Colosseo - earthquake scenario generator

Use Green’s Function databases to generate earthquake data from picture-book scenarios.

colosseo is a CLI for pyrocko.scenario that orchestrates different generators to randomly (yet seeded) create synthetic data of randomised sources. Point sources or finite sources are generated with the SourceGenerator

At generated stations from the StationGenerator, dynamic or static synthetic data are created with the WaveformGenerator and the GNSSCampaignGenerator. Also InSAR data scenarios using kite are possible with the InSARGenerator.

Creating a scenario with colosseo is straight forward, but in any case you get help with subcommands using:

$ colosseo --help

Usage: colosseo <subcommand> [options] [--] <arguments> ...


    init      initialize a new, blank scenario
    fill      fill the scenario with modelled data
    snuffle   open Snuffler to inspect the waveform data
    map       map the scenario arena

To get further help and a list of available options for any subcommand run:

    colosseo <subcommand> --help

Initialize a new scenario

Create a new scenario in a folder my_scenario:

colosseo init my_scenario

What you need is a pre-calculated Green’s function store, for more information see Fomosto - Green’s function database management. The database to utilize for forward modelling is defined in variable store_id at the respective TargetGenerator.

The you can either copy the database into folder gf_stores or have them in your gf_store_superdirs config variable (see ~/.pyrocko/

The scenario is built from a YAML configuration file, which looks like this:

Example scenario configuration file
--- !pf.scenario.ScenarioGenerator
avoid_water: true
center_lat: 52
center_lon: 5.4
radius: 90000.0
ntries: 500
- !pf.scenario.RandomStationGenerator
  avoid_water: true
  ntries: 500
  nstations: 8
- !pf.scenario.WaveformGenerator
  avoid_water: true
  ntries: 500
  station_generator: !pf.scenario.RandomStationGenerator
    avoid_water: true
    ntries: 500
    nstations: 10
  noise_generator: !pf.scenario.WhiteNoiseGenerator
    scale: 1.0e-06
  store_id: crust2_m5_hardtop_8Hz_fine
  seismogram_quantity: displacement
  vmin_cut: 2000.0
  vmax_cut: 8000.0
  fmin: 0.01
- !pf.scenario.InSARGenerator
  avoid_water: true
  ntries: 500
  store_id: ak135_static
  inclination: 98.2
  apogee: 693000.0
  swath_width: 20000.0
  track_length: 15000.0
  incident_angle: 29.1
  resolution: [250, 250]
  mask_water: true
  noise_generator: !pf.scenario.AtmosphericNoiseGenerator
    amplitude: 1.0
- !pf.scenario.GNSSCampaignGenerator
  avoid_water: true
  ntries: 500
  station_generator: !pf.scenario.RandomStationGenerator
    avoid_water: true
    ntries: 500
    nstations: 10
  noise_generator: !pf.scenario.GPSNoiseGenerator
    measurement_duarion_days: 2.0
  store_id: ak135_static
source_generator: !pf.scenario.DCSourceGenerator
  ntries: 500
  avoid_water: false
  nevents: 2
  radius: 1000
  time_min: 2017-01-01 00:00:00
  time_max: 2017-01-03 00:00:00
  magnitude_min: 4.0
  magnitude_max: 7.0
  depth_min: 5000.0
  depth_max: 10000.0

Start the forward model

Start filling the scenario with forward modelled data:

colosseo fill my_scenario

Seismic source models

Double-couple source

See also DCSource.

Rectangular fault plane

See also RectangularSource.

Pseudo dynamic rupture

See also PseudoDynamicRupture.

The final scenario

The directory structure is divided into subfolders holding the forward-modelled data as well as individual folders and files for plots and meta data of stations and events (e.g. StationXML responses).

Colosseo directory structure
my_scenario/         # this directory hosts the scenario
|-- scenario.yml     # general settings
|-- waveforms/       # generated waveforms
|-- insar/           # Kite InSAR scenes
|-- gf_stores/       # Your GF stores live here
|-- map.pdf          # GMT map of the scenario

Along with the output of synthetic data the scenario’s map is plotted

Synthetic scenario map

Example of an earthquake scenario located in the Netherland’s part of the Lower Rhine Plain.