Source code for pyrocko.dataset.tectonics

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os.path as op
import math
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as num

from pyrocko import util, config
from pyrocko import orthodrome as od
from pyrocko.guts_array import Array
from pyrocko.guts import Object, String
from .util import get_download_callback

PI = math.pi

[docs]class Plate(Object): name = String.T( help='Name of the tectonic plate.') points = Array.T( dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2), help='Points on the plate.')
[docs] def max_interpoint_distance(self): p = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.points) return math.sqrt(num.max(num.sum( (p[num.newaxis, :, :] - p[:, num.newaxis, :])**2, axis=2)))
[docs] def contains_point(self, point): return od.contains_point(self.points, point)
[docs] def contains_points(self, points): return od.contains_points(self.points, points)
class Boundary(Object): name1 = String.T() name2 = String.T() kind = String.T() points = Array.T(dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2)) cpoints = Array.T(dtype=num.float, shape=(None, 2)) itypes = Array.T(, shape=(None)) def split_types(self, groups=None): xyz = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.points) xyzmid = (xyz[1:] + xyz[:-1, :]) * 0.5 cxyz = od.latlon_to_xyz(self.cpoints) d = od.distances3d(xyzmid[num.newaxis, :, :], cxyz[:, num.newaxis, :]) idmin = num.argmin(d, axis=0) itypes = self.itypes[idmin] if groups is None: groupmap = num.arange(len(self._index_to_type)) else: d = {} for igroup, group in enumerate(groups): for name in group: d[name] = igroup groupmap = num.array( [d[name] for name in self._index_to_type], iswitch = num.concatenate( ([0], num.where(groupmap[itypes[1:]] != groupmap[itypes[:-1]])[0]+1, [itypes.size])) results = [] for ii in range(iswitch.size-1): if groups is not None: tt = [self._index_to_type[ityp] for ityp in num.unique( itypes[iswitch[ii]:iswitch[ii+1]])] else: tt = self._index_to_type[itypes[iswitch[ii]]] results.append((tt, self.points[iswitch[ii]:iswitch[ii+1]+1])) return results class Dataset(object): def __init__(self, name, data_dir, citation): = name self.citation = citation self.data_dir = data_dir def fpath(self, filename): return op.join(self.data_dir, filename) def download_file( self, url, fpath, username=None, password=None, status_callback=None): util.download_file( url, fpath, username, password, status_callback=status_callback) class PlatesDataset(Dataset): pass
[docs]class PeterBird2003(PlatesDataset): '''An updated digital model of plate boundaries.''' __citation = ''' Bird, Peter. "An updated digital model of plate boundaries." Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4.3 (2003). ''' def __init__( self, name='PeterBird2003', data_dir=None, raw_data_url=('')): # noqa if data_dir is None: data_dir = op.join(config.config().tectonics_dir, name) PlatesDataset.__init__( self, name, data_dir=data_dir, citation=self.__citation) self.raw_data_url = raw_data_url self.filenames = [ '2001GC000252_readme.txt', 'PB2002_boundaries.dig.txt', 'PB2002_orogens.dig.txt', 'PB2002_plates.dig.txt', 'PB2002_poles.dat.txt', 'PB2002_steps.dat.txt'] self._full_names = None
[docs] def full_name(self, name): if not self._full_names: fn = util.data_file(op.join('tectonics', 'bird2003_plates.txt')) with open(fn, 'r') as f: self._full_names = dict( line.strip().split(None, 1) for line in f) return self._full_names[name]
[docs] def download_if_needed(self): for fn in self.filenames: fpath = self.fpath(fn) if not op.exists(fpath): self.download_file( self.raw_data_url % fn, fpath, status_callback=get_download_callback( 'Downloading Bird 2003 plate database...'))
