# https://pyrocko.org - GPLv3 # # The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century # ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
StringPattern, Unicode, Float, Bool, Int, TBase, List, ValidationError, Timestamp, Tuple, Dict)
"``'%s'``" % choice for choice in cls.choices)
4, String.T(), default=('', 'STA', '', 'Z'), help='network, station, location and channel codes')
shape=(None,), dtype=num.float32, serialize_as='base64', serialize_dtype=num.dtype('<f4'), help='numpy array with data samples')
default=1.0, help='sampling interval [s]')
default=0.0, help='time of first sample as a system timestamp [s]')
ydata=self.data, deltat=self.deltat, tmin=self.tmin)
def from_pyrocko_trace(cls, tr, **kwargs): d = dict( codes=tr.nslc_id, tmin=tr.tmin, deltat=tr.deltat, data=num.asarray(tr.get_ydata(), dtype=num.float32)) d.update(kwargs) return cls(**d)
String.T(), Array.T(shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, serialize_as='base64'))
optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, serialize_as='base64')
optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, serialize_as='base64')
try: from kite import Scene except ImportError: raise ImportError('Kite not installed')
def reshape(arr): return arr.reshape(self.shape)
displacement = self.result[component]
displacement, theta, phi = map( reshape, (displacement, self.theta, self.phi))
sc = Scene( displacement=displacement, theta=theta, phi=phi, config=self.config)
return sc
ComponentSchemeDescription( name='elastic2', source_terms=['m0'], ncomponents=2, default_stored_quantity='displacement', provided_components=[ 'n', 'e', 'd']), ComponentSchemeDescription( name='elastic8', source_terms=['mnn', 'mee', 'mdd', 'mne', 'mnd', 'med'], ncomponents=8, default_stored_quantity='displacement', provided_components=[ 'n', 'e', 'd']), ComponentSchemeDescription( name='elastic10', source_terms=['mnn', 'mee', 'mdd', 'mne', 'mnd', 'med'], ncomponents=10, default_stored_quantity='displacement', provided_components=[ 'n', 'e', 'd']), ComponentSchemeDescription( name='elastic18', source_terms=['mnn', 'mee', 'mdd', 'mne', 'mnd', 'med'], ncomponents=18, default_stored_quantity='displacement', provided_components=[ 'n', 'e', 'd']), ComponentSchemeDescription( name='elastic5', source_terms=['fn', 'fe', 'fd'], ncomponents=5, default_stored_quantity='displacement', provided_components=[ 'n', 'e', 'd']), ComponentSchemeDescription( name='poroelastic10', source_terms=['pore_pressure'], ncomponents=10, default_stored_quantity=None, provided_components=[ 'displacement.n', 'displacement.e', 'displacement.d', 'vertical_tilt.n', 'vertical_tilt.e', 'pore_pressure', 'darcy_velocity.n', 'darcy_velocity.e', 'darcy_velocity.d'])]
# new names? # 'mt_to_displacement_1d' # 'mt_to_displacement_1d_ff_only' # 'mt_to_gravity_1d' # 'mt_to_stress_1d' # 'explosion_to_displacement_1d' # 'sf_to_displacement_1d' # 'mt_to_displacement_3d' # 'mt_to_gravity_3d' # 'mt_to_stress_3d' # 'pore_pressure_to_displacement_1d' # 'pore_pressure_to_vertical_tilt_1d' # 'pore_pressure_to_pore_pressure_1d' # 'pore_pressure_to_darcy_velocity_1d'
(c.name, c) for c in component_scheme_descriptions)
''' Different Green's Function component schemes are available:
================= ========================================================= Name Description ================= ========================================================= ``elastic10`` Elastodynamic for :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` and :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` stores, MT sources only ``elastic8`` Elastodynamic for far-field only :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` and :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` stores, MT sources only ``elastic2`` Elastodynamic for :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` and :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` stores, purely isotropic sources only ``elastic5`` Elastodynamic for :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` and :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` stores, SF sources only ``elastic18`` Elastodynamic for :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeC` stores, MT sources only ``poroelastic10`` Poroelastic for :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` and :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` stores ================= ========================================================= '''
'global', 'regional', 'local', ]
'full waveform', 'bodywave', 'P wave', 'S wave', 'surface wave', ]
'complete', 'incomplete', 'missing', ]
'displacement', 'velocity', 'acceleration', 'pressure', 'tilt', 'pore_pressure', 'darcy_velocity', 'vertical_tilt']
elif stream is not None: bib_data = parser.parse_stream(stream)
r'cake:' + _cake_pat + \ r'|iaspei:' + _iaspei_pat + \ r'|vel_surface:' + _fpat + \ r'|vel:' + _fpat + \ r'|stored:' + _spat + \ r')'
r'^((first|last)?\((' + _spat + r'(\|' + _spat + r')*)\)|(' + _spat + r'))?(' + _fpat + ')?$')
r'^((first|last)?\{(' + _ppat + r'(\|' + _ppat + r')*)\}|(' + _ppat + r'))?(' + _fpat + 'S?)?$')
''' Definition of a time instant relative to one or more named phase arrivals
Instances of this class can be used e.g. in cutting and tapering operations. They can hold an absolute time or an offset to a named phase arrival or group of such arrivals.
Timings can be instantiated from a simple string defintion i.e. with ``Timing(str)`` where ``str`` is something like ``'SELECT{PHASE_DEFS}[+-]OFFSET[S]'`` where ``'SELECT'`` is ``'first'``, ``'last'`` or empty, ``'PHASE_DEFS'`` is a ``'|'``-separated list of phase definitions, and ``'OFFSET'`` is the time offset in seconds. If the an ``'S'`` is appended to ``'OFFSET'``, it is interpreted as a surface slowness in [s/km].
