Source code for pyrocko.dataset.tectonics

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import range
from builtins import map

import os.path as op
import math
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as num

from pyrocko import util, config
from pyrocko import orthodrome as od
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array
from pyrocko.guts import Object, String
from .util import get_download_callback

PI = math.pi

[docs]class Plate(Object): name = String.T( help='Name of the tectonic plate.') points = Array.T( dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2), help='Points on the plate.')
[docs] def max_interpoint_distance(self): p = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.points) return math.sqrt(num.max(num.sum( (p[num.newaxis, :, :] - p[:, num.newaxis, :])**2, axis=2)))
[docs] def contains_point(self, point): return od.contains_point(self.points, point)
[docs] def contains_points(self, points): return od.contains_points(self.points, points)
class Boundary(Object): name1 = String.T() name2 = String.T() kind = String.T() points = Array.T(dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2)) cpoints = Array.T(dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2)) itypes = Array.T(, shape=(None)) def split_types(self, groups=None): xyz = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.points) xyzmid = (xyz[1:] + xyz[:-1, :]) * 0.5 cxyz = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.cpoints) d = od.distances3d(xyzmid[num.newaxis, :, :], cxyz[:, num.newaxis, :]) idmin = num.argmin(d, axis=0) itypes = self.itypes[idmin] if groups is None: groupmap = num.arange(len(self._index_to_type)) else: d = {} for igroup, group in enumerate(groups): for name in group: d[name] = igroup groupmap = num.array( [d[name] for name in self._index_to_type], iswitch = num.concatenate( ([0], num.where(groupmap[itypes[1:]] != groupmap[itypes[:-1]])[0]+1, [itypes.size])) results = [] for ii in range(iswitch.size-1): if groups is not None: tt = [self._index_to_type[ityp] for ityp in num.unique( itypes[iswitch[ii]:iswitch[ii+1]])] else: tt = self._index_to_type[itypes[iswitch[ii]]] results.append((tt, self.points[iswitch[ii]:iswitch[ii+1]+1])) return results class Dataset(object): def __init__(self, name, data_dir, citation): = name self.citation = citation self.data_dir = data_dir def fpath(self, filename): return op.join(self.data_dir, filename) def download_file( self, url, fpath, username=None, password=None, status_callback=None): util.download_file( url, fpath, username, password, status_callback=status_callback) class PlatesDataset(Dataset): pass
[docs]class PeterBird2003(PlatesDataset): '''An updated digital model of plate boundaries.''' __citation = ''' Bird, Peter. "An updated digital model of plate boundaries." Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4.3 (2003). ''' def __init__( self, name='PeterBird2003', data_dir=None, raw_data_url=('')): # noqa if data_dir is None: data_dir = op.join(config.config().tectonics_dir, name) PlatesDataset.__init__( self, name, data_dir=data_dir, citation=self.__citation) self.raw_data_url = raw_data_url self.filenames = [ '2001GC000252_readme.txt', 'PB2002_boundaries.dig.txt', 'PB2002_orogens.dig.txt', 'PB2002_plates.dig.txt', 'PB2002_poles.dat.txt', 'PB2002_steps.dat.txt'] self._full_names = None
[docs] def full_name(self, name): if not self._full_names: fn = util.data_file(op.join('tectonics', 'bird2003_plates.txt')) with open(fn, 'r') as f: self._full_names = dict( line.strip().split(None, 1) for line in f) return self._full_names[name]
[docs] def download_if_needed(self): for fn in self.filenames: fpath = self.fpath(fn) if not op.exists(fpath): self.download_file( self.raw_data_url % fn, fpath, status_callback=get_download_callback( 'Downloading Bird 2003 plate database...'))
