Pyrocko Workshop @dgg2021

By Team Pyrocko

What is Pyrocko?

  • Software building blocks
  • Tools to make seismologists happy
  • Tight integration
  • Common look-and-feel


Functionality: Data Sources

  • IO modules for seismological data formats
  • Clients for FDSN and online catalogs
  • Datalogger and real-time data support
  • Datasets: velocity profiles, earth models, topography, volcanoes, geonames, gshhg

Functionality: Processing

  • Simple data model for station meta-data, seismic events, waveform markers
  • Waveform data processing
  • Static displacements handling
  • Instrument response representations and evaluation
  • Waveform archive and metadata indexing and database
  • Parallel and GPU waveform stacking for migration and array processing

Functionality: Modelling

  • Travel-time and ray-path computations
  • Fast hierarchical travel-time interpolator
  • Pre-computed Green's functions
  • Synthetic seismogram generator
  • Fast 2D/3D FMM eikonal solver
  • Okada modelling
  • Boundary element modelling
  • Rupture models

Functionality: miscellaneous

  • Moment tensor utilities and plotting
  • Plotting utilities, Hudson plots, maps, GMT interface, seismic rays
  • Geodesic helper functions
  • High sampling rate support (micro-acoustics)
  • YAML data serialization for almost all internal objects
  • ObsPy compatibility
  • Tons of utility functions

Functionality: Front-End Tools

  • Waveform viewer, picker, workbench, with lots of plugins
  • Travel-times and ray paths
  • Green's function computation front end
  • Data format conversion
  • Random synthetic scenario generator for events, waveforms, GNSS, InSAR

Pyrocko is hard open source

License: GPLv3 = strong copyleft. Why?

  • Support reproducible, transparent research.
  • Natural hazards are public concern.
  • Our contracts are paid from public money.


Join us at the friendly Pyrocko Hive!

Pyrocko Snuffler

Snuffle through a pile of seismic data.

Lets start to snuffle - 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila

generated using pyrocko.plot.automap

Get data

# Download waveforms, event and station data
wget $url_base/traces.mseed
wget $url_base/stations.txt
wget $url_base/

# open traces.mseed in snuffler
snuffler traces.mseed
Main controls

For help press ?


or press b (backwards), space (forward)

Quick search
Quick search
Quick search
The main menu

reachable via right mouse click

Load station meta data

# Start Snuffler with station information
snuffler traces.mseed --stations=stations.txt  # or
snuffler traces.mseed --stationxml=stations.xml

or ...

Load station meta data
Load station meta data
Load station meta data
Load event data

# Start Snuffler with event information
snuffler traces.mseed

or ...

Load event data
Load event data
Load event data
Load event data
Load event data
Load event data
Map view
Map view
Map view
Phase arrivals
Phase arrivals
Phase arrivals
Snuffler - many more ways of looking at data
Extend Snuffler with Plugins (Snufflings)

Pyrocko Scripts

Simple Python scripting for seismic data analysis with Pyrocko.

From catalog search to seismic data analysis
L'Aquila 2009-04-06, Mw 6.3
Catalog search

import os
from pyrocko import model, util, trace, pile
from pyrocko.client import catalog, fdsn

tmin = util.str_to_time('2009-04-06 01:00:00')
tmax = util.str_to_time('2009-04-07 02:00:00')

min_mag = 4.5  # minimum magnitude
latmin = 40.0  # restrict search for Central Italy
latmax = 44.0
lonmin = 10.0
lonmax = 15.0

Catalog search

geofon = catalog.Geofon()

events = geofon.get_events(
    time_range=(tmin, tmax),

model.dump_events(events, '')
Catalog search

''' Output:
name = gfz2009gtfx
time = 2009-04-06 23:15:40.200
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.4
magnitude = 4.7
moment = 1.25893e+16
magnitude_type = M
depth = 5000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:A, geofon_category:big
name = gfz2009grqp
time = 2009-04-06 02:37:08.000
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.3
magnitude = 4.8
moment = 1.77828e+16
magnitude_type = M
depth = 5000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:A, geofon_category:big
name = gfz2009groy
time = 2009-04-06 01:32:42.200
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.3
magnitude = 6.2
moment = 2.23872e+18
magnitude_type = M
depth = 10000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:M, geofon_category:xxl