Phase definitions can be specified in either of the following ways:
* ``'stored:PHASE_ID'`` - retrieves value from stored travel time table * ``'cake:CAKE_PHASE_DEF'`` - evaluates first arrival of phase with cake (see :py:class:`pyrocko.cake.PhaseDef`) * ``'vel_surface:VELOCITY'`` - arrival according to surface distance / velocity [km/s] * ``'vel:VELOCITY'`` - arrival according to 3D-distance / velocity [km/s]
* ``'100'`` : absolute time; 100 s * ``'{stored:P}-100'`` : 100 s before arrival of P phase according to stored travel time table named ``'P'`` * ``'{stored:A|stored:B}'`` : time instant of phase arrival A, or B if A is undefined for a given geometry * ``'first{stored:A|stored:B}'`` : as above, but the earlier arrival of A and B is chosen, if both phases are defined for a given geometry * ``'last{stored:A|stored:B}'`` : as above but the later arrival is chosen * ``'first{stored:A|stored:B|stored:C}-100'`` : 100 s before first out of arrivals A, B, and C '''
else: phase_defs = []
else: else: phase_defs = []
'stored:' + phase_def for phase_def in phase_defs]
raise InvalidTimingSpecification(s)
phase_defs=phase_defs, select=select, offset=offset, offset_is_slowness=offset_is_slowness)
def __str__(self): s = [] if self.phase_defs: sphases = '|'.join(self.phase_defs) # if len(self.phase_defs) > 1 or self.select: sphases = '{%s}' % sphases
if self.select: sphases = self.select + sphases
if self.offset != 0.0 or not self.phase_defs: s.append('%+g' % self.offset) if self.offset_is_slowness: s.append('S')
return ''.join(s)
'vel_surface:%g' % (1.0/self.offset)) else:
get_phase(phase_def) for phase_def in self.phase_defs] return None else: else:
raise OutOfBounds(args)
default='', help=('Can be either ``\'%s\'``, ``\'%s\'``, or ``\'%s\'``. ' % tuple(PhaseSelect.choices)))
''' Maps an arrival phase identifier to an arrival phase definition. '''
help='name used to identify the phase') help='definition of the phase in either cake syntax as defined in ' ':py:class:`pyrocko.cake.PhaseDef`, or, if prepended with an ' '``!``, as a *classic phase name*, or, if it is a simple ' 'number, as a constant horizontal velocity.')
def phases(self): if isinstance(x, cake.PhaseDef)]
def horizontal_velocities(self):
def __str__(self): scontext = '' if self.context: scontext = '\n%s' % str(self.context)
if self.reason: scontext += '\n%s' % self.reason
if self.values: return 'out of bounds: (%s)%s' % ( ','.join('%g' % x for x in self.values), scontext) else: return 'out of bounds%s' % scontext
optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='Latitudes of targets.') optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='Longitude of targets.') optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='North shifts of targets.') optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='East shifts of targets.') optional=True, shape=(None,), dtype=num.float, help='Elevations of targets.')
def coords5(self): self.elevation] raise AttributeError('Empty StaticTarget') raise AttributeError('Inconsistent coordinate sizes.')
def ncoords(self): return 0
''' Get all coordinates as lat lon :returns: Coordinates in Latitude, Longitude :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, (N, 2) ''' latlons = num.empty((self.ncoords, 2)) for i in range(self.ncoords): latlons[i, :] = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(*self.coords5[i, :4]) return latlons
'''Returns the corner coordinates of the multi location object
:returns: In LatLon: lower left, upper left, upper right, lower right :rtype: tuple ''' latlon = self.get_latlon() ll = (latlon[:, 0].min(), latlon[:, 1].min()) ur = (latlon[:, 0].max(), latlon[:, 1].max()) return (ll, (ll[0], ur[1]), ur, (ur[0], ll[1]))
3, String.T(), optional=True, help='network, station, and location codes')
from pyrocko import model
lat, lon = self.effective_latlon
return model.Station( network=self.codes[0], station=self.codes[1], location=self.codes[2], lat=lat, lon=lon, depth=self.depth)
'''Base class for discretized sources.
To compute synthetic seismograms, the parameterized source models (see of :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.seismosizer.Source` derived classes) are first discretized into a number of point sources. These spacio-temporal point source distributions are represented by subclasses of the :py:class:`DiscretizedSource`. For elastodynamic problems there is the :py:class:`DiscretizedMTSource` for moment tensor point source distributions and the :py:class:`DiscretizedExplosionSource` for pure explosion/implosion type source distributions. The geometry calculations are implemented in the base class. How Green's function components have to be weighted and sumed is defined in the derived classes.
Like in the :py:class:`Location` class, the positions of the point sources contained in the discretized source are defined by a common reference point (:py:attr:`lat`, :py:attr:`lon`) and cartesian offsets to this (:py:attr:`north_shifts`, :py:attr:`east_shifts`, :py:attr:`depths`). Alternatively latitude and longitude of each contained point source can be specified directly (:py:attr:`lats`, :py:attr:`lons`). '''
def check_scheme(cls, scheme): ''' Check if given GF component scheme is supported by the class.
