Source code for pyrocko.scenario.targets.gnss_campaign

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
import os.path as op
import numpy as num

from pyrocko import gf, util
from pyrocko.guts import Float

from .base import TargetGenerator, NoiseGenerator
from ..station import RandomStationGenerator, StationGenerator

DEFAULT_STORE_ID = 'ak135_static'

logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.scenario.targets.gnss_campaign')
guts_prefix = 'pf.scenario'

[docs]class GPSNoiseGenerator(NoiseGenerator): measurement_duarion_days = Float.T( default=2., help='Measurement duration in days') def add_noise(self, campaign): # waterlevel = 1. - (.99 + .0015 * self.measurement_duarion_days) # noqa logger.warning('GNSSNoiseGenerator is a work-in-progress!') for ista, sta in enumerate(campaign.stations): pass
# rstate = self.get_rstate(ista) # sta.north.sigma = 8e-3 # sta.east.sigma = 8e-3 # sta.north.shift += rstate.normal(0., sta.north.sigma) # sta.east.shift += rstate.normal(0., sta.east.sigma)
[docs]class GNSSCampaignGenerator(TargetGenerator): station_generator = StationGenerator.T( default=RandomStationGenerator( network_name='GN', channels=None), help='The StationGenerator for creating the stations.') noise_generator = NoiseGenerator.T( default=GPSNoiseGenerator.D(), optional=True, help='Add Synthetic noise to the GNSS displacements.') store_id = gf.StringID.T( default=DEFAULT_STORE_ID, help='The GF store to use for forward-calculations.') def get_stations(self): return self.station_generator.get_stations()
[docs] def get_targets(self): stations = self.get_stations() lats = num.array([ for s in stations]) lons = num.array([s.lon for s in stations]) target = gf.GNSSCampaignTarget( lats=lats, lons=lons, store_id=self.store_id) return [target]
def get_gnss_campaigns(self, engine, sources, tmin=None, tmax=None): try: resp = engine.process( sources, self.get_targets(), nthreads=0) except gf.meta.OutOfBounds: logger.warning('Could not calculate GNSS displacements' ' - the GF store\'s extend is too small!') return [] campaigns = [r.campaign for r in resp.static_results()] stacked_campaign = campaigns[0] = 'Scenario Campaign' for camp in campaigns[1:]: for ista, sta in enumerate(camp.stations): stacked_campaign.stations[ista].north.shift += sta.north.shift stacked_campaign.stations[ista].east.shift += sta.east.shift stacked_campaign.stations[ista].up.shift += sta.up.shift for ista, sta in enumerate(stacked_campaign.stations): sta.code = 'SY%02d' % (ista + 1) if self.noise_generator is not None: self.noise_generator.add_noise(stacked_campaign) return [stacked_campaign] def ensure_data(self, engine, sources, path, tmin=None, tmax=None): path_gnss = op.join(path, 'gnss') util.ensuredir(path_gnss) fn = op.join(path_gnss, 'campaign-%s.yml' % self.station_generator.network_name) if op.exists(fn): return campaigns = self.get_gnss_campaigns(engine, sources, tmin, tmax) with open(fn, 'w') as f: for camp in campaigns: camp.dump(stream=f) def add_map_artists(self, engine, sources, automap): automap.add_gnss_campaign(self.get_gnss_campaigns(engine, sources)[0])