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1# - GPLv3
3# The Pyrocko Developers, 21st Century
4# ---|P------/S----------~Lg----------
6import logging
7import numpy as num
8import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10from import ScalarMappable
11from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
13from pyrocko.plot import beachball
14from import Timing
15from import LocalEngine, Target, RectangularSource, map_anchor
18km = 1e3
19r2d = 180. / num.pi
20d2r = num.pi / 180.
22logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
26 'displacement': 'Displacement [m]',
27 'velocity': 'Velocity [m/s]',
28 'acceleration': 'Acceleration [m/s²]'
32def get_azimuthal_targets(
33 store_id, source, radius,
34 azi_begin=0., azi_end=360., dazi=1.,
35 depth=0.0,
36 interpolation='multilinear',
37 components='RTZ', quantity='displacement'):
39 assert dazi > 0.
40 assert azi_begin < azi_end
42 nstations = int((azi_end - azi_begin) // dazi)
43 assert nstations > 0
45 azimuths = num.linspace(azi_begin, azi_end, nstations)
47 coords = num.zeros((2, nstations))
48 coords[0, :] = num.cos(azimuths*d2r)
49 coords[1, :] = num.sin(azimuths*d2r)
50 coords *= radius
52 dips = {'R': 0., 'T': 0., 'Z': -90.}
53 for comp in components:
54 assert comp in dips.keys()
56 target_kwargs = dict(
57 quantity=quantity,
58 interpolation=interpolation,
59 store_id=store_id)
61 targets = [
62 Target(
64 lon=source.lon,
65 north_shift=coords[0, iazi] + source.north_shift,
66 east_shift=coords[1, iazi] + source.east_shift,
67 depth=depth,
68 azimuth={
69 'R': azi,
70 'T': azi+90.,
71 'Z': 0.
72 }[channel],
73 dip=dips[channel],
74 codes=('', 'S%01d' % iazi, '', channel),
75 **target_kwargs)
76 for iazi, azi in enumerate(azimuths)
77 for channel in components]
79 for target, azi in zip(targets, azimuths):
80 target.azimuth = azi
81 target.dazi = dazi
83 return targets, azimuths
86def get_seismogram_array(
87 response, fmin=None, fmax=None,
88 component='R', envelope=False):
89 resp = response
90 assert len(resp.request.sources) == 1, 'more than one source in response'
92 tmin = None
93 tmax = None
94 traces = []
96 for _, target, tr in response.iter_results():
97 if[-1] != component:
98 continue
99 assert hasattr(target, 'azimuth')
100 assert target.dazi
102 if fmin is not None:
103 tr.highpass(4, fmin, demean=False)
105 if fmax is not None:
106 tr.lowpass(4, fmax, demean=False)
108 tmin = min(tmin, tr.tmin) if tmin else tr.tmin
109 tmax = max(tmax, tr.tmax) if tmax else tr.tmax
110 traces.append(tr)
112 for tr in traces:
113 tr.extend(tmin, tmax, fillmethod='repeat')
114 if envelope:
115 tr.envelope()
117 data = num.array([tr.get_ydata() for tr in traces])
118 nsamples = data.shape[1]
119 return data, num.linspace(tmin, tmax, nsamples)
122def hillshade(array, azimuth, angle_altitude):
123 azimuth = 360.0 - azimuth
124 azi = azimuth * r2d
125 alt = angle_altitude * r2d
127 x, y = num.gradient(array)
128 slope = num.pi/2. - num.arctan(num.sqrt(x*x + y*y))
129 aspect = num.arctan2(-x, y)
131 shaded = num.sin(alt)*num.sin(slope) \
132 + num.cos(alt)*num.cos(slope)*num.cos((azi - num.pi/2.) - aspect)
134 return (shaded + 1.)/2.
137def hillshade_seismogram_array(
138 seismogram_array, rgba_map,
139 shad_lim=(.4, .98), contrast=1., blend_mode='multiply'):
140 assert blend_mode in ('multiply', 'screen'), 'unknown blend mode'
141 assert shad_lim[0] < shad_lim[1], 'bad shading limits'
142 from scipy.ndimage import convolve as im_conv
143 # Light source from somewhere above - psychologically the best choice
144 # from upper left
145 ramp = num.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]]) * contrast
147 # convolution of two 2D arrays
148 shad = im_conv(seismogram_array, ramp.T).ravel()
149 shad *= -1.
