Coverage for /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/pyrocko/gui/snuffler/snufflings/ 13%
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1import logging
2import numpy as num
3import matplotlib
4from matplotlib import patches
5from pyrocko import util, trace, plot
6from ..snuffling import Snuffling, Param, Marker, Switch, EventMarker
8logger = logging.getLogger('pyrocko.gui.snufflings.polarization')
10d2r = num.pi / 180.
11r2d = 1.0 / d2r
14def get_callbacks(obj):
15 try:
16 return obj.callbacks
17 except AttributeError:
18 return obj._callbacks
21def get_tr(traces, f):
22 for tr in traces:
23 if f(tr):
24 return tr
26 raise ValueError('Element not found.')
29def darken(color, f=0.5):
30 return tuple(c*f for c in color[:3]) + color[3:]
33class PCAError(Exception):
34 pass
37class LayoutError(Exception):
38 pass
41class Polarization(Snuffling):
43 def help(self):
44 return '''
47<style type="text/css">
48 body { margin-left:10px };
54Investigate patterns of ground motion during the passage of seismic waves.
58This Snuffling can be used to analyze and visualize the polarization of seismic
59waves from 3-component seismic recordings or to check component orientations of
60a seismic sensors when used on signals with known directional properties. The
61spatial pattern of ground motion is shown in horizontal and vertical
62projections. Principal component analysis and rotation to radial/transverse
63components are available as tools. Time window and filter settings can be
64adjusted interactively.
72Select one or more normal/phase markers as anchor points for the extraction and
73press <strong>Run</strong>. Multiple stations can be selected for direct
74comparison. Channels matching the pattern-triplet given in the
75<strong>Channels</strong> setting are selected for extraction of a time window
76around the anchor point. It is assumed that these three channels correspond to
77sensor components in the order east, north, vertical (upward), even if they are
78named differently.
82The time window can be adjusted with the <strong>Length</strong> and
83<strong>Offset</strong> parameters. Extracted waveforms are filtered according
84the <strong>Highpass</strong> and <strong>Lowpass</strong> parameters
85(Butterworth 4th order) and demeaned.
89To rotate the horizontal components around a vertical axis, use the
90<strong>\u0394 Azimuth</strong> setting. When station coordinates and an
91"active" event are available, the horizontal components can be rotated to
92radial (away from event) and transverse (leftwards) orientations using the
93computed event back-azimuth (dashed gray line).
97If <strong>Show 2D Eigensystems</strong> is selected, a principal component
98analysis is performed in each of the shown projects. Red lines are shown to
99depict the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues are visualized using ellipse
100symbols. If <strong>Show 3D Eigensystems</strong> is selected, a principal
101component analysis is performed using all three (non-rotated) components and
102the resulting eigenvectors are depicted with purple lines.
106By default the scaling is automatically adjusted to the maximum value (the
107maximum vector length of the three-component signal within the selected time
108window). The currently used scaling factor can be frozen by checking
109<strong>Fix Scale</strong>.
115 def setup(self):
116 self.set_name('Polarization')
118 self.add_parameter(
119 Param('Length [s]', 't_length', 1., 0.001, 1000.))
121 self.add_parameter(
122 Param('Offset (relative)', 'ft_offset', 0., -5., 5.))
124 self.add_parameter(
125 Param(u'\u0394 Azimuth', 'azimuth', 0., -180., 180.))
127 self.add_parameter(
128 Param(
129 'Highpass [Hz]', 'highpass', None, 0.001, 1000.,
130 low_is_none=True))
132 self.add_parameter(
133 Param(
134 'Lowpass [Hz]', 'lowpass', None, 0.001, 1000.,
135 high_is_none=True))
