import logging
import numpy as num
from scipy import linalg as splinalg
from pyrocko import gf
from pyrocko.guts import String, Dict, List, Int
from ..base import MisfitConfig, MisfitTarget, MisfitResult, TargetGroup
from grond.meta import has_get_plot_classes
guts_prefix = 'grond'
logger = logging.getLogger('').getChild('gnss_campaign')
[docs]class GNSSCampaignMisfitResult(MisfitResult):
"""Carries the observations for a target and corresponding synthetics. """
statics_syn = Dict.T(optional=True,
help='Synthetic gnss surface displacements')
statics_obs = Dict.T(optional=True,
help='Observed gnss surface displacements')
[docs]class GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig(MisfitConfig):
[docs]class GNSSCampaignTargetGroup(TargetGroup):
"""Handles static displacements from campaign GNSS observations, e.g GPS.
Station information, displacements and measurement errors are provided in
a `yaml`-file (please find an example in the documentation). The
measurement errors may consider correlations between components of a
station, but correlations between single stations is not considered.
gnss_campaigns = List.T(
help='List of individual campaign names'
' (`name` in `gnss.yaml` files).')
misfit_config = GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.T()
def get_targets(self, ds, event, default_path='none'):
logger.debug('Selecting GNSS targets...')
targets = []
for camp in ds.get_gnss_campaigns():
if not in self.gnss_campaigns and\
'*all' not in self.gnss_campaigns:
if not isinstance(self.misfit_config,
raise AttributeError('misfit_config must be of type'
' GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.')
lats = num.array([ for s in camp.stations])
lons = num.array([s.lon for s in camp.stations])
north_shifts = num.array([s.north_shift for s in camp.stations])
east_shifts = num.array([s.east_shift for s in camp.stations])
gnss_target = GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget(
path=self.path or default_path,
return targets
class GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget(gf.GNSSCampaignTarget, MisfitTarget):
"""Handles and carries out operations related to the objective functions.
The objective function is here the weighted misfit between observed
and predicted surface displacements.
campaign_name = String.T()
ncomponents = Int.T(optional=True)
misfit_config = GNSSCampaignMisfitConfig.T()
can_bootstrap_weights = True
can_bootstrap_residuals = True
plot_misfits_cumulative = False
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
gf.GNSSCampaignTarget.__init__(self, **kwargs)
MisfitTarget.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self._obs_data = None
self._sigma = None
self._weights = None
self._correlated_weights = None
self._station_component_mask = None
def id(self):
return self.campaign_name
def string_id(self):
return self.campaign_name
def misfits_string_ids(self):
id_list = []
for station in self.campaign.stations:
for name in ('north', 'east', 'up'):
component = station.__getattribute__(name)
if not component:
id_list.append('%s.%s.%s' %
(self.path, station.code, name[0].upper()))
return id_list
def station_names(self):
return ['%s' % (station.code)
for station in self.campaign.stations]
def nmisfits(self):
if self.ncomponents is None:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Set the dataset!')
return self.ncomponents
def nstations(self):
return self.lats.size
def set_dataset(self, ds):
MisfitTarget.set_dataset(self, ds)
def get_correlated_weights(self, nthreads=0):
if self._correlated_weights is None:
self._correlated_weights = splinalg.sqrtm(self.weights)
return self._correlated_weights
def campaign(self):
return self._ds.get_gnss_campaign(self.campaign_name)
def obs_data(self):
if self._obs_data is None:
self._obs_data = num.concatenate(
[s.get_displacement_data() for s in self.campaign.stations])
return self._obs_data
def obs_sigma(self):
if self._sigma is None:
self._sigma = num.array([
[s.north.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations],
[s.east.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations],
[s.up.sigma for s in self.campaign.stations]])\
return self._sigma
def weights(self):
"""Weights are the square-rooted, inverted the data error variance-covariance.
The single component variances, and if provided the component
covariances, are used to build a data variance matrix or
variance-covariance matrix.
This matrix has the size for all possible NEU components,
but throws zeros for not given components, also recorded in
the _station_component_mask.
if self._weights is None:
covar = self.campaign.get_covariance_matrix()
if not num.any(covar.diagonal()):
logger.warning('GNSS Stations have an empty covariance matrix.'
' Weights will be all equal.')
num.fill_diagonal(covar, 1.)
self._weights = num.asmatrix(covar).I
return self._weights
def station_component_mask(self):
if self._station_component_mask is None:
self._station_component_mask = self.campaign.get_component_mask()
return self._station_component_mask
def station_weights(self):
weights = num.diag(self.weights)
return num.mean([weights[0::3], weights[1::3], weights[2::3]], axis=0)
def component_weights(self):
ws = num.sum(self.weights, axis=0)
return ws
[docs] def post_process(self, engine, source, statics):
"""Applies the objective function.
As a result the weighted misfits are given and the observed and
synthetic data.
obs = self.obs_data
# All data is ordered in vectors as
# S1_n, S1_e, S1_u, ..., Sn_n, Sn_e, Sn_u. Hence (.ravel(order='F'))
syn = num.array([
syn = syn[self.station_component_mask]
res = obs - syn
misfit_value = res
misfit_norm = obs
mf = num.vstack((misfit_value, misfit_norm)).T
result = GNSSCampaignMisfitResult(
if self._result_mode == 'full':
result.statics_syn = statics
result.statics_obs = obs
return result
[docs] def get_combined_weight(self):
"""A given manual weight in the configuration is applied."""
if self._combined_weight is None:
self._combined_weight = num.full(self.nmisfits, self.manual_weight)
return self._combined_weight
def init_bootstrap_residuals(self, nbootstraps, rstate=None, nthreads=0):'GNSS campaign %s, bootstrapping residuals'
' from measurement uncertainties ...'
if rstate is None:
rstate = num.random.RandomState()
campaign = self.campaign
bootstraps = num.empty((nbootstraps, self.ncomponents))
sigmas = num.diag(num.sqrt(campaign.get_covariance_matrix()))
if not num.all(sigmas):
logger.warning('Bootstrapping GNSS stations is meaningless,'
' all station\'s sigma are 0.0!')
for ibs in range(nbootstraps):
syn_noise = rstate.normal(scale=sigmas.ravel())
bootstraps[ibs, :] = syn_noise
def get_plot_classes(cls):
from . import plot
plots = super(GNSSCampaignMisfitTarget, cls).get_plot_classes()
return plots