Source code for pyrocko.pz

# - GPLv3
# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
from __future__ import absolute_import
import math
import numpy as num
    from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
except ImportError:
    from io import BytesIO

from pyrocko import trace

d2r = math.pi/180.

[docs]class SacPoleZeroError(Exception): pass
[docs]def read_sac_zpk(filename=None, file=None, string=None, get_comments=False): ''' Read SAC Pole-Zero file. Returns (zeros, poles, constant). ''' if filename is not None: f = open(filename, 'rb') elif file is not None: f = file elif string is not None: f = BytesIO(string) sects = ('ZEROS', 'POLES', 'CONSTANT') sectdata = {'ZEROS': [], 'POLES': []} npoles = 0 nzeros = 0 constant = 1.0 atsect = None comments = [] for iline, line in enumerate(f): line = str(line.decode('ascii')) toks = line.split() if len(toks) == 0: continue if toks[0][0] in '*#': comments.append(line) continue if len(toks) != 2: f.close() raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Expected 2 tokens in line %i of file %s' % (iline+1, filename)) if toks[0].startswith('*'): continue lsect = toks[0].upper() if lsect in sects: atsect = lsect sectdata[atsect] = [] if lsect.upper() == 'ZEROS': nzeros = int(toks[1]) elif toks[0].upper() == 'POLES': npoles = int(toks[1]) elif toks[0].upper() == 'CONSTANT': constant = float(toks[1]) else: if atsect: sectdata[atsect].append( complex(float(toks[0]), float(toks[1]))) if f != file: f.close() poles = sectdata['POLES'] zeros = sectdata['ZEROS'] npoles_ = len(poles) nzeros_ = len(zeros) if npoles_ > npoles: raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Expected %i poles but found %i in pole-zero file "%s"' % (npoles, npoles_, filename)) if nzeros_ > nzeros: raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Expected %i zeros but found %i in pole-zero file "%s"' % (nzeros, nzeros_, filename)) if npoles_ < npoles: poles.extend([complex(0.)]*(npoles-npoles_)) if nzeros_ < npoles: zeros.extend([complex(0.)]*(nzeros-nzeros_)) if len(poles) == 0 and len(zeros) == 0: raise SacPoleZeroError( 'No poles and zeros found in file "%s"' % (filename)) if not num.all(num.isfinite(poles)): raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Not finite pole(s) found in pole-zero file "%s"' % filename) if not num.all(num.isfinite(zeros)): raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Not finite zero(s) found in pole-zero file "%s"' % filename) if not num.isfinite(constant): raise SacPoleZeroError( 'Ivalid constant (%g) found in pole-zero file "%s"' % (constant, filename)) if get_comments: return zeros, poles, constant, comments else: return zeros, poles, constant
[docs]def write_sac_zpk(zeros, poles, constant, filename): if hasattr(filename, 'write'): f = filename else: f = open('w', filename) def write_complex(x): f.write('%12.8g %12.8g\n' % (complex(x).real, complex(x).imag)) f.write('POLES %i\n' % len(poles)) for p in poles: if p != 0.0: write_complex(p) f.write('ZEROS %i\n' % len(zeros)) for z in zeros: if z != 0.0: write_complex(z) f.write('CONSTANT %12.8g\n' % constant) if not hasattr(filename, 'write'): f.close()
[docs]def evaluate(zeros, poles, constant, fmin=0.001, fmax=100., nf=100): logfmin = math.log(fmin) logfmax = math.log(fmax) logf = num.linspace(logfmin, logfmax, nf) f = num.exp(logf) trans = trace.PoleZeroResponse(zeros, poles, constant) return f, trans.evaluate(f)
[docs]def evaluate_at(zeros, poles, constant, f): jomeg = 1.0j * 2. * math.pi * f a = constant for z in zeros: a *= jomeg-z for p in poles: a /= jomeg-p return a
[docs]def plot_amplitudes_zpk( zpks, filename_pdf, fmin=0.001, fmax=100., nf=100, fnorm=None): from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy p = gmtpy.LogLogPlot(width=30*, yexp=0) for i, (zeros, poles, constant) in enumerate(zpks): f, h = evaluate(zeros, poles, constant, fmin, fmax, nf) if fnorm is not None: h /= evaluate_at(zeros, poles, constant, fnorm) amp = num.abs(h) p.plot((f, amp), '-W2p,%s' % gmtpy.color(i))
[docs]def plot_phases_zpk(zpks, filename_pdf, fmin=0.001, fmax=100., nf=100): from pyrocko.plot import gmtpy p = gmtpy.LogLinPlot(width=30* for i, (zeros, poles, constant) in enumerate(zpks): f, h = evaluate(zeros, poles, constant, fmin, fmax, nf) phase = num.unwrap(num.angle(h)) / d2r p.plot((f, phase), '-W1p,%s' % gmtpy.color(i))