

Check sensor orientations with polarization analysis.


grond qc-polarization <configfile> <eventname> <target_group_path> [options]


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


set duration to extract before synthetic P phase arrival, relative to 1/fmin. fmin is taken from the selected target group in the config file (default=0.5)


set duration to extract after synthetic P phase arrival, relative to 1/fmin. fmin is taken from the selected target group in the config file (default=0.5)


minimum event-station distance [m]


maximum event-station distance [m]


minimum station depth [m]


maximum station depth [m]


add file with P picks in Snuffler marker format


save output to file FILENAME.FORMAT


DPI setting for raster formats (default=120)


set logger level to “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “info”, or “debug”. Default is “info”.