Raises :py:class:`UnavailableScheme` if the given scheme is not supported by this discretized source class. '''
raise UnavailableScheme( 'source type "%s" does not support GF component scheme "%s"' % (cls.__name__, scheme))
'lats', 'lons'):
raise NotImplementedError()
raise NotImplementedError()
def effective_latlons(self): ''' Property holding the offest-corrected lats and lons of all points. '''
if (self.north_shifts is not None and self.east_shifts is not None): self._latlons = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon( self.lats, self.lons, self.north_shifts, self.east_shifts) else: self._latlons = self.lats, self.lons else: lat, lon, self.north_shifts, self.east_shifts)
def effective_north_shifts(self): else: return num.zeros(self.times.size)
def effective_east_shifts(self): else: return num.zeros(self.times.size)
''' Check if receiver has same reference point. '''
g(self.lon, 0.0) == receiver.lon and self.lats is None and self.lons is None)
''' Compute azimuths and backaziumuths to/from receiver, for all contained points. '''
receiver.north_shift - self.north_shifts) else:
''' Compute distances to receiver for all contained points. ''' (self.east_shifts - receiver.east_shift)**2)
else: rlat, rlon)
if self.lats is not None and self.lons is not None: lat = float(self.lats[i]) lon = float(self.lons[i]) else: lat = self.lat lon = self.lon
if self.north_shifts is not None and self.east_shifts is not None: north_shift = float(self.north_shifts[i]) east_shift = float(self.east_shifts[i])
else: north_shift = east_shift = 0.0
return lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift
xs[:, 0] = self.lats xs[:, 1] = self.lons else:
def nelements(self):
def combine(cls, sources, **kwargs): ''' Combine several discretized source models.
Concatenenates all point sources in the given discretized ``sources``. Care must be taken when using this function that the external amplitude factors and reference times of the parameterized (undiscretized) sources match or are accounted for. '''
raise Exception('DiscretizedSource.combine must be called with ' 'sources of same type.')
rlats == rlats[0]) and num.all(rlons == rlons[0]) else: same_ref = False
times=times, lat=lat, lon=lon, lats=lats, lons=lons, north_shifts=north_shifts, east_shifts=east_shifts, depths=depths, **kwargs)
lats, lons = self.effective_latlons rlat, rlon = num.mean(lats), num.mean(lons) n, e = orthodrome.latlon_to_ne_numpy(rlat, rlon, lats, lons) else:
lat = clat lon = clon north_shift = 0. east_shift = 0. else:
(time, lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift, depth))
'elastic2', 'elastic8', 'elastic10', )
else: assert False
azis, bazis = self.azibazis_to(receiver)
sb = num.sin(bazis*d2r-num.pi) cb = num.cos(bazis*d2r-num.pi)
m0s = self.m0s n = azis.size
cat = num.concatenate rep = num.repeat
if scheme == 'elastic2': w_n = cb*m0s g_n = filledi(0, n) w_e = sb*m0s g_e = filledi(0, n) w_d = m0s g_d = filledi(1, n)
elif scheme == 'elastic8': w_n = cat((cb*m0s, cb*m0s)) g_n = rep((0, 2), n) w_e = cat((sb*m0s, sb*m0s)) g_e = rep((0, 2), n) w_d = cat((m0s, m0s)) g_d = rep((5, 7), n)
elif scheme == 'elastic10': w_n = cat((cb*m0s, cb*m0s, cb*m0s)) g_n = rep((0, 2, 8), n) w_e = cat((sb*m0s, sb*m0s, sb*m0s)) g_e = rep((0, 2, 8), n) w_d = cat((m0s, m0s, m0s)) g_d = rep((5, 7, 9), n)
else: assert False
return ( ('displacement.n', w_n, g_n), ('displacement.e', w_e, g_e), ('displacement.d', w_d, g_d), )
from pyrocko.gf.seismosizer import ExplosionSource sources = [] for i in range(self.nelements): lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift = self.element_coords(i) sources.append(ExplosionSource( time=float(self.times[i]), lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=float(self.depths[i]), moment=float(self.m0s[i])))
return sources
time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, moment=float(num.sum(self.m0s)))
def combine(cls, sources, **kwargs): ''' Combine several discretized source models.
Concatenenates all point sources in the given discretized ``sources``. Care must be taken when using this function that the external amplitude factors and reference times of the parameterized (undiscretized) sources match or are accounted for. '''
'elastic5', )
azis, bazis = self.azibazis_to(receiver)
sa = num.sin(azis*d2r) ca = num.cos(azis*d2r) sb = num.sin(bazis*d2r-num.pi) cb = num.cos(bazis*d2r-num.pi)
forces = self.forces fn = forces[:, 0] fe = forces[:, 1] fd = forces[:, 2]
f0 = fd f1 = ca * fn + sa * fe f2 = ca * fe - sa * fn
n = azis.size
if scheme == 'elastic5': ioff = 0
cat = num.concatenate rep = num.repeat
w_n = cat((cb*f0, cb*f1, -sb*f2)) g_n = ioff + rep((0, 1, 2), n) w_e = cat((sb*f0, sb*f1, cb*f2)) g_e = ioff + rep((0, 1, 2), n) w_d = cat((f0, f1)) g_d = ioff + rep((3, 4), n)
return ( ('displacement.n', w_n, g_n), ('displacement.e', w_e, g_e), ('displacement.d', w_d, g_d), )
def combine(cls, sources, **kwargs): ''' Combine several discretized source models.
