Installation under Linux

This section lists the commands to install Pyrocko and its prerequisites on most popular Linux distributions.

System-wide installation from source

Any Linux
cd ~/src/   # or wherever you keep your source packages
git clone pyrocko
cd pyrocko
python deps system  # installs prerequisites using apt/yum/pacman
python system       # installs Pyrocko with pip, but uses system deps

User installation from source into isolated environment

Any Linux
cd ~/src/   # or wherever you keep your source packages
git clone pyrocko
cd pyrocko
python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install .                          # pip auto-resolves prerequisites (!)
pip install --only-binary :all: PyQt5  # for Snuffler

User installation from source using system packages for the prerequisites

Any Linux
cd ~/src/   # or wherever you keep your source packages
git clone pyrocko
cd pyrocko
python -m venv --use-system-packages myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
python deps system  # installs prerequisites using apt/yum/pacman
python user         # installs Pyrocko with pip, but uses system deps

Distribution specific details and prerequisite package lists

For instructions on how to install Pyrocko on other systems or if the installation with any of the above procedures fails, see System specific installation instructions or Detailed installation instructions.