137 self.add_parameter(
138 Param('Dot Position', 'dot_position', 0., 0., 1.))
140 self.add_parameter(
141 Switch(
142 'Rotate to RT',
143 'rotate_to_rt',
144 False))
146 self.add_parameter(
147 Switch(
148 'Show 2D Eigensystems',
149 'show_eigensystem_2d',
150 False))
152 self.add_parameter(
153 Switch(
154 'Show 3D Eigensystem',
155 'show_eigensystem_3d',
156 False))
158 self.add_parameter(
159 Switch(
160 'Fix Scale',
161 'fix_scale',
162 False))
164 def new_figure():
165 self.setup_figure_frame()
168 self.add_trigger('New Figure', new_figure)
170 self.fframe = None
171 self.iframe = 0
172 self.figure_key = None
173 self.nsl_to_amax = {}
174 self.last_rotate_to_rt = False
176 self.font_size = float(matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'])
178 self.colors = {
179 'fg': matplotlib.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'],
180 'lines': 'black',
181 'rot': plot.mpl_color('skyblue1'),
182 'pca_2d': plot.mpl_color('scarletred1'),
183 'pca_3d': plot.mpl_color('plum2'),
184 'backazimuth': plot.mpl_color('aluminium3'),
185 'time_window': plot.mpl_color('aluminium2')}
187 def panel_visibility_changed(self, visible):
188 viewer = self.get_viewer()
189 if visible:
190 viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.connect(self.adjust_controls)
191 self.adjust_controls()
193 else:
194 viewer.pile_has_changed_signal.disconnect(self.adjust_controls)
196 def adjust_controls(self):
197 viewer = self.get_viewer()
198 dtmin, dtmax = viewer.content_deltat_range()
199 maxfreq = 0.5/dtmin
200 minfreq = (0.5/dtmax)*0.001
201 self.set_parameter_range('lowpass', minfreq, maxfreq)
202 self.set_parameter_range('highpass', minfreq, maxfreq)
204 def get_selected(self):
205 markers = [
206 marker for marker in self.get_selected_markers()
207 if not isinstance(marker, EventMarker)]
209 if not markers:
211 'No selected markers.\n\nCreate and select markers at points '
212 'of interest. Normal and phase markers are accepted.')
214 d = {}
215 for marker in markers:
216 tspan = self.transform_time_span(marker.tmin, marker.tmax)
217 for nslc in marker.nslc_ids:
218 k = nslc[:3] + (nslc[3][:-1], marker.tmin)
219 d[k] = tspan
221 return d
223 def transform_time_span(self, tmin, tmax):
224 tmin = tmin + self.t_length * self.ft_offset
225 tmax = tmin + self.t_length
226 return (tmin, tmax)
228 def make_selection_markers(self, selected, groups):
229 selection_markers = []
230 for k in sorted(selected):
231 tmin, tmax = selected[k]
232 patterns = [tr.nslc_id for tr in groups[k]]
233 marker = Marker(
234 nslc_ids=patterns, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, kind=2)
235 selection_markers.append(marker)
237 return selection_markers
239 def sorted_by_component_scheme(self, group):
240 if len(group) not in (2, 3):
241'Need 2 or 3 component recordings. Got %i.' % len(group))
243 comps = []
244 channels = []
245 for tr in group:
246 comps.append([-1])
247 channels.append(
249 # special case for channel naming convention of Cube dataloggers
250 for scheme in [['p2', 'p1', 'p0'], ['p2', 'p1']]:
252 if sorted(channels) == sorted(scheme):
253 return [
254 get_tr(group, lambda tr: == ch)
255 for ch in scheme]
257 for scheme in [
258 ['E', 'N', 'Z'], ['1', '2', 'Z'], ['1', '2', '3'],
259 ['0', '1', '2'], ['R', 'T', 'Z'],
260 ['E', 'N'], ['1', '2'], ['0', '1']]:
262 if sorted(comps) == sorted(scheme):
263 return [
264 get_tr(group, lambda tr:[-1] == comp)
265 for comp in scheme]
267'Cannot handle component group: %s' % ', '.join(channels))
269 def get_traces(self, selected, nsl_to_bazi, tpad):
270 if self.highpass is not None:
271 tpad_filter = 3.0 / self.highpass
272 elif self.lowpass is not None:
273 tpad_filter = 3.0 / self.lowpass
274 else:
275 tpad_filter = 0.0
277 # prevent getting insanely long cutouts if e.g. if highpass is still
278 # very low, e.g. while moving the slider
279 tpad_filter = min(tpad_filter, 5.0 * self.t_length)
281 d = {}
282 for k in sorted(selected):
283 nsl = k[0:3]
284 tmin, tmax = selected[k]
286 bazimuth = self.azimuth
288 if self.rotate_to_rt:
289 if nsl not in nsl_to_bazi:
291 'Cannot rotate to RT.\n\nStation coordinates must be '
292 'available and an event must be marked as the '
293 '"active" event (select event and press "e").')