Concatenenates all point sources in the given discretized ``sources``. Care must be taken when using this function that the external amplitude factors and reference times of the parameterized (undiscretized) sources match or are accounted for. '''
time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, fn=fn, fe=fe, fd=fd)
shape=(None, 6), dtype=num.float, help='rows with (m_nn, m_ee, m_dd, m_ne, m_nd, m_ed)')
'elastic8', 'elastic10', 'elastic18', )
w_n = m6s.flatten() g_n = num.tile(num.arange(0, 6), n) w_e = m6s.flatten() g_e = num.tile(num.arange(6, 12), n) w_d = m6s.flatten() g_d = num.tile(num.arange(12, 18), n)
w_n = cat((cb*f0, cb*f1, cb*f2, -sb*f3, -sb*f4)) g_n = rep((0, 1, 2, 3, 4), n) w_e = cat((sb*f0, sb*f1, sb*f2, cb*f3, cb*f4)) g_e = rep((0, 1, 2, 3, 4), n) w_d = cat((f0, f1, f2)) g_d = rep((5, 6, 7), n)
else: assert False
('displacement.n', w_n, g_n), ('displacement.e', w_e, g_e), ('displacement.d', w_d, g_d), )
from pyrocko.gf.seismosizer import MTSource sources = [] for i in range(self.nelements): lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift = self.element_coords(i) sources.append(MTSource( time=float(self.times[i]), lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=float(self.depths[i]), m6=self.m6s[i]))
return sources
# incorrect for non-dc sources: !!!!
time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, m6=num.sum(self.m6s, axis=0))
def combine(cls, sources, **kwargs): ''' Combine several discretized source models.
Concatenenates all point sources in the given discretized ``sources``. Care must be taken when using this function that the external amplitude factors and reference times of the parameterized (undiscretized) sources match or are accounted for. '''
'poroelastic10', )
self.check_scheme(scheme) return self.pp[:, num.newaxis].copy()
azis, bazis = self.azibazis_to(receiver)
sb = num.sin(bazis*d2r-num.pi) cb = num.cos(bazis*d2r-num.pi)
pp = self.pp n = bazis.size
w_un = cb*pp g_un = filledi(1, n) w_ue = sb*pp g_ue = filledi(1, n) w_ud = pp g_ud = filledi(0, n)
w_tn = cb*pp g_tn = filledi(6, n) w_te = sb*pp g_te = filledi(6, n)
w_pp = pp g_pp = filledi(7, n)
w_dvn = cb*pp g_dvn = filledi(9, n) w_dve = sb*pp g_dve = filledi(9, n) w_dvd = pp g_dvd = filledi(8, n)
return ( ('displacement.n', w_un, g_un), ('displacement.e', w_ue, g_ue), ('displacement.d', w_ud, g_ud), ('vertical_tilt.n', w_tn, g_tn), ('vertical_tilt.e', w_te, g_te), ('pore_pressure', w_pp, g_pp), ('darcy_velocity.n', w_dvn, g_dvn), ('darcy_velocity.e', w_dve, g_dve), ('darcy_velocity.d', w_dvd, g_dvd), )
time=time, lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, pp=float(num.sum(self.pp)))
def combine(cls, sources, **kwargs): ''' Combine several discretized source models.
Concatenenates all point sources in the given discretized ``sources``. Care must be taken when using this function that the external amplitude factors and reference times of the parameterized (undiscretized) sources match or are accounted for. '''
''' Green's function store meta information.
Currently implemented :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.store.Store` configuration types are:
* :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeA` - cylindrical or spherical symmetry, 1D earth model, single receiver depth
* Problem is invariant to horizontal translations and rotations around vertical axis. * All receivers must be at the same depth (e.g. at the surface) * High level index variables: ``(source_depth, receiver_distance, component)``
* :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeB` - cylindrical or spherical symmetry, 1D earth model, variable receiver depth
* Symmetries like in Type A but has additional index for receiver depth * High level index variables: ``(source_depth, receiver_distance, receiver_depth, component)``
* :py:class:`~pyrocko.gf.meta.ConfigTypeC` - no symmetrical constraints but fixed receiver positions
* Cartesian source volume around a reference point * High level index variables: ``(ireceiver, source_depth, source_east_shift, source_north_shift, component)`` '''
help='Name of the store. May consist of upper and lower-case letters, ' 'digits, dots and underscores. The name must start with a ' 'letter.')
optional=True, help='Name of the original store, if this store has been derived from ' 'another one (e.g. extracted subset).')
default='1.0', optional=True, help='User-defined version string. Use <major>.<minor> format.')
optional=True, help='Identifier of the backend used to compute the store.')
optional=True, help='Comma-separated list of author names.')
optional=True, help="Author's contact email address.")
optional=True, help='Time of creation of the store.')
Region.T(), help='Geographical regions for which the store is representative.')
optional=True, help='Distance range scope of the store ' '(%s).' % fmt_choices(ScopeType))
optional=True, help='Wave type stored (%s).' % fmt_choices(WaveType))
optional=True, help='Information about the inclusion of near-field terms in the ' 'modelling (%s).' % fmt_choices(NearfieldTermsType))
optional=True, help='Free form textual description of the GF store.')
Reference.T(), help='Reference list to cite the modelling code, earth model or ' 'related work.')
optional=True, help='Layered earth model in ND (named discontinuity) format.')
optional=True, help='Receiver-side layered earth model in ND format.')
optional=True, help='Hint to indicate if the spatial sampling of the store is dense ' 'enough for multi-linear interpolation at the source.')
optional=True, help='Hint to indicate if the spatial sampling of the store is dense ' 'enough for multi-linear interpolation at the receiver.')
optional=True, help='Hint to indicate the lower bound of valid frequencies [Hz].')
optional=True, help='Hint to indicate the upper bound of valid frequencies [Hz].')
optional=True, help='Sample rate of the GF store [Hz].')
default=1.0, help='Gain value, factored out of the stored GF samples. ' '(may not work properly, keep at 1.0).', optional=True)
default='elastic10', help='GF component scheme (%s).' % fmt_choices(ComponentScheme))
optional=True, help='Physical quantity of stored values (%s). If not given, a ' 'default is used based on the GF component scheme. The default ' 'for the ``"elastic*"`` family of component schemes is ' '``"displacement"``.' % fmt_choices(QuantityType))
TPDef.T(), help='Mapping of phase names to phase definitions, for which travel ' 'time tables are available in the GF store.')
optional=True, help='Number of GF components. Use :gattr:`component_scheme` instead.')
optional=True, help='Heuristic hash value which can be used to uniquely identify the ' 'GF store for practical purposes.')
optional=True, help='Store reference name composed of the store\'s :gattr:`id` and ' 'the first six letters of its :gattr:`uuid`.')
raise InvalidNComponents( 'ncomponents=%i incompatible with component_scheme="%s"' % ( self.ncomponents, self.component_scheme))
else: sssn = (None,)*4
receiver, self.component_scheme):
raise NotImplementedError('should be implemented in subclass')
interpolation=None): ''' Get shear moduli at given points from contained velocity model.