[docs] def get_boundaries(self): self.download_if_needed() fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_steps.dat.txt') d = defaultdict(list) ntyp = 0 type_to_index = {} index_to_type = [] with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: t = line.split() s = t[1].lstrip(b':') name1 = str(s[0:2].decode('ascii')) name2 = str(s[3:5].decode('ascii')) kind = s[2] alon, alat, blon, blat = list(map(float, t[2:6])) mlat = (alat + blat) * 0.5 dlon = ((blon - alon) + 180.) % 360. - 180. mlon = alon + dlon * 0.5 typ = str(t[14].strip(b':*').decode('ascii')) if typ not in type_to_index: ntyp += 1 type_to_index[typ] = ntyp - 1 index_to_type.append(typ) ityp = type_to_index[typ] d[name1, kind, name2].append((mlat, mlon, ityp)) d2 = {} for k in d: d2[k] = ( num.array([l[:2] for l in d[k]], dtype=num.float), num.array([l[2] for l in d[k]], fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_boundaries.dig.txt') boundaries = [] name1 = '' name2 = '' kind = '-' with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: if line.startswith(b'***'): cpoints, itypes = d2[name1, kind, name2] boundaries.append(Boundary( name1=name1, name2=name2, kind=kind, points=num.array(data, dtype=num.float), cpoints=cpoints, itypes=itypes)) boundaries[-1]._type_to_index = type_to_index boundaries[-1]._index_to_type = index_to_type data = [] elif line.startswith(b' '): data.append(list(map(float, line.split(b',')))[::-1]) else: s = line.strip() name1 = str(s[0:2].decode('ascii')) name2 = str(s[3:5].decode('ascii')) kind = s[2] return boundaries
[docs] def get_plates(self): self.download_if_needed() fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_plates.dig.txt') plates = [] name = '' with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: if line.startswith(b'***'): plates.append(Plate( name=name, points=num.array(data, dtype=num.float))) data = [] elif line.startswith(b' '): data.append(list(map(float, line.split(b',')))[::-1]) else: name = str(line.strip().decode('ascii')) return plates
class StrainRateDataset(Dataset): pass
[docs]class GSRM1(StrainRateDataset): '''Global Strain Rate Map. An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation''' __citation = '''Kreemer, C., W.E. Holt, and A.J. Haines, "An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation", Geophys. J. Int., 154, 8-34, 2003.''' def __init__( self, name='GSRM1.2', data_dir=None, raw_data_url=('' '/files/1.2/%s')): if data_dir is None: data_dir = op.join(config.config().tectonics_dir, name) StrainRateDataset.__init__( self, name, data_dir=data_dir, citation=self.__citation) self.raw_data_url = raw_data_url self._full_names = None self._names = None
[docs] def full_names(self): if not self._full_names: fn = util.data_file(op.join('tectonics', 'gsrm1_plates.txt')) with open(fn, 'r') as f: self._full_names = dict( line.strip().split(None, 1) for line in f) return self._full_names
[docs] def full_name(self, name): name = self.plate_alt_names().get(name, name) return self.full_names()[name]
[docs] def plate_names(self): if self._names is None: self._names = sorted(self.full_names().keys()) return self._names
[docs] def plate_alt_names(self): # 'African Plate' is named 'Nubian Plate' in GSRM1 return {'AF': 'NU'}
[docs] def download_if_needed(self, fn): fpath = self.fpath(fn) if not op.exists(fpath): self.download_file( self.raw_data_url % fn, fpath, status_callback=get_download_callback( 'Downloading global strain rate map...'))
[docs] def get_velocities(self, reference_name=None, region=None): reference_name = self.plate_alt_names().get( reference_name, reference_name) if reference_name is None: reference_name = 'NNR' fn = 'velocity_%s.dat' % reference_name self.download_if_needed(fn) fpath = self.fpath(fn) data = [] with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: for line in f: if line.strip().startswith(b'#'): continue t = line.split() data.append(list(map(float, t))) arr = num.array(data, dtype=num.float) if region is not None: points = arr[:, 1::-1] mask = od.points_in_region(points, region) arr = arr[mask, :] lons, lats, veast, vnorth, veast_err, vnorth_err, corr = arr.T return lats, lons, vnorth, veast, vnorth_err, veast_err, corr
__all__ = ''' GSRM1 PeterBird2003 Plate'''.split()