295 bazimuth += nsl_to_bazi[nsl] + 90.
297 pattern = '.'.join(nsl + (k[3] + '?',))
299 group = []
300 for batch in self.get_pile().chopper(
301 tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, tpad=tpad + tpad_filter,
302 want_incomplete=False,
303 style='batch',
304 trace_selector=lambda tr: util.match_nslc(
305 pattern, tr.nslc_id)):
307 for tr in batch.traces:
308 tr = tr.copy()
309 if self.lowpass is not None \
310 and self.lowpass < 0.5/tr.deltat:
311 tr.lowpass(4, self.lowpass)
313 if self.highpass is not None \
314 and self.highpass < 0.5/tr.deltat:
316 tr.highpass(4, self.highpass)
318 try:
319 tr.chop(tmin - tpad, tmax + tpad)
320 tr_chop = tr.chop(tmin, tmax, inplace=False)
321 except trace.NoData:
323 'No data. Time length too short?', action='status')
325 y = tr.get_ydata()
326 tr.set_ydata(y - num.mean(tr_chop.get_ydata()))
328 group.append(tr)
330 group = self.sorted_by_component_scheme(group)
332 tr_e = group[0]
333 tr_n = group[1]
335 if tr_e is not None and tr_n is not None:
336 cha_e =
337 cha_n =
338 if bazimuth != 0.0:
339 trs_rot = trace.rotate(
340 [tr_n, tr_e], bazimuth,
341 in_channels=[cha_n, cha_e],
342 out_channels=[ch+"'" for ch in [cha_n, cha_e]])
343 else:
344 trs_rot = [tr.copy() for tr in [tr_n, tr_e]]
345 for tr in trs_rot:
346 tr.set_codes( + "'")
348 if len(trs_rot) == 2:
349 group.extend(
350 get_tr(trs_rot, lambda tr: == ch+"'")
351 for ch in [cha_e, cha_n])
352 else:
354 'Cannot rotate traces. '
355 'Are the samples properly aligned?')