[docs] def get_boundaries(self): self.download_if_needed() fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_steps.dat.txt') d = defaultdict(list) ntyp = 0 type_to_index = {} index_to_type = [] with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: t = line.split() s = t[1].lstrip(b':') name1 = str(s[0:2].decode('ascii')) name2 = str(s[3:5].decode('ascii')) kind = s[2] alon, alat, blon, blat = list(map(float, t[2:6])) mlat = (alat + blat) * 0.5 dlon = ((blon - alon) + 180.) % 360. - 180. mlon = alon + dlon * 0.5 typ = str(t[14].strip(b':*').decode('ascii')) if typ not in type_to_index: ntyp += 1 type_to_index[typ] = ntyp - 1 index_to_type.append(typ) ityp = type_to_index[typ] d[name1, kind, name2].append((mlat, mlon, ityp)) d2 = {} for k in d: d2[k] = ( num.array([x[:2] for x in d[k]], dtype=num.float), num.array([x[2] for x in d[k]], fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_boundaries.dig.txt') boundaries = [] name1 = '' name2 = '' kind = '-' with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: if line.startswith(b'***'): cpoints, itypes = d2[name1, kind, name2] boundaries.append(Boundary( name1=name1, name2=name2, kind=kind, points=num.array(data, dtype=num.float), cpoints=cpoints, itypes=itypes)) boundaries[-1]._type_to_index = type_to_index boundaries[-1]._index_to_type = index_to_type data = [] elif line.startswith(b' '): data.append(list(map(float, line.split(b',')))[::-1]) else: s = line.strip() name1 = str(s[0:2].decode('ascii')) name2 = str(s[3:5].decode('ascii')) kind = s[2] return boundaries
[docs] def get_plates(self): self.download_if_needed() fpath = self.fpath('PB2002_plates.dig.txt') plates = [] name = '' with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: data = [] for line in f: if line.startswith(b'***'): plates.append(Plate( name=name, points=num.array(data, dtype=num.float))) data = [] elif line.startswith(b' '): data.append(list(map(float, line.split(b',')))[::-1]) else: name = str(line.strip().decode('ascii')) return plates
class StrainRateDataset(Dataset): pass
[docs]class GSRM1(StrainRateDataset): '''Global Strain Rate Map. An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation''' __citation = '''Kreemer, C., W.E. Holt, and A.J. Haines, "An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation", Geophys. J. Int., 154, 8-34, 2003.''' def __init__( self, name='GSRM1.2', data_dir=None, raw_data_url=('' '/files/1.2/%s')): if data_dir is None: data_dir = op.join(config.config().tectonics_dir, name) StrainRateDataset.__init__( self, name, data_dir=data_dir, citation=self.__citation) self.raw_data_url = raw_data_url self._full_names = None self._names = None
[docs] def full_names(self): if not self._full_names: fn = util.data_file(op.join('tectonics', 'gsrm1_plates.txt')) with open(fn, 'r') as f: self._full_names = dict( line.strip().split(None, 1) for line in f) return self._full_names
[docs] def full_name(self, name): name = self.plate_alt_names().get(name, name) return self.full_names()[name]
[docs] def plate_names(self): if self._names is None: self._names = sorted(self.full_names().keys()) return self._names
[docs] def plate_alt_names(self): # 'African Plate' is named 'Nubian Plate' in GSRM1 return {'AF': 'NU'}
[docs] def download_if_needed(self, fn): fpath = self.fpath(fn) if not op.exists(fpath): self.download_file( self.raw_data_url % fn, fpath, status_callback=get_download_callback( 'Downloading global strain rate map...'))
[docs] def get_velocities(self, reference_name=None, region=None): reference_name = self.plate_alt_names().get( reference_name, reference_name) if reference_name is None: reference_name = 'NNR' fn = 'velocity_%s.dat' % reference_name self.download_if_needed(fn) fpath = self.fpath(fn) data = [] with open(fpath, 'rb') as f: for line in f: if line.strip().startswith(b'#'): continue t = line.split() data.append(list(map(float, t))) arr = num.array(data, dtype=num.float) if region is not None: points = arr[:, 1::-1] mask = od.points_in_region(points, region) arr = arr[mask, :] lons, lats, veast, vnorth, veast_err, vnorth_err, corr = arr.T return lats, lons, vnorth, veast, vnorth_err, veast_err, corr
__all__ = ''' GSRM1 PeterBird2003 Plate'''.split()