151 # if there are strong artifical edges in the data, shades get
152 # dominated by them. Cutting off the largest and smallest 2% of
153 # # shades helps
154 percentile2 = num.percentile(shad, 2.0)
155 percentile98 = num.percentile(shad, 98.0)
157 shad[shad > percentile98] = percentile98
158 shad[shad < percentile2] = percentile2
160 # # normalize shading
161 shad -= num.nanmin(shad)
162 shad /= num.nanmax(shad)
164 # # reduce range to balance gray color
165 shad *= shad_lim[1] - shad_lim[0]
166 shad += shad_lim[0]
168 if blend_mode == 'screen':
169 rgba_map[:, :3] = 1. - ((1. - rgba_map[:, :3])*(shad[:, num.newaxis]))
170 elif blend_mode == 'multiply':
171 rgba_map[:, :3] *= shad[:, num.newaxis]
173 return rgba_map
176def plot_directivity(
177 engine, source, store_id,
178 distance=300*km, azi_begin=0., azi_end=360., dazi=1.,
179 phases={'P': 'first{stored:any_P}-10%',
180 'S': 'last{stored:any_S}+50'},
181 interpolation='multilinear',
182 target_depth=0.0,
183 quantity='displacement', envelope=False,
184 component='R', fmin=0.01, fmax=0.1,
185 hillshade=True, cmap=None,
186 plot_mt='full', show_phases=True, show_description=True,
187 reverse_time=False, show_nucleations=True, axes=None, nthreads=0):
188 '''
189 Plot the directivity and radiation characteristics of source models.
191 Synthetic seismic traces (R, T or Z) are forward-modelled at a defined
192 radius, covering the full or partial azimuthal range and projected on a
193 polar plot. Difference in the amplitude are enhanced by hillshading
194 the data.
196 :param engine: Forward modelling engine
197 :type engine: :py:class:``
198 :param source: Parametrized source model
199 :type source: :py:class:``
200 :param store_id: Store ID used for forward modelling
201 :type store_id: str
202 :param distance: Distance in [m]
203 :type distance: float
204 :param azi_begin: Begin azimuth in [deg]
205 :type azi_begin: float
206 :param azi_end: End azimuth in [deg]
207 :type azi_end: float
208 :param dazi: Delta azimuth, bin size [deg]
209 :type dazi: float
210 :param phases: Phases to define start and end of time window
211 :type phases: :py:class:`dict` with :py:class:`str` keys and
212 :py:class:`` values
213 :param quantity: Seismogram quantity, default ``displacement``
214 :type quantity: str
215 :param envelope: Plot envelope instead of seismic trace
216 :type envelope: bool
217 :param component: Forward modelled component, default ``R``. Choose from
218 `RTZ`
219 :type component: str
220 :param fmin: Bandpass lower frequency [Hz], default ``0.01``
221 :type fmin: float
222 :param fmax: Bandpass upper frequency [Hz], default ``0.1``
223 :type fmax: float
224 :param hillshade: Enable hillshading, default ``True``
225 :type hillshade: bool
226 :param cmap: Matplotlib colormap to use, default ``seismic``.
227 When ``envelope`` is ``True`` the default colormap will be ``Reds``.
228 :type cmap: str
229 :param plot_mt: Plot a centered moment tensor, default ``full``.
230 Choose from ``full, deviatoric, dc or False``
231 :type plot_mt: str, bool
232 :param show_phases: Show annotations, default ``True``
233 :type show_phases: bool
234 :param show_description: Show description, default ``True``
235 :type show_description: bool
236 :param reverse_time: Reverse time axis. First phases arrive at the center,
237 default ``False``
238 :type reverse_time: bool
239 :param show_nucleations: Show nucleation piercing points on the moment
240 tensor, default ``True``
241 :type show_nucleations: bool
242 :param axes: Give axes to plot into
243 :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
244 :param nthreads: Number of threads used for forward modelling,
245 default ``0`` - all available cores
246 :type nthreads: int
247 '''
249 if axes is None:
250 fig = plt.figure()
251 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
252 else:
253 fig = axes.figure
254 ax = axes
256 if envelope and cmap is None:
257 cmap = 'Reds'
258 elif cmap is None:
259 cmap = 'seismic'
261 targets, azimuths = get_azimuthal_targets(
262 store_id, source, distance, azi_begin, azi_end, dazi,
263 depth=target_depth,
264 interpolation=interpolation,
265 components='R', quantity=quantity)
266 ref_target = targets[0]
267 store = engine.get_store(store_id)
268 mt = source.pyrocko_moment_tensor(store=store, target=ref_target)
270 resp = engine.process(source, targets, nthreads=nthreads)
271 data, times = get_seismogram_array(
272 resp, fmin, fmax,
273 component=component, envelope=envelope)
275 nucl_depth = source.depth
276 nucl_distance = distance
278 if hasattr(source, 'nucleation_x') and hasattr(source, 'nucleation_y'):
279 try:
280 iter(source.nucleation_x)
281 nx = float(source.nucleation_x[0])
282 ny = float(source.nucleation_y[0])
284 except TypeError:
285 nx = source.nucleation_x
286 ny = source.nucleation_y
288 nucl_distance += nx * source.length/2.
289 nucl_depth += ny*num.sin(source.dip*d2r) * source.width/2.
291 if hasattr(source, 'anchor'):
292 anch_x, anch_y = map_anchor[source.anchor]
293 nucl_distance -= anch_x * source.length/2.
294 nucl_depth -= anch_y*num.sin(source.dip*d2r) * source.width/2.
