lsd.dump(fn) def statics(self, source, multi_location, itsnapshot, components, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', nthreads=0): if not self._f_index: out = {} ntargets = multi_location.ntargets source_terms = source.get_source_terms(self.config.component_scheme) # TODO: deal with delays for snapshots > 1 sample if itsnapshot is not None: delays = source.times # Fringe case where we sample at sample 0 and sample 1 tsnapshot = itsnapshot * self.config.deltat if delays.max() == tsnapshot and delays.min() != tsnapshot: delays[delays == delays.max()] -= self.config.deltat else: delays = source.times * 0 itsnapshot = 1 if ntargets == 0: raise StoreError('MultiLocation.coords5 is empty') res = store_ext.store_calc_static( self.cstore, source.coords5(), source_terms, delays, multi_location.coords5, self.config.component_scheme, interpolation, itsnapshot, nthreads) out = {} for icomp, (comp, comp_res) in enumerate( zip(self.get_provided_components(), res)): if comp not in components: continue out[comp] = res[icomp] return out def calc_seismograms(self, source, receivers, components, deltat=None, itmin=None, nsamples=None, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', optimization='enable', nthreads=1): config = self.config assert interpolation in ['nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear'], \ 'Unknown interpolation: %s' % interpolation if not isinstance(receivers, list): receivers = [receivers] if deltat is None: decimate = 1 else: decimate = int(round(deltat/config.deltat)) if abs(deltat / (decimate * config.deltat) - 1.0) > 0.001: raise StoreError( 'unavailable decimation ratio target.deltat / store.deltat' ' = %g / %g' % (deltat, config.deltat)) store, decimate_ = self._decimated_store(decimate) if not store._f_index: scheme = config.component_scheme source_coords_arr = source.coords5() source_terms = source.get_source_terms(scheme) delays = source.times.ravel() nreceiver = len(receivers) receiver_coords_arr = num.empty((nreceiver, 5)) for irec, rec in enumerate(receivers): receiver_coords_arr[irec, :] = rec.coords5 dt = self.get_deltat() itoffset = int(num.floor(delays.min()/dt)) if delays.size != 0 else 0 if itmin is None: itmin = num.zeros(nreceiver, dtype=num.int32) else: itmin = (itmin-itoffset).astype(num.int32) if nsamples is None: nsamples = num.zeros(nreceiver, dtype=num.int32) - 1 else: nsamples = nsamples.astype(num.int32) try: results = store_ext.store_calc_timeseries( store.cstore, source_coords_arr, source_terms, (delays - itoffset*dt), receiver_coords_arr, scheme, interpolation, itmin, nsamples, nthreads) except Exception as e: raise e provided_components = self.get_provided_components() ncomponents = len(provided_components) seismograms = [dict() for _ in range(nreceiver)] for ires in range(len(results)): res = results.pop(0) ireceiver = ires // ncomponents comp = provided_components[res[-2]] if comp not in components: continue tr = GFTrace(*res[:-2]) tr.deltat = config.deltat * decimate tr.itmin += itoffset tr.n_records_stacked = 0 tr.t_optimize = 0. tr.t_stack = 0. tr.err = res[-1] seismograms[ireceiver][comp] = tr return seismograms def seismogram(self, source, receiver, components, deltat=None, itmin=None, nsamples=None, interpolation='nearest_neighbor', optimization='enable', nthreads=1): config = self.config if deltat is None: decimate = 1 else: decimate = int(round(deltat/config.deltat)) if abs(deltat / (decimate * config.deltat) - 1.0) > 0.001: raise StoreError( 'unavailable decimation ratio target.deltat / store.deltat' ' = %g / %g' % (deltat, config.deltat)) store, decimate_ = self._decimated_store(decimate) if not store._f_index: scheme = config.component_scheme source_coords_arr = source.coords5() source_terms = source.get_source_terms(scheme) receiver_coords_arr = receiver.coords5[num.newaxis, :].copy() try: params = store_ext.make_sum_params( store.cstore, source_coords_arr, source_terms, receiver_coords_arr, scheme, interpolation, nthreads) except store_ext.StoreExtError: raise meta.OutOfBounds() provided_components = self.get_provided_components() out = {} for icomp, comp in enumerate(provided_components): if comp in components: weights, irecords = params[icomp] neach = irecords.size // source.times.size delays = num.repeat(source.times, neach) tr = store._sum( irecords, delays, weights, itmin, nsamples, decimate_, 'c', optimization) # to prevent problems with rounding errors (BaseStore saves # deltat as a 4-byte floating point value, value from YAML # config is more accurate) tr.deltat = config.deltat * decimate out[comp] = tr return out
__all__ = ''' gf_dtype NotMultipleOfSamplingInterval GFTrace CannotCreate CannotOpen DuplicateInsert NotAllowedToInterpolate NoSuchExtra NoSuchPhase BaseStore Store SeismosizerErrorEnum '''.split()