357 d[k] = group
359 return d
361 def setup_figure_frame(self):
362 self.iframe += 1
363 self.fframe = self.figure_frame(
364 'Polarization (%i)' % self.iframe)
366 self.fframe.gcf().my_disconnect = None
368 def get_figure(self):
369 if not self.fframe or self.fframe.closed:
370 self.setup_figure_frame()
372 return self.fframe.gcf()
374 def setup_figure(self, fig, nstations):
375 fig.clf()
376 new_axes = []
378 def iwrap(iy, ix):
379 return (ix + iy * 4) + 1
381 for istation in range(nstations):
382 axes_01 = fig.add_subplot(
383 nstations, 4, iwrap(istation, 0), aspect=1.0)
384 axes_02 = fig.add_subplot(
385 nstations, 4, iwrap(istation, 1), aspect=1.0)
386 axes_12 = fig.add_subplot(
387 nstations, 4, iwrap(istation, 2), aspect=1.0)
388 axes_tr = fig.add_subplot(
389 nstations, 4, iwrap(istation, 3))
391 for axes in (axes_01, axes_02, axes_12, axes_tr):
392 axes.my_stuff = []
394 axes.my_line, = axes.plot(
395 [], [], color=self.colors['lines'], lw=1.0)
396 axes.my_dot, = axes.plot(
397 [], [], 'o', ms=4, color=self.colors['lines'])
399 for axes in (axes_01, axes_02, axes_12):
400 axes.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(
401 labelbottom=False, bottom=False)
402 axes.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(
403 labelleft=False, left=False)
405 axes_tr.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(
406 left=False, labelleft=True, length=2.0)
408 # if istation != nstations - 1:
409 # axes_tr.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(
410 # bottom=False, labelbottom=False)
412 lines = []
413 dots = []
414 for _ in range(3):
415 lines.append(
416 axes_tr.plot(
417 [], [], color=self.colors['lines'], lw=1.0)[0])
418 dots.append(
419 axes_tr.plot(
420 [], [], 'o', ms=4, color=self.colors['lines'])[0])
422 axes_tr.my_lines = lines
423 axes_tr.my_dots = dots
424 axes_tr.my_stuff = []
426 new_axes.append(
427 (axes_01, axes_02, axes_12, axes_tr))
429 def resize_handler(*args):
430 self.layout(fig, new_axes)
432 if fig.my_disconnect:
433 fig.my_disconnect()
435 cid_resize = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', resize_handler)
436 try:
437 cid_dpi = get_callbacks(fig).connect('dpi_changed', resize_handler)
438 except (AttributeError, ValueError):
439 pass # not available anymore in MPL >= 3.8
441 def disconnect():
442 fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid_resize)
443 fig.callbacks.disconnect(cid_dpi)
445 fig.my_disconnect = disconnect
447 self.axes = new_axes
449 def get_trace(self, traces, pattern):
450 trs = [tr for tr in traces if util.match_nslc([pattern], tr.nslc_id)]
451 if len(trs) > 1:
452'Multiple traces matching pattern %s' % pattern)
453 elif len(trs) == 0:
454 return None
455 else:
456 return trs[0]
458 def get_vector_abs_max(self, traces):
459 tr_abs = None
460 for tr in traces:
461 if tr is not None:
462 tr = tr.copy()
463 tr.ydata **= 2
464 if tr_abs is None:
465 tr_abs = tr
466 else:
467 tr_abs.add(tr)
469 tr_abs.set_ydata(num.sqrt(tr_abs.ydata))
470 return num.max(tr_abs.ydata)
472 def set_labels(
473 self, istation, nstations, tref,
474 axes_01, axes_02, axes_12, axes_tr, chas, chas_rot):
476 if self.azimuth != 0 or self.rotate_to_rt:
477 rcolor = self.colors['rot']
478 else:
479 rcolor = self.colors['fg']
480 chas_rot = chas
482 axes_01.set_ylabel(chas[1])
483 axes_02.set_ylabel(chas[2])
484 axes_12.set_ylabel(chas[2])
486 axes_01.set_xlabel(chas[0])
487 axes_02.set_xlabel(chas_rot[0])
488 axes_12.set_xlabel(chas_rot[1])
489 axes_02.get_xaxis().label.set_color(rcolor)
490 axes_12.get_xaxis().label.set_color(rcolor)
491 axes_tr.set_xlabel(
492 'Time [s] relative to %s' % util.time_to_str(tref))
494 axes_tr.set_yticks([0., 1., 2])
495 axes_tr.set_yticklabels([chas_rot[0], chas_rot[1], chas[2]])
496 for tlab in axes_tr.get_yticklabels()[:2]:
497 tlab.set_color(rcolor)
499 def pca(self, trs):
501 if any(tr is None for tr in trs):
502 raise PCAError('Missing component')
504 nss = [tr.data_len() for tr in trs]
505 if not all(ns == nss[0] for ns in nss):
506 raise PCAError('Traces have different lengths.')