:param lat: surface origin for coordinate system of ``points`` :param points: NumPy array of shape ``(N, 3)``, where each row is a point ``(north, east, depth)``, relative to origin at ``(lat, lon)`` :param interpolation: interpolation method. Choose from ``('nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear')`` :returns: NumPy array of length N with extracted shear moduli at each point
The default implementation retrieves and interpolates the shear moduli from the contained 1D velocity profile. ''' parameter='shear_moduli', interpolation=interpolation)
''' Get Vs at given points from contained velocity model.
:param lat: surface origin for coordinate system of ``points`` :param points: NumPy array of shape ``(N, 3)``, where each row is a point ``(north, east, depth)``, relative to origin at ``(lat, lon)`` :param interpolation: interpolation method. Choose from ``('nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear')`` :returns: NumPy array of length N with extracted shear moduli at each point
The default implementation retrieves and interpolates Vs from the contained 1D velocity profile. ''' return self.get_material_property(lat, lon, points, parameter='vs', interpolation=interpolation)
''' Get Vp at given points from contained velocity model.
:param lat: surface origin for coordinate system of ``points`` :param points: NumPy array of shape ``(N, 3)``, where each row is a point ``(north, east, depth)``, relative to origin at ``(lat, lon)`` :param interpolation: interpolation method. Choose from ``('nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear')`` :returns: NumPy array of length N with extracted shear moduli at each point
The default implementation retrieves and interpolates Vp from the contained 1D velocity profile. ''' return self.get_material_property(lat, lon, points, parameter='vp', interpolation=interpolation)
''' Get rho at given points from contained velocity model.
:param lat: surface origin for coordinate system of ``points`` :param points: NumPy array of shape ``(N, 3)``, where each row is a point ``(north, east, depth)``, relative to origin at ``(lat, lon)`` :param interpolation: interpolation method. Choose from ``('nearest_neighbor', 'multilinear')`` :returns: NumPy array of length N with extracted shear moduli at each point
The default implementation retrieves and interpolates rho from the contained 1D velocity profile. ''' return self.get_material_property(lat, lon, points, parameter='rho', interpolation=interpolation)
raise TypeError('Interpolation method not defined! available: ' "multilinear", "nearest_neighbor")
vs_profile = earthmod.profile('vs') profile = num.interp( store_depth_profile, z_profile, vs_profile)
store_depth_profile, z_profile, vp_profile)
rho_profile = earthmod.profile('rho')
profile = num.interp( store_depth_profile, z_profile, rho_profile)
store_depth_profile, z_profile, vs_profile) store_depth_profile, z_profile, rho_profile)
else: raise TypeError( 'parameter %s not available' % parameter)
else: raise TypeError( 'Interpolation method %s not available' % interpolation)
raise OutOfBounds()
if self.modelling_code_id in ('psgrn_pscmp', 'poel'): return True return False
return not self.is_static()
raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclass')
''' Get tabulated phase definition. '''
raise StoreError('No such phase: %s' % phase_id)
raise StoreError( 'Cannot fix travel time table holes in GF stores of type %s.' % self.short_type)
''' Cylindrical symmetry, 1D earth model, single receiver depth
* Problem is invariant to horizontal translations and rotations around vertical axis.
* All receivers must be at the same depth (e.g. at the surface) High level index variables: ``(source_depth, distance, component)``
* The ``distance`` is the surface distance between source and receiver points. '''
default=0.0, help='Fixed receiver depth [m].')
help='Minimum source depth [m].')
help='Maximum source depth [m].')
help='Grid spacing of source depths [m]')
help='Minimum source-receiver surface distance [m].')
help='Maximum source-receiver surface distance [m].')
help='Grid spacing of source-receiver surface distance [m].')
'elastic2', 'elastic5', 'elastic8', 'elastic10', 'poroelastic10']
return args[0]
return self.receiver_depth
[self.source_depth_min, self.distance_min], dtype=num.float) [self.source_depth_max, self.distance_max], dtype=num.float) [self.source_depth_delta, self.distance_delta], dtype=num.float) vicinity_eps).astype(num.int) + 1 (mi, ma, n) in zip(self.mins, self.effective_maxs, self.ns)) + \ (num.arange(self.ncomponents),)
except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
except ValueError: for ia_, ib_, ig_ in zip(ia, ib, ig): try: num.ravel_multi_index((ia_, ib_, ig_), (na, nb, ng)) except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
raise OutOfBounds()
raise OutOfBounds()
raise OutOfBounds()
raise OutOfBounds()
raise OutOfBounds()
num.tile(dists, nc//n), icomponents)
def short_extent(self): return '%g:%g:%g x %g:%g:%g' % ( self.source_depth_min/km, self.source_depth_max/km, self.source_depth_delta/km, self.distance_min/km, self.distance_max/km, self.distance_delta/km)
0., 0., points, parameter='vp' if mode == cake.P else 'vs', interpolation='multilinear')
speeds, times, delta) except eikonal_ext.EikonalExtError as e: if str(e).endswith('please check results'): logger.debug( 'Got a warning from eikonal solver ' '- may be ok...') else: raise
f=func, ftol=sptree.ftol, xbounds=sptree.xbounds, xtols=sptree.xtols)
''' Cylindrical symmetry, 1D earth model, variable receiver depth
* Symmetries like in :py:class:`ConfigTypeA` but has additional index for receiver depth
* High level index variables: ``(source_depth, receiver_distance, receiver_depth, component)`` '''
help='Minimum receiver depth [m].')
