Source code for

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import division, absolute_import

from struct import unpack
import os
import re
import logging

from pyrocko import trace
from pyrocko.util import reuse, ensuredirs
from .io_common import FileLoadError, FileSaveError

logger = logging.getLogger('')

[docs]class CodeTooLong(FileSaveError): pass
[docs]def iload(filename, load_data=True): from pyrocko import mseed_ext have_zero_rate_traces = False try: traces = [] for tr in mseed_ext.get_traces(filename, load_data): network, station, location, channel = tr[1:5] tmin = float(tr[5])/float(mseed_ext.HPTMODULUS) tmax = float(tr[6])/float(mseed_ext.HPTMODULUS) try: deltat = reuse(1.0/float(tr[7])) except ZeroDivisionError: have_zero_rate_traces = True continue ydata = tr[8] traces.append(trace.Trace( network, station, location, channel, tmin, tmax, deltat, ydata)) for tr in traces: yield tr except (OSError, mseed_ext.MSeedError) as e: raise FileLoadError(str(e)+' (file: %s)' % filename) if have_zero_rate_traces: logger.warning( 'Ignoring traces with sampling rate of zero in file %s ' '(maybe LOG traces)' % filename)
[docs]def as_tuple(tr): from pyrocko import mseed_ext itmin = int(round(tr.tmin*mseed_ext.HPTMODULUS)) itmax = int(round(tr.tmax*mseed_ext.HPTMODULUS)) srate = 1.0/tr.deltat return (, tr.station, tr.location,, itmin, itmax, srate, tr.get_ydata())
[docs]def save(traces, filename_template, additional={}, overwrite=True, record_length=4096): from pyrocko import mseed_ext assert record_length in (2**exp for exp in range(8, 20)) fn_tr = {} for tr in traces: for code, maxlen, val in zip( ['network', 'station', 'location', 'channel'], [2, 5, 2, 3], tr.nslc_id): if len(val) > maxlen: raise CodeTooLong( '%s code too long to be stored in MSeed file: %s' % (code, val)) fn = tr.fill_template(filename_template, **additional) if not overwrite and os.path.exists(fn): raise FileSaveError('File exists: %s' % fn) if fn not in fn_tr: fn_tr[fn] = [] fn_tr[fn].append(tr) for fn, traces_thisfile in fn_tr.items(): trtups = [] traces_thisfile.sort(key=lambda a: a.full_id) for tr in traces_thisfile: trtups.append(as_tuple(tr)) ensuredirs(fn) try: mseed_ext.store_traces(trtups, fn, record_length) except mseed_ext.MSeedError as e: raise FileSaveError( str(e) + ' (while storing traces to file \'%s\')' % fn) return list(fn_tr.keys())
tcs = {}
[docs]def detect(first512): if len(first512) < 256: return False rec = first512 try: sequence_number = int(rec[:6]) except Exception: return False if sequence_number < 0: return False type_code = rec[6:7] if type_code in b'DRQM': bads = [] for sex in '<>': bad = False fmt = sex + '6s1s1s5s2s3s2s10sH2h4Bl2H' vals = unpack(fmt, rec[:48]) fmt_btime = sex + 'HHBBBBH' tvals = unpack(fmt_btime, vals[7]) if tvals[1] < 1 or tvals[1] > 367 or tvals[2] > 23 or \ tvals[3] > 59 or tvals[4] > 60 or tvals[6] > 9999: bad = True bads.append(bad) if all(bads): return False else: if type_code not in b'VAST': return False continuation_code = rec[7:8] if continuation_code != b' ': return False blockette_type = rec[8:8+3].decode() if not re.match(r'^\d\d\d$', blockette_type): return False try: blockette_length = int(rec[11:11+4]) except Exception: return False if blockette_length < 7: return False return True