FDSN download

outdir = 'data'

for event in events:
    evtmin = event.time - 120
    evtmax = event.time + 600

    # select stations by their NSLC id and wildcards
    selection = [
        ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),
        ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),

    # setup a waveform data request
    request_waveform = fdsn.dataselect(site='ingv',

    # write the incoming data stream
    outpath = os.path.join(outdir, 'traces_%s.mseed' %
    with open(outpath, 'wb') as file:

FDSN download

outdir = 'data'

for event in events:
    evtmin = event.time - 120
    evtmax = event.time + 600

    # select stations by their NSLC id and wildcards
    selection = [
        ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),
        ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),

    # setup a waveform data request
    request_waveform = fdsn.dataselect(site='ingv',

    # write the incoming data stream
    outpath = os.path.join(outdir,
                           'traces_%s.mseed' %

    with open(outpath, 'wb') as file:

FDSN download

outdir = 'data'

for event in events:
    evtmin = event.time - 120
    evtmax = event.time + 600

    # select stations by their NSLC id and wildcards
    selection = [
        ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),
        ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),

    # setup a waveform data request
    request_waveform = fdsn.dataselect(site='ingv',

    # write the incoming data stream
    outpath = os.path.join(outdir,
                           'traces_%s.mseed' %

    with open(outpath, 'wb') as file:

FDSN download

# request station meta data for full time span:
selection = [
    ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),
    ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),

sxml = fdsn.station(
    site='ingv', selection=selection, level='response')

FDSN download

# request station meta data for full time span:
selection = [
    ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),
    ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),

sxml = fdsn.station(
    site='ingv', selection=selection, level='response')

The pile - Waveform archive lookup, data loading and caching infrastructure.

# Browse through all files in a directory
# (without loading data to memory)

p = pile.make_pile(paths=outdir)

The pile - Waveform archive lookup, data loading and caching infrastructure.
Restitution, Rotation, Filter

# Iterate over data in pile to restitute and filter
# Select to only iterate over data of station CAFI

displacement = []
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
        trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[1] == 'CAFI'):

    for tr in traces:
        polezero_response = sxml.get_pyrocko_response(
            timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax),
            # *fake_input_units*: required for consistent responses
            # throughout entire data set

        # deconvolve transfer function
        restituted = tr.transfer(
            freqlimits=(0.01, 0.1, 1., 2.),

        # apply a lowpass filter
        tr.lowpass(4, 0.3)


Restitution, Rotation, Filter

# Iterate over data in pile to restitute and filter
# Select to only iterate over data of station CAFI

displacement = []
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
        trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[1] == 'CAFI'):

    for tr in traces:
        polezero_response = sxml.get_pyrocko_response(
            timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax),
            # *fake_input_units*: required for consistent responses
            # throughout entire data set

        # deconvolve transfer function
        tr_restituted = tr.transfer(
            freqlimits=(0.01, 0.1, 1., 2.),

        # apply a lowpass filter
        tr_restituted.lowpass(4, 0.3)


Restitution, Rotation, Filter

# Iterate over data in pile to restitute and filter
# Select to only iterate over data of station CAFI

displacement = []
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
        trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[1] == 'CAFI'):

    for tr in traces:
        polezero_response = sxml.get_pyrocko_response(
            timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax),
            # *fake_input_units*: required for consistent responses
            # throughout entire data set

        # deconvolve transfer function
        tr_restituted = tr.transfer(
            freqlimits=(0.01, 0.1, 1., 2.),

        # apply a lowpass filter
        tr_restituted.lowpass(4, 0.3)


Restitution, Rotation, Filter

# Iterate over data in pile to restitute and filter
# Select to only iterate over data of station CAFI

displacement = []
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
    trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[1] == 'CAFI'):

    for tr in traces:
        polezero_response = sxml.get_pyrocko_response(
            timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax),
            # *fake_input_units*: required for consistent responses
            # throughout entire data set

        # deconvolve transfer function
        tr_restituted = tr.transfer(
            freqlimits=(0.01, 0.1, 1., 2.),

        # apply a lowpass filter
        tr_restituted.lowpass(4, 0.3)




Full script

import os
from pyrocko import model, util, trace, pile
from pyrocko.client import catalog, fdsn