help='Maximum receiver depth [m].')
help='Grid spacing of receiver depths [m]')
help='Minimum source depth [m].')
help='Maximum source depth [m].')
help='Grid spacing of source depths [m]')
help='Minimum source-receiver surface distance [m].')
help='Maximum source-receiver surface distance [m].')
help='Grid spacing of source-receiver surface distances [m].')
'elastic2', 'elastic5', 'elastic8', 'elastic10', 'poroelastic10']
return math.sqrt((args[1] - args[0])**2 + args[2]**2)
return args[1]
return args[0]
self.receiver_depth_min, self.source_depth_min, self.distance_min], dtype=num.float)
self.receiver_depth_max, self.source_depth_max, self.distance_max], dtype=num.float)
self.receiver_depth_delta, self.source_depth_delta, self.distance_delta], dtype=num.float)
vicinity_eps).astype(num.int) + 1 (mi, ma, n) in zip(self.mins, self.effective_maxs, self.ns)) + \ (num.arange(self.ncomponents),)
(na, nb, nc, ng)) except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
ia = num.round((a - amin) / da).astype(int) ib = num.round((b - bmin) / db).astype(int) ic = num.round((c - cmin) / dc).astype(int) try: return num.ravel_multi_index((ia, ib, ic, ig), (na, nb, nc, ng)) except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
ias, ibs, ics = grid_interpolation_coefficients(a, b, c)
if not (0 <= ig < ng): raise OutOfBounds()
indis = [] weights = [] for ia, va in ias: iia = ia*nb*nc*ng for ib, vb in ibs: iib = ib*nc*ng for ic, vc in ics: indis.append(iia + iib + ic*ng + ig) weights.append(va*vb*vc)
return num.array(indis), num.array(weights)
xa = (a - amin) / da xb = (b - bmin) / db xc = (c - cmin) / dc
xa_fl = num.floor(xa) xa_ce = num.ceil(xa) xb_fl = num.floor(xb) xb_ce = num.ceil(xb) xc_fl = num.floor(xc) xc_ce = num.ceil(xc) va_fl = 1.0 - (xa - xa_fl) va_ce = (1.0 - (xa_ce - xa)) * (xa_ce - xa_fl) vb_fl = 1.0 - (xb - xb_fl) vb_ce = (1.0 - (xb_ce - xb)) * (xb_ce - xb_fl) vc_fl = 1.0 - (xc - xc_fl) vc_ce = (1.0 - (xc_ce - xc)) * (xc_ce - xc_fl)
ia_fl = xa_fl.astype(num.int) ia_ce = xa_ce.astype(num.int) ib_fl = xb_fl.astype(num.int) ib_ce = xb_ce.astype(num.int) ic_fl = xc_fl.astype(num.int) ic_ce = xc_ce.astype(num.int)
if num.any(ia_fl < 0) or num.any(ia_fl >= na): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ia_ce < 0) or num.any(ia_ce >= na): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ib_fl < 0) or num.any(ib_fl >= nb): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ib_ce < 0) or num.any(ib_ce >= nb): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ic_fl < 0) or num.any(ic_fl >= nc): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ic_ce < 0) or num.any(ic_ce >= nc): raise OutOfBounds()
irecords = num.empty(a.size*8, dtype=num.int) irecords[0::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + ig irecords[1::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + ig irecords[2::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + ig irecords[3::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + ig irecords[4::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + ig irecords[5::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + ig irecords[6::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + ig irecords[7::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + ig
weights = num.empty(a.size*8, dtype=num.float) weights[0::8] = va_fl * vb_fl * vc_fl weights[1::8] = va_ce * vb_fl * vc_fl weights[2::8] = va_fl * vb_ce * vc_fl weights[3::8] = va_ce * vb_ce * vc_fl weights[4::8] = va_fl * vb_fl * vc_ce weights[5::8] = va_ce * vb_fl * vc_ce weights[6::8] = va_fl * vb_ce * vc_ce weights[7::8] = va_ce * vb_ce * vc_ce
return irecords, weights
nc = icomponents.size dists = source.distances_to(receiver) n = dists.size receiver_depths = num.empty(nc) receiver_depths.fill(receiver.depth) return (receiver_depths, num.tile(source.depths, nc//n), num.tile(dists, nc//n), icomponents)
return (receiver.depth, source.depth, source.distance_to(receiver))
def short_extent(self): return '%g:%g:%g x %g:%g:%g x %g:%g:%g' % ( self.receiver_depth_min/km, self.receiver_depth_max/km, self.receiver_depth_delta/km, self.source_depth_min/km, self.source_depth_max/km, self.source_depth_delta/km, self.distance_min/km, self.distance_max/km, self.distance_delta/km)
0., 0., points, parameter='vp' if mode == cake.P else 'vs', interpolation='multilinear')
num.full( (nodes_sr.shape[0], 1), self.coords[0][ireceiver]), nodes_sr])
speeds, times, delta) except eikonal_ext.EikonalExtError as e: if str(e).endswith('please check results'): logger.debug( 'Got a warning from eikonal solver ' '- may be ok...') else: raise
f=func, ftol=sptree.ftol, xbounds=sptree.xbounds, xtols=sptree.xtols)
''' No symmetrical constraints but fixed receiver positions.