508 ns = nss[0]
510 if ns < 3:
511 raise PCAError('Traces too short.')
513 data = num.zeros((len(trs), ns))
514 for itr, tr in enumerate(trs):
515 data[itr, :] = tr.ydata
517 cov = num.cov(data)
519 evals, evecs = num.linalg.eigh(cov)
521 pc = evecs[:, -1]
523 eh = num.sqrt(pc[1]**2 + pc[0]**2)
525 if len(trs) > 2:
526 incidence = r2d * num.arctan2(eh, abs(pc[2]))
527 else:
528 incidence = 90.
530 azimuth = r2d*num.arctan2(pc[1], pc[0])
531 azimuth = (-azimuth) % 180. - 90.
533 return cov, evals, evecs, azimuth, incidence
535 def draw_cov_ellipse(self, evals, evecs, color, alpha=1.0):
536 evals = num.sqrt(evals)
537 ell = patches.Ellipse(
538 xy=(0.0, 0.0),
539 width=evals[0] * 2.,
540 height=evals[1] * 2.,
541 angle=r2d*num.arctan2(evecs[1, 0], evecs[0, 0]),
542 zorder=-10,
543 fc=color,
544 ec=darken(color),
545 alpha=alpha)
547 return ell
549 def draw(self, groups, nsl_to_tspan, tpad, nsl_to_bazi):
551 def count(d, k):
552 if k not in d:
553 d[k] = 0
555 d[k] += 1
557 nsli_n = {}
558 for k in sorted(groups):
559 count(nsli_n, k[:4])
561 nsli_i = {}
562 for igroup, k in enumerate(sorted(groups)):
564 tmin, tmax = nsl_to_tspan[k]
565 nsl = k[:3]
566 nsli = k[:4]
567 count(nsli_i, nsli)
569 bazimuth = self.azimuth
571 if self.rotate_to_rt:
572 if nsl not in nsl_to_bazi:
574 'Cannot rotate to RT.\n\nActive event must '
575 'available (select event and press "e"). Station '
576 'coordinates must be available.')
578 bazimuth += nsl_to_bazi[nsl] + 90.
580 for axes in self.axes[igroup]:
581 while axes.my_stuff:
582 stuff = axes.my_stuff.pop()
583 stuff.remove()
585 axes_01, axes_02, axes_12, axes_tr = self.axes[igroup]
587 axes_01.set_title(
588 '.'.join(nsli)
589 + ('' if nsli_n[nsli] == 1 else ' (%i)' % nsli_i[nsli]))
591 trs_all = groups[k]
593 if len(trs_all) == 5:
594 trs_orig = trs_all[:3]
595 trs_rot = trs_all[3:] + trs_all[2:3]
596 elif len(trs_all) == 4:
597 trs_orig = trs_all[:2] + [None]
598 trs_rot = trs_all[2:] + [None]
599 else:
600 raise
601 'Unexpectedly got other that 4 or 6 traces: %i'
602 % len(trs_all))
604 trs_orig_chopped = [
605 (tr.chop(tmin, tmax, inplace=False) if tr else None)
606 for tr in trs_orig]
608 trs_rot_chopped = [
609 (tr.chop(tmin, tmax, inplace=False) if tr else None)
610 for tr in trs_rot]
612 chas = [[-1:] for tr in trs_orig_chopped]
613 chas_rot = [[-2:] for tr in trs_rot_chopped]
615 if self.fix_scale and nsl in self.nsl_to_amax:
616 amax = self.nsl_to_amax[nsl]
617 else:
618 amax = self.get_vector_abs_max(trs_orig_chopped)
619 self.nsl_to_amax[nsl] = amax
621 if nsl in nsl_to_bazi:
622 event_bazi = nsl_to_bazi[nsl]
623 l1, = axes_01.plot(
624 [0., amax*num.cos((90. - event_bazi)*d2r)],
625 [0., amax*num.sin((90. - event_bazi)*d2r)],
626 '--',
627 lw=3,
628 zorder=-20,
629 color=self.colors['backazimuth'])