# Search for L'Aquila earthquake and aftershocks on first day
# in Geofon catalog:

tmin = util.str_to_time('2009-04-06 01:00:00')
tmax = util.str_to_time('2009-04-07 02:00:00')

min_mag = 4.5  # minimum magnitude
latmin = 40.0  # restrict search for Central Italy
latmax = 44.0
lonmin = 10.0
lonmax = 15.0

geofon = catalog.Geofon()
events = geofon.get_events(time_range=(tmin, tmax),

model.dump_events(events, '')

''' Output:
name = gfz2009gtfx
time = 2009-04-06 23:15:40.200
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.4
magnitude = 4.7
moment = 1.25893e+16
magnitude_type = M
depth = 5000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:A, geofon_category:big
name = gfz2009grqp
time = 2009-04-06 02:37:08.000
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.3
magnitude = 4.8
moment = 1.77828e+16
magnitude_type = M
depth = 5000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:A, geofon_category:big
name = gfz2009groy
time = 2009-04-06 01:32:42.200
latitude = 42.4
longitude = 13.3
magnitude = 6.2
moment = 2.23872e+18
magnitude_type = M
depth = 10000
region = Central Italy
catalog = GEOFON
tags = geofon_status:M, geofon_category:xxl

# Download seismic waveform data from FDSN

# Load earthquake information
events = model.load_events('')

outdir = 'data'

for event in events:
    evtmin = event.time - 120
    evtmax = event.time + 600

    # select stations by their NSLC id and wildcards
    selection = [
        ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),
        ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', evtmin, evtmax),

    # setup a waveform data request
    request_waveform = fdsn.dataselect(site='ingv', selection=selection)

    # write the incoming data stream
    outpath = os.path.join(outdir, 'traces_%s.mseed' %
    with open(outpath, 'wb') as file:

# request station meta data for full time span:
selection = [
    ('IV', 'CAFI', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),
    ('IV', 'MAON', '*', 'HH*', tmin, tmax),

sxml = fdsn.station(
    site='ingv', selection=selection, level='response')

# browse through all files in a directory
# (without loading data to memory)
p = pile.make_pile(paths=outdir)

# iterate over data in pile to restitute and filter
# select to only iterate over data of station CAFI
displacement = []
for traces in p.chopper(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                        trace_selector=lambda tr: tr.nslc_id[1] == 'CAFI'):
    for tr in traces:
        polezero_response = sxml.get_pyrocko_response(
            timespan=(tr.tmin, tr.tmax),
            # *fake_input_units*: required for consistent responses
            # throughout entire data set

        # deconvolve transfer function
        tr_restituted = tr.transfer(
            freqlimits=(0.01, 0.1, 1., 2.),

        # apply a lowpass filter
        tr_restituted.lowpass(4, 0.3)


# Inspect waveforms using Snuffler

Pyrocko plotting examples


Geophysical forward modelling with pre-calculated Green's functions.

Pyrocko-GF at a Glance

  • Flexible framework to store and work with pre-calculated Green's functions
  • Supports the simulation of various dislocation sources
  • Supports both dynamic and static modelling applications

                                    from pyrocko import gf

Green's Function (GF) Stores

  • GF pre-calculation
    • The fomosto tool (“forward model storage tool”)

  • Downloading GF stores

                                # Run this in your terminal
                                fomosto download kinherd global_2s_dgg

Source Models

Point Sources
  • ExplosionSource
  • DCSource
  • MTSource
  • CLVDSource
  • ...
Finite Sources
  • RectangularSource
  • RingfaultSource
  • DoubleDCSource
  • ...
Example: Point Sources

Double Couple

                                    dc_source = gf.DCSource(
                                        lat=54.0, lon=7.0, depth=5.0e3,
                                        strike=21.0, dip=63.0, rake=45.0,

Moment Tensor

                                    # NOTE: convension used by Pyrocko is
                                    # north-east-down (NED) coordinate system

                                    mt_source = gf.MTSource(
                                        lat=20.0, lon=58.0, depth=8.0e3,
                                        mnn=-3.87e+26, mee=2.13e+26, mdd=1.74e+26,
                                        mne=-2.74e+26, mnd=-0.53e+26, med=1.06e+26)
Example: Finite Sources

Rectangular Fault

                                    KM2M = 1.0e3

                                    rect_source = gf.RectangularSource(
                                        lat=31.0, lon=44.0, depth=5*KM2M,
                                        strike=104.0, dip=90.0, rake=5.0,
                                        length=8*KM2M, width=3*KM2M,