* Cartesian 3D source volume around a reference point
* High level index variables: ``(ireceiver, source_depth, source_east_shift, source_north_shift, component)`` '''
Receiver.T(), help='List of fixed receivers.')
help='Origin of the source volume grid.')
help='Minimum source depth [m].')
help='Maximum source depth [m].')
help='Source depth grid spacing [m].')
help='Minimum easting of source grid [m].')
help='Maximum easting of source grid [m].')
help='Source volume grid spacing in east direction [m].')
help='Minimum northing of source grid [m].')
help='Maximum northing of source grid [m].')
help='Source volume grid spacing in north direction [m].')
ireceiver, _, source_east_shift, source_north_shift, _ = args sorig = self.source_origin sloc = Location( lat=sorig.lat, lon=sorig.lon, north_shift=sorig.north_shift + source_north_shift, east_shift=sorig.east_shift + source_east_shift)
return self.receivers[args[0]].distance_to(sloc)
# to be improved... ireceiver, sdepth, source_east_shift, source_north_shift, _ = args sorig = self.source_origin sloc = Location( lat=sorig.lat, lon=sorig.lon, north_shift=sorig.north_shift + source_north_shift, east_shift=sorig.east_shift + source_east_shift)
return math.sqrt( self.receivers[args[0]].distance_to(sloc)**2 + sdepth**2)
return args[1]
return self.receivers[args[0]].depth
return self.coords[0]
self.mins = num.array([ self.source_depth_min, self.source_east_shift_min, self.source_north_shift_min], dtype=num.float)
self.maxs = num.array([ self.source_depth_max, self.source_east_shift_max, self.source_north_shift_max], dtype=num.float)
self.deltas = num.array([ self.source_depth_delta, self.source_east_shift_delta, self.source_north_shift_delta], dtype=num.float)
self.ns = num.floor((self.maxs - self.mins) / self.deltas + vicinity_eps).astype(num.int) + 1 self.effective_maxs = self.mins + self.deltas * (self.ns - 1) self.deltat = 1.0/self.sample_rate self.nreceivers = len(self.receivers) self.nrecords = \ self.nreceivers * num.product(self.ns) * self.ncomponents
self.coords = (num.arange(self.nreceivers),) + \ tuple(num.linspace(mi, ma, n) for (mi, ma, n) in zip(self.mins, self.effective_maxs, self.ns)) + \ (num.arange(self.ncomponents),) self.nreceiver_depths, self.nsource_depths, self.ndistances = self.ns
self._distances_cache = {}
amin, bmin, cmin = self.mins da, db, dc = self.deltas na, nb, nc = self.ns ng = self.ncomponents nr = self.nreceivers
def index_function(ir, a, b, c, ig): ia = int(round((a - amin) / da)) ib = int(round((b - bmin) / db)) ic = int(round((c - cmin) / dc)) try: return num.ravel_multi_index((ir, ia, ib, ic, ig), (nr, na, nb, nc, ng)) except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
def indices_function(ir, a, b, c, ig): ia = num.round((a - amin) / da).astype(int) ib = num.round((b - bmin) / db).astype(int) ic = num.round((c - cmin) / dc).astype(int)
try: return num.ravel_multi_index((ir, ia, ib, ic, ig), (nr, na, nb, nc, ng)) except ValueError: raise OutOfBounds()
def vicinity_function(ir, a, b, c, ig): ias = indi12((a - amin) / da, na) ibs = indi12((b - bmin) / db, nb) ics = indi12((c - cmin) / dc, nc)
if not (0 <= ir < nr): raise OutOfBounds()
if not (0 <= ig < ng): raise OutOfBounds()
indis = [] weights = [] iir = ir*na*nb*nc*ng for ia, va in ias: iia = ia*nb*nc*ng for ib, vb in ibs: iib = ib*nc*ng for ic, vc in ics: indis.append(iir + iia + iib + ic*ng + ig) weights.append(va*vb*vc)
return num.array(indis), num.array(weights)
def vicinities_function(ir, a, b, c, ig):
xa = (a-amin) / da xb = (b-bmin) / db xc = (c-cmin) / dc
xa_fl = num.floor(xa) xa_ce = num.ceil(xa) xb_fl = num.floor(xb) xb_ce = num.ceil(xb) xc_fl = num.floor(xc) xc_ce = num.ceil(xc) va_fl = 1.0 - (xa - xa_fl) va_ce = (1.0 - (xa_ce - xa)) * (xa_ce - xa_fl) vb_fl = 1.0 - (xb - xb_fl) vb_ce = (1.0 - (xb_ce - xb)) * (xb_ce - xb_fl) vc_fl = 1.0 - (xc - xc_fl) vc_ce = (1.0 - (xc_ce - xc)) * (xc_ce - xc_fl)
ia_fl = xa_fl.astype(num.int) ia_ce = xa_ce.astype(num.int) ib_fl = xb_fl.astype(num.int) ib_ce = xb_ce.astype(num.int) ic_fl = xc_fl.astype(num.int) ic_ce = xc_ce.astype(num.int)
if num.any(ia_fl < 0) or num.any(ia_fl >= na): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ia_ce < 0) or num.any(ia_ce >= na): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ib_fl < 0) or num.any(ib_fl >= nb): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ib_ce < 0) or num.any(ib_ce >= nb): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ic_fl < 0) or num.any(ic_fl >= nc): raise OutOfBounds()
if num.any(ic_ce < 0) or num.any(ic_ce >= nc): raise OutOfBounds()
irig = ir*na*nb*nc*ng + ig