296 timings = [Timing(p) for p in phases.values()]
297 phase_times = [store.t(t, source, ref_target) for t in timings]
299 tbegin = min(phase_times)
300 tend = max(phase_times)
301 tsel = num.logical_and(times >= tbegin, times <= tend)
303 data = data[:, tsel].T
304 times = times[tsel]
305 duration = times[-1] - times[0]
307 vmax = num.abs(data).max()
308 cmw = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap)
309 cmw.set_array(data)
310 cmw.set_clim(-vmax, vmax)
312 if envelope:
313 cmw.set_clim(0., vmax)
315 ax.set_theta_zero_location('N')
316 ax.set_theta_direction(-1)
318 strike_label = mt.strike1
319 if hasattr(source, 'strike'):
320 strike_label = source.strike
322 try:
323 ax.set_rlabel_position(strike_label % 180. - 180.)
324 except AttributeError:
325 logger.warning('Old matplotlib version: cannot set label positions')
327 def r_fmt(v, p):
328 if v < tbegin or v > tend:
329 return ''
330 return '%g s' % v
332 ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(r_fmt))
333 if reverse_time:
334 ax.set_rlim(times[0] - .3*duration, times[-1])
335 else:
336 ax.set_rlim(times[-1] + .3*duration, times[0])
338 ax.grid(zorder=20)
340 if isinstance(plot_mt, str):
341 mt_size = .15
342 beachball.plot_beachball_mpl(
343 mt, ax,
344 beachball_type=plot_mt, size=mt_size,
345 size_units='axes', color_t=(0.7, 0.4, 0.4),
346 position=(.5, .5), linewidth=1.)
348 if hasattr(source, 'nucleation_x') and hasattr(source, 'nucleation_y')\
349 and show_nucleations:
350 try:
351 iter(source.nucleation_x)
352 nucleation_x = source.nucleation_x
353 nucleation_y = source.nucleation_y
354 except TypeError:
355 nucleation_x = [source.nucleation_x]
356 nucleation_y = [source.nucleation_y]
358 for nx, ny in zip(nucleation_x, nucleation_y):
359 angle = float(num.arctan2(ny, nx))
360 rtp = num.array([[1., angle, (90.-source.strike)*d2r]])
361 points = beachball.numpy_rtp2xyz(rtp)
362 x, y = beachball.project(points, projection='lambert').T
363 norm = num.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
364 x = x / norm * mt_size/2.
365 y = y / norm * mt_size/2.
366 ax.plot(x+.5, y+.5, 'x', ms=6, mew=2, mec='darkred', mfc='red',
367 transform=ax.transAxes, zorder=10)
369 ax.grid(False)
370 mesh = ax.pcolormesh(
371 azimuths * d2r, times, data,
372 cmap=cmw.cmap, norm=cmw.norm, shading='gouraud', zorder=0)
374 if hillshade:
375 mesh.update_scalarmappable()
376 color = mesh.get_facecolor()
377 color = hillshade_seismogram_array(
378 data, color, shad_lim=(.85, 1.), blend_mode='multiply')
379 mesh.set_facecolor(color)
381 if show_phases:
382 label_theta = 270.
383 theta = num.linspace(0, 2*num.pi, 360)
385 for label, phase_str in phases.items():
386 phase = Timing(phase_str)
388 phase.offset = 0.
389 phase.offset_is_slowness = False
390 phase.offset_is_percent = False
392 time = store.t(phase, source, ref_target)
393 times = num.full_like(theta, time)
395 ax.plot(theta, times, color='k', alpha=.3, lw=1., ls='--')
397 ax.text(
398 label_theta*d2r, time, label,
399 ha='left', color='k', fontsize='small')
400 label_theta += 30.
402 if show_description:
403 description = (
404 'Component {component:s}\n'
405 'Distance {distance:g} km').format(
406 component=component, distance=distance / km)
408 if fmin and fmax:
409 description += '\nBandpass {fmin:g} - {fmax:g} Hz'.format(
410 fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
411 elif fmin:
412 description += '\nHighpass {fmin:g} Hz'.format(fmin=fmin)
413 elif fmax:
414 description += '\nLowpass {fmax:g} Hz'.format(fmax=fmax)
415 ax.text(
416 -.05, -.05, description,
417 fontsize='small',
418 ha='left', va='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
420 cbar_label = QUANTITY_LABEL[quantity]
421 if envelope:
422 cbar_label = 'Envelope ' + cbar_label
424 cb = fig.colorbar(
425 cmw, ax=ax,
426 orientation='vertical', shrink=.8, pad=0.11)
428 cb.set_label(cbar_label)
430 if axes is None:
432 return resp
435__all__ = ['plot_directivity']
438if __name__ == '__main__':
439 engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=['.'], use_config=True)
441 rect_source = RectangularSource(
442 depth=2.6*km,
443 strike=240.,
444 dip=76.6,
445 rake=-.4,
446 anchor='top',
448 nucleation_x=-.57,
449 nucleation_y=-.59,
450 velocity=2070.,
452 length=27*km,
453 width=9.4*km,
454 slip=1.4)
456 resp = plot_directivity(
457 engine, rect_source, 'crust2_ib',
458 dazi=5, component='R', quantity='displacement', envelope=True)