631 a1 = axes_01.annotate(
632 '%.0f\u00b0' % event_bazi,
633 (0., 1.),
634 (self.font_size, -self.font_size),
635 xycoords='axes fraction',
636 textcoords='offset points',
637 color=self.colors['backazimuth'],
638 ha='left',
639 va='top')
641 axes_01.my_stuff.extend([l1, a1])
643 for ix, iy, axes, trs in [
644 (0, 1, axes_01, trs_orig_chopped),
645 (0, 2, axes_02, trs_rot_chopped),
646 (1, 2, axes_12, trs_rot_chopped)]:
648 if amax == 0.0:
649 amax = 1.0
650 axes.set_xlim(-amax*1.05, amax*1.05)
651 axes.set_ylim(-amax*1.05, amax*1.05)
653 if not (trs[ix] and trs[iy]):
654 continue
656 x = trs[ix].get_ydata()
657 y = trs[iy].get_ydata()
659 axes.my_line.set_data(x, y)
660 ipos = int(round(self.dot_position * (x.size-1)))
661 axes.my_dot.set_data(x[ipos], y[ipos])
663 tref = tmin
664 for itr, (tr, tr_chopped) in enumerate(zip(
665 trs_rot, trs_rot_chopped)):
667 if tr is None or tr_chopped is None:
668 axes_tr.my_lines[itr].set_data([], [])
669 axes_tr.my_dots[itr].set_data([], [])
671 else:
672 y = tr.get_ydata() / (2.*amax) + itr
673 t = tr.get_xdata()
674 t = t - tref
676 ipos = int(round(
677 self.dot_position * (tr_chopped.data_len()-1)))
679 yp = tr_chopped.ydata[ipos] / (2.*amax) + itr
680 tp = tr_chopped.tmin - tref + tr_chopped.deltat*ipos
682 axes_tr.my_lines[itr].set_data(t, y)
683 axes_tr.my_dots[itr].set_data(tp, yp)
685 if self.azimuth != 0.0 or self.rotate_to_rt:
686 color = self.colors['rot']
688 xn = num.sin(bazimuth*d2r)
689 yn = num.cos(bazimuth*d2r)
690 xe = num.sin(bazimuth*d2r + 0.5*num.pi)
691 ye = num.cos(bazimuth*d2r + 0.5*num.pi)
693 l1, = axes_01.plot(
694 [0., amax*xn],
695 [0., amax*yn],
696 color=color)
698 font_size = self.font_size
700 a1 = axes_01.annotate(
701 chas_rot[1],
702 xy=(amax*xn, amax*yn),
703 xycoords='data',
704 xytext=(-font_size*(xe+.5*xn), -font_size*(ye+.5*yn)),
705 textcoords='offset points',
706 va='center',
707 ha='center',
708 color=color)
710 l2, = axes_01.plot(
711 [0., amax*xe],
712 [0., amax*ye],
713 color=color)
715 a2 = axes_01.annotate(
716 chas_rot[0],
717 xy=(amax*xe, amax*ye),
718 xycoords='data',
719 xytext=(-font_size*(xn+.5*xe), -font_size*(yn+.5*ye)),
720 textcoords='offset points',
721 va='center',
722 ha='center',
723 color=color)
725 aa = axes_01.annotate(
726 '%.0f\u00b0' % bazimuth,
727 (1., 1.),
728 (-self.font_size, -self.font_size),
729 xycoords='axes fraction',
730 textcoords='offset points',
731 color=color,
732 ha='right',
733 va='top')
735 axes_01.my_stuff.extend([l1, a1, l2, a2, aa])
737 axes_tr.my_stuff.append(axes_tr.axvspan(
738 tmin - tref, tmax - tref, color=self.colors['time_window']))
740 axes_tr.set_ylim(-1, 3)
741 axes_tr.set_xlim(tmin - tref - tpad, tmax - tref + tpad)
743 self.set_labels(
744 igroup, len(groups), tref, *self.axes[igroup], chas, chas_rot)
746 if self.show_eigensystem_2d:
748 for (ix, iy, axes, trs) in [
749 (0, 1, axes_01, trs_orig_chopped),
750 (0, 2, axes_02, trs_rot_chopped),
751 (1, 2, axes_12, trs_rot_chopped)]:
753 try:
754 cov, evals, evecs, azimuth, _ = self.pca(
755 [trs[ix], trs[iy]])
757 axes.my_stuff.append(
758 axes.annotate(
759 '%.0f\u00b0' % azimuth,
760 (0., 0.),
761 (self.font_size, self.font_size),
762 xycoords='axes fraction',
763 textcoords='offset points',
764 color=self.colors['pca_2d'],
765 alpha=0.5))
767 ell = self.draw_cov_ellipse(
768 evals[:2], evecs[:2, :2],
769 color=self.colors['pca_2d'], alpha=0.5)
771 axes.add_artist(ell)
772 axes.my_stuff.append(ell)
774 l1, = axes.plot(
775 [-amax*evecs[0, -1], amax*evecs[0, -1]],
776 [-amax*evecs[1, -1], amax*evecs[1, -1]],
777 color=self.colors['pca_2d'], alpha=0.8)
779 l2, = axes.plot(
780 [-amax*evecs[0, -2], amax*evecs[0, -2]],
781 [-amax*evecs[1, -2], amax*evecs[1, -2]],
782 color=self.colors['pca_2d'], alpha=0.2)
784 axes.my_stuff.extend([l1, l2])
786 except PCAError as e:
787 logger.warning('PCA failed: %s' % e)
789 if self.show_eigensystem_3d:
790 try:
791 cov, evals, evecs, azimuth, incidence = self.pca(
792 trs_orig_chopped)
793 cosa = num.cos(bazimuth*d2r)
794 sina = num.sin(bazimuth*d2r)
795 rot = num.array(
796 [[cosa, -sina, 0.0],
797 [sina, cosa, 0.0],
798 [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=float)
800 evecs_rot =, evecs)
802 for (ix, iy, axes, evecs_) in [
803 (0, 1, axes_01, evecs),
804 (0, 2, axes_02, evecs_rot),
805 (1, 2, axes_12, evecs_rot)]:
807 for (ie, alpha) in [
808 (-1, 0.5),
809 (-2, 0.5),
810 (-3, 0.5)]:
812 for vlen, lw in [
813 (num.sqrt(evals[ie]), 3),
814 (amax, 1)]:
816 lv, = axes.plot(
817 [-vlen*evecs_[ix, ie],
818 vlen*evecs_[ix, ie]],
819 [-vlen*evecs_[iy, ie],
820 vlen*evecs_[iy, ie]],
821 lw=lw,
822 color=self.colors['pca_3d'], alpha=alpha)
824 axes.my_stuff.extend([lv])
826 axes_01.my_stuff.append(
827 axes_01.annotate(
828 '%.0f\u00b0' % azimuth,
829 (1., 0.),
830 (-self.font_size, self.font_size),
831 xycoords='axes fraction',
832 textcoords='offset points',
833 color=self.colors['pca_3d'],
834 alpha=0.8,
835 ha='right'))
837 axes_02.my_stuff.append(
838 axes_02.annotate(
839 '%.0f\u00b0' % incidence,
840 (1., 0.),
841 (-self.font_size, self.font_size),
842 xycoords='axes fraction',
843 textcoords='offset points',
844 color=self.colors['pca_3d'],
845 alpha=0.8,
846 ha='right'))
848 except PCAError as e:
849 logger.warning('PCA failed: %s' % e)
851 def get_bazis(self):
852 event = self.get_viewer().get_active_event()
853 if not event:
854 return {}
856 nsl_to_bazi = dict(
857 (station.nsl(), event.azibazi_to(station)[1])
858 for station in self.get_stations())
860 return nsl_to_bazi
862 def layout(self, fig, axes):
864 # Do not access self in here. Called from resize in finished plots.