irecords = num.empty(a.size*8, dtype=num.int) irecords[0::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + irig irecords[1::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + irig irecords[2::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + irig irecords[3::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_fl*ng + irig irecords[4::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + irig irecords[5::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_fl*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + irig irecords[6::8] = ia_fl*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + irig irecords[7::8] = ia_ce*nb*nc*ng + ib_ce*nc*ng + ic_ce*ng + irig
weights = num.empty(a.size*8, dtype=num.float) weights[0::8] = va_fl * vb_fl * vc_fl weights[1::8] = va_ce * vb_fl * vc_fl weights[2::8] = va_fl * vb_ce * vc_fl weights[3::8] = va_ce * vb_ce * vc_fl weights[4::8] = va_fl * vb_fl * vc_ce weights[5::8] = va_ce * vb_fl * vc_ce weights[6::8] = va_fl * vb_ce * vc_ce weights[7::8] = va_ce * vb_ce * vc_ce
return irecords, weights
self._index_function = index_function self._indices_function = indices_function self._vicinity_function = vicinity_function self._vicinities_function = vicinities_function
k = (receiver.lat, receiver.lon, receiver.north_shift, receiver.east_shift) dh = min(self.source_north_shift_delta, self.source_east_shift_delta) dv = self.source_depth_delta
for irec, rec in enumerate(self.receivers): if (k, irec) not in self._distances_cache: self._distances_cache[k, irec] = math.sqrt( (receiver.distance_to(rec)/dh)**2 + ((rec.depth - receiver.depth)/dv)**2)
if self._distances_cache[k, irec] < 0.1: return irec
raise OutOfBounds( reason='No GFs available for receiver at (%g, %g).' % receiver.effective_latlon)
nc = icomponents.size
dists = source.distances_to(self.source_origin) azis, _ = source.azibazis_to(self.source_origin)
source_north_shifts = - num.cos(d2r*azis) * dists source_east_shifts = - num.sin(d2r*azis) * dists source_depths = source.depths - self.source_origin.depth
n = dists.size ireceivers = num.empty(nc, dtype=num.int) ireceivers.fill(self.lookup_ireceiver(receiver))
return (ireceivers, num.tile(source_depths, nc//n), num.tile(source_east_shifts, nc//n), num.tile(source_north_shifts, nc//n), icomponents)
dist = source.distance_to(self.source_origin) azi, _ = source.azibazi_to(self.source_origin)
source_north_shift = - num.cos(d2r*azi) * dist source_east_shift = - num.sin(d2r*azi) * dist source_depth = source.depth - self.source_origin.depth
return (self.lookup_ireceiver(receiver), source_depth, source_east_shift, source_north_shift)
def short_extent(self): return '%g:%g:%g x %g:%g:%g x %g:%g:%g' % ( self.source_depth_min/km, self.source_depth_max/km, self.source_depth_delta/km, self.source_east_shift_min/km, self.source_east_shift_max/km, self.source_east_shift_delta/km, self.source_north_shift_min/km, self.source_north_shift_max/km, self.source_north_shift_delta/km)
choices=['cos', 'linear'], default='cos', optional=True)
self._pattern = pattern SObject.__init__(self)
def __str__(self): return self._pattern
def regex(self): pool = SimplePattern._pool if self.pattern not in pool: rpat = '|'.join(fnmatch.translate(x) for x in self.pattern.split('|')) pool[self.pattern] = re.compile(rpat, re.I)
return pool[self.pattern]
return self.regex.match(s)
'amp_spec_dis', 'amp_spec_vel', 'amp_spec_acc', 'envelope_dis', 'envelope_vel', 'envelope_acc']
# filter = FrequencyResponse.T()
''' Get linear interpolation index and weight. '''
raise OutOfBounds()
else: raise OutOfBounds()
'k': 1e3, 'M': 1e6, }
factor = units[s[-1]] s = s[:-1] if not s: raise ValueError('unit without a number: \'%s\'' % s)
return float(s) * factor else:
Exception.__init__(self, 'invalid grid specification: %s' % s)
raise GridSpecError(spec)
elif len(t) > 2: raise GridSpecError(spec)
start, stop = v[0:2] step = v[2]
raise GridSpecError(spec)
raise GridSpecError(spec)
except ValueError: raise GridSpecError(spec)
if (step < 0) != (stop-start < 0): raise GridSpecError()
num = int(round((stop-start)/step))+1 stop2 = start + (num-1)*step if abs(stop-stop2) > eps: num = int(math.floor((stop-start)/step))+1 stop = start + (num-1)*step else: stop = stop2
num = 1
x, op_axes=(num.identity(len(x), dtype=num.int)-1).tolist())
a = num.empty(n, dtype=num.int) a.fill(x) return a
DiscretizedExplosionSource, DiscretizedSFSource, DiscretizedMTSource, DiscretizedPorePressureSource]
Earthmodel1D StringID ScopeType WaveformType QuantityType NearfieldTermsType Reference Region CircularRegion RectangularRegion PhaseSelect InvalidTimingSpecification Timing TPDef OutOfBounds Location Receiver '''.split() + [ S.__name__ for S in discretized_source_classes + config_type_classes] + ''' ComponentScheme component_scheme_to_description component_schemes Config GridSpecError Weighting Taper SimplePattern WaveformType ChannelSelection StationSelection WaveformSelection nditer_outer dump load discretized_source_classes config_type_classes UnavailableScheme InterpolationMethod SeismosizerTrace SeismosizerResult Result StaticResult '''.split() |