Source Time Functions (STF)

Temporal evolution of the seismic moment release

  • BoxcarSTF
  • TriangularSTF
  • HalfSinusoidSTF
  • ...
Example: STF


                                    # Times relative to centroid time
                                    stf1 = gf.BoxcarSTF(
                                        duration=4.0, anchor=0.0)


                                    # Times relative to hypocentre time
                                    stf2 = gf.TriangularSTF(
                                        duration=4.0, anchor=-1.0)

Half Sinusoid

                                    # Times relative to rupture end-time
                                    stf3 = gf.HalfSinusoidSTF(
                                        duration=4.0, anchor=+1.0)

Modelling Targets (Receivers)

Data structures for holding observer properties

  • Seismic waveforms
  • Surface displacements
Example: Waveform Targets

A Seismometer

                            waveform_targets = []

                            for channel_code in ('BHE', 'BHN', 'BHZ'):
                                target = gf.Target(
                                    lat=48.3301, lon=8.3296, elevation=638.0,
                                    codes=('II', 'BFO', '00', channel_code),

Example: Static Displacement Targets

A Campaign GPS Site

                                    import numpy as np

                                    KM2M = 1.0e3

                                    norths = np.linspace(-20*KM2M, 20*KM2M, 100)
                                    easts = np.linspace(-20*KM2M, 20*KM2M, 100)
                                    north_shifts, east_shifts = np.meshgrid(
                                        norths, easts)

                                    gnss_target = gf.GNSSCampaignTarget(

Forward Modelling With Pyrocko-GF

Example: Modelling Dynamic Waveforms

import os
from pyrocko import gf, util, trace

KM2M = 1.0e3

# Download the GF store if it's not been done yet.
store_id = 'global_2s_dgg'
if not os.path.exists(store_id):
        site='kinherd', store_id=store_id)

# Global CMT solution for L'Aquila event
dc_source = gf.DCSource(
    lat=42.29, lon=13.35, depth=12*KM2M, magnitude=6.3,
    time=util.str_to_time('2009-04-06 01:32:49.190'),
    strike=336.0, dip=42.0, rake=-62.0)

# Source-time function
laquila_stf = gf.HalfSinusoidSTF(duration=7.0, anchor=0.)
dc_source.stf = laquila_stf

# Modelling targets (seismometer at BFO)
waveform_targets = []
for channel_code in ('BHE', 'BHN', 'BHZ'):
    target = gf.Target(
        lat=48.3301, lon=8.3296, elevation=638.0,
        codes=('II', 'BFO', '00', channel_code),
        quantity='velocity', store_id=store_id)


# Synthetic seismogram calculation
# `store_superdirs` is a list of directories
# where to look for GF Stores.
engine = gf.LocalEngine(store_superdirs=['.'])

response = engine.process(dc_source, waveform_targets)
syn_velocity_traces = response.pyrocko_traces()

# View synthetic seismograms
    syn_velocity_traces, events=[dc_source.pyrocko_event()],
    stations=[x.pyrocko_station() for x in waveform_targets])
Example: Modelling Dynamic Waveforms
Example: Modelling Dynamic Waveforms
Example: Modelling Static Displacements

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pyrocko import gf

KM2M = 1.0e3

# Download the GF store if it's not been done yet.
store_id = 'ak135_static_dgg'
if not os.path.exists(store_id):
        site='kinherd', store_id=store_id)

# Finite source (rectangular fault)
rect_source = gf.RectangularSource(
    lat=31.0, lon=44.0, depth=5*KM2M,
    strike=104.0, dip=90.0, rake=5.0,
    length=8*KM2M, width=3*KM2M, slip=1.3)

# GNSS target (GPS stations)
norths = np.linspace(-20*KM2M, 20*KM2M, 100)
easts = np.linspace(-20*KM2M, 20*KM2M, 100)
north_shifts, east_shifts = np.meshgrid(norths, easts)

n_grids = 100 * 100
lats = np.ones(n_grids) *
lons = np.ones(n_grids) * rect_source.lon

gnss_target = gf.GNSSCampaignTarget(
    lats=lats, lons=lons, north_shifts=north_shifts,
    east_shifts=east_shifts, quantity='displacement',

# Synthetic displcement calculation
engine = gf.LocalEngine(store_superdirs=['.'])
response = engine.process(rect_source, [gnss_target])
results = response.static_results()[0].result
Example: Modelling Static Displacements

def plot_static_results(results, target):
    """Helper function for plotting displcements"""

    northings = target.coords5[:, 2]
    eastings = target.coords5[:, 3]

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
        nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True, figsize=(13, 3))

    components = sorted(results.keys())
    for comp, ax in zip(components, axes):
        cmap = ax.scatter(
            eastings, northings, c=results[comp], s=15)
            title=comp, xlabel='Easting [m]',
            ylabel='Northing [m]', aspect='equal')
            axis='both', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0))
        fig.colorbar(cmap, ax=ax)

    return fig
Example: Modelling Static Displacements

                        # Plot synthetic displcements
                        fig = plot_static_results(results, gnss_target)


A probabilistic earthquake source joint inversion framework.

Invert your data with a few simple steps

                            # Create the example project with:
                            grond init example_regional_cmt grond-playground-regional/
                            cd grond-playground-regional/

                            # Download seismic waveform data:
                            bin/ gfz2018pmjk
                            # Download Green's function database:

                            # optional check the configuration and data:
                            grond check config/regional_cmt.gronf

                            # Run the optimization:
                            grond go config/regional_cmt.gronf

                            # Visualization of results report in browser:
                            grond report -so runs/cmt_gfz2018pmjk.grun

Grond is configured in .gronf YAML files


													dataset_config: !grond.DatasetConfig
													  - 'data/events/${event_name}/waveforms/stations.geofon.xml'

													  events_path: 'data/events/${event_name}/event.txt'

													  waveform_paths: ['data/events/${event_name}/waveforms/raw']

													  blacklist: ['GE.UGM', 'GE.PLAI']

Seismic waveforms targets:

  • in time domain
  • in spectral domain
  • in logarithmic spectral domain
  • trace’s spectral ratios

Static surface displacements targets:

  • from unwrapped InSAR images
  • from pixel offsets
  • measured by using GNSS sensors

Source models or Problems to solve for:

  • Centroid moment tensor, CMTProblem
  • Two double-couples, DoubleDCProblem
  • Rectangular finite source, RectangularProblem
  • Spherical volume point, VolumePointProblem
  • ...

													problem_config: !grond.CMTProblemConfig
													    # Time relative to hypocenter origin time [s]
													    time: '-10 .. 10 | add'

													    # Centroid location with respect to hypocenter origin [m]
													    north_shift: '-15e3 .. 15e3'
													    east_shift: '-15e3 .. 15e3'
													    depth: '5e3 .. 30e3'

													    # Range of magnitudes to allow
													    magnitude: '5.7 .. 6.2'

Flexible multi-phase inversion scheme

  • UniformSamplerPhase - models are drawn randomly
  • DirectedSamplerPhase - existing low-misfit models direct the sampling

                        optimiser_config: !grond.HighScoreOptimiserConfig
                        nbootstrap: 100


                        - !grond.UniformSamplerPhase
                            # Number of iterations
                            niterations: 1000

                        - !grond.DirectedSamplerPhase
                            # Number of iterations
                            niterations: 20000
Model parameter uncertainties are estimated using Bayesian Bootstrapping
  • parallel bootstrapping chains
  • each chain has individual bootstrap weights and bootstrap noise applied to model misfits
Single chain
Model uncertainties from Bayesian Bootstrapping

More example projects


InSAR displacement analysis for earthquake modelling

Time-series data from BGR

Why Kite?

Bridging powerful InSAR processors with geophysical modelling frameworks

Quadtree Creation

Down-sampling of high-resolution InSAR scenes (Lossy Data Compression)

APS Correction

Removing atmospheric phase screen (APS) from displacement.
Empirically and from GACOS models.

Covariance Calculation

Data noise is mostly influenced by the ionosphere, atmosphere and decorrelation.

Noise is quantified by distance-dependent covariance and intrinsic variance at (d=0)

APS Correction

  1. from regional atmospheric models (GACOS1)
  2. from topographic correlation (data-driven)

1Yu C. et al., 2018

Kite is interactive

Modelling a salt cavern in Kiel, SH

Modelling a salt cavern in Kiel, SH

Key points

  • Post-processing large surface displacement datasets
  • Robust data error estimation
  • Preparation for dislocation source modelling.

Pyrocko Sparrow

A bird's-eye view.

What is it?

  • A simple geo-viewer.
  • Desktop app.
  • Interactive and snappy.
  • For seismologists (mostly).
  • Not complete and not released yet!
  • Can create and edit simple animations...
  • Objectives

    • Earthquake locations


    • Earthquake locations
    • Many Earthquake locations


    • Earthquake locations
    • Many Earthquake locations
    • MANY Earthquake locations
    • Finite fault models I
    • Finite fault models I
    • Finite fault models II, kinematic rupture for 2009 L'Aquila from BEAT
    • GEM active faults database
    • Focal mechanism symbols (beachballs)
    • Multi-resolution topography ETOPO + SRTM
    • Offline

    The Sparrow is user friendly!

    Pyrocko Squirrel

    Prompt seismological data access with a fluffy tail.

    Wouldn't it be nice if...

    Snuffler could handle 1M files?

    • and could still instantly start up?
    • respond as snappy as always?

    Pyrocko's Pile could handle meta-data?

    • providing instrument corrected seismograms?
    • and rotated data?
    • station epoch aware?

    You wouldn't need any download scripts?

    • Because your app can query online?
    • Just when it needs the data?
    • Be aware of what's available?
    • It could incrementally fill up gaps?

    Your event catalog would automatically sync with upstream?

    Squirrel Example

    from pyrocko import util
    from pyrocko.squirrel import Squirrel
    days = 60.*60.*24
    tmin = util.stt('2009-04-06 00:00:00')
    tmax = util.stt('2009-04-07 00:00:00')
    sq = Squirrel()
    sq.add_catalog('geofon', expires=30*days)
    sq.add_fdsn('ingv', query_args=dict(network='IV', channel='HH?'))
    sq.update(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
    sq.update_waveform_promises(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
    events = sq.get_events(magnitude_min=6.0)
    stations = sq.get_stations()
    channels = sq.get_channels()
    responses = sq.get_responses()
    traces = sq.get_waveforms(
        quantity='velocity', fmin=0.01, fmax=10.0,
        tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)

    Coming soon!

    Pyrocko Squirrel will offer:

    • Prompt,
    • lazy,
    • indexing,
    • caching,
    • dynamic

    seismological dataset access.

    Here's how it works...

        from pyrocko import squirrel
        sq = squirrel.Squirrel()
        from pyrocko import squirrel
        sq = squirrel.Squirrel()
        sq.add(['data.mseed', 'stations.xml'])  # content indexed
        sq.add(['data.mseed', 'stations.xml'])
        sq.get_stations()  # -> list of all station objects
        sq.get_station(codes='*.STA23.*.*')  # -> matching station
        sq.get_stations()  # -> list of all station objects
        sq.get_station(codes='*.STA23.*.*')  # -> matching station
        sq.remove('stations.xml')  # only from live selection
        sq.remove('stations.xml')  # only from live selection
        sys.exit()  # app quits, database persists
        sq = Squirrel()  # second start of app
        sq = Squirrel()
        sq.add('data.mseed')  # checks for modifications
        sq = Squirrel()
        sq.add('data.mseed')  # updates index as needed
        sq = Squirrel()
        sq.add('data.mseed', check=False)  # only index if unknown
        sq = Squirrel()  # other app
        sq.add('stations.xml')  # selection is private by default
        sq = Squirrel(persistent='S1')  # use selection named "S1"
        sq.add_fdsn_source('geofon', query_args={'network': 'GE'})
        sq.update(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        sq.add_fdsn_source('geofon', query_args={'network': 'GE'})
        sq.update(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)  # update for time range
        sq.add_fdsn_source('geofon', query_args={'network': 'GE'},
                           expires=3600.)  # expires in 1h
        sq.update_waveform_promises(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        traces = sq.get_waveforms(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        sq.update_waveform_promises(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        trs = sq.get_waveforms(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, codes='STA1')
        sq.update_waveform_promises(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        trs = sq.get_waveforms(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, codes='STA1')
        sq.update_waveform_promises(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        trs = sq.get_waveforms(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, codes='STA1')

    Pyrocko Ecosystem


    • Squirrel
      fast waveform handling and live restitution
    • Sparrow
      easy 3D visualization
    • Pseudo dynamic rupture
      a new finite fault model
    • DAS
      data handling and visualization