866 def get_pixels_factor(fig):
867 try:
868 r = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
869 return 1.0 / r.points_to_pixels(1.0)
870 except AttributeError:
871 return 1.0
873 def rect_to_figure_coords(rect):
874 l, b, w, h = rect # noqa
875 return (l / width, b / height, w / width, h / height) # noqa
877 ny = len(axes)
878 if ny == 0:
879 raise LayoutError('No axes given.')
881 nx = len(axes[0])
883 width, height = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
884 pixels = get_pixels_factor(fig)
886 margin_left = margin_right = 4. * self.font_size / pixels
887 margin_top = margin_bottom = 5. * self.font_size / pixels
889 spacing_width = 3. * self.font_size / pixels
890 spacing_height = 5. * self.font_size / pixels
892 axes_height_avail = height - (ny - 1) * spacing_height \
893 - margin_top - margin_bottom
895 a_min = 5.
897 if axes_height_avail < a_min * ny:
898 axes_height_avail = a_min * ny
899 logger.warning('Not enough space vertically.')
901 axes_width_avail = width - (nx - 1) * spacing_width \
902 - margin_left - margin_right
904 if axes_width_avail < a_min * (nx + 2):
905 axes_width_avail = a_min * (nx + 2)
906 logger.warning('Not enough space horizontally.')
908 a_height = axes_height_avail / ny
909 a_width = axes_width_avail / (nx + 2)
911 a = max(min(a_height, a_width), a_min)
913 pad_height = (a_height - a) * ny
914 pad_width = (a_width - a) * (nx + 2)
916 for iy in range(ny):
917 y = height - 0.5 * pad_height - margin_top \
918 - (iy + 1) * a - iy * spacing_height
919 h = a
920 for ix in range(nx):
921 x = margin_right + 0.5 * pad_width + ix * (a + spacing_width)
922 w = a if ix != (nx - 1) else a * 3.0
923 axes[iy][ix].set_position(
924 rect_to_figure_coords((x, y, w, h)), which='both')
926 def call(self):
928 self.cleanup()
930 if self.rotate_to_rt != self.last_rotate_to_rt:
931 # reset delta azimuth to avoid confusion
933 self.set_parameter('azimuth', 0.0)
935 self.last_rotate_to_rt = self.rotate_to_rt
937 selected = self.get_selected()
939 nsl_to_bazi = self.get_bazis()
941 tpad = self.t_length
942 groups = self.get_traces(selected, nsl_to_bazi, tpad)
944 if not groups:
946 'No matching traces. Check time and channel settings. Traces '
947 'may not contain gaps within the extracted time window and in '
948 'the padding areas left and right. Traces are extracted with '
949 'additional padding of 3 x filter corner period to eliminate '
950 'artifacts.')
952 selection_markers = self.make_selection_markers(selected, groups)
953 self.add_markers(selection_markers)
955 fig = self.get_figure()
957 figure_key = (len(groups), self.iframe)
959 if not self.figure_key or self.figure_key != figure_key:
960 self.setup_figure(fig, len(groups))
961 self.figure_key = figure_key
963 self.draw(groups, selected, tpad, nsl_to_bazi)
965 self.layout(fig, self.axes)
967 self.fframe.draw()
968 tabs = self.fframe.parent().parent()
969 # bring plot to front if we are not looking at the markers
970 from pyrocko.gui.pile_viewer import PileViewer
971 if not isinstance(tabs.currentWidget(), PileViewer):
972 tabs.setCurrentWidget(self.fframe)
975def __snufflings__():
976